What is bad about this, is we often choose the wrong entrees. We eat to many starches and not enough vegetables and fruits. We eat exceptional sizes of deserts, as well as drinking sweet drinks.
When we do this it is harmful to our bodies. It makes us feel bad and often depressed. It slows us down and puts to much weight on our skeletal frames.It also cause many different kinds of illnesses.
But to eat properly, is beneficial to us. Choosing the right items from the menu ... offers us life and longevity.
The physically body needs to be cared for and maintained, after all our bodies are the temple of God. Some people care more for their natural houses, than they do for their bodies. Other people care more for their automobiles, than for their natural bodies that keep them running.
When was the last time you cleaned out your rusty pipes or changed your oil physically by considering the way you were eating and exercising? We need to be aware of how we are treating our bodies ... they are fearfully and wonderfully created by God; His very handiwork.
Now if you think this blog is about dieting and exercise you are right, it would not take a rocket scientist to have already figured that out, but it is not just about physical diet and exercise. It is also about your spiritual diet and exercise. What is on your spiritual menu today?
Just as we can take in the wrong things or leave out the wrong things from our natural diet and exercise plans, we can do the same spiritually. Just as we need to eat and exercise physically, we need to be sure that we are taking in the right spiritual foods and exercise our soul (mind, will, emotions) into submission.
What is on your Spiritual menu today?
What are you putting into your spirit.
Are you over loading it with weights and sins? Are you carrying around worry and anxiety? Are you taking in excessive amounts of junk and sweet lies? Are you depressed from your daily habits, and lack of spiritual exercise?
The Word of God is a life Manual. It will order our steps and direct our paths if we allow it. Within the pages of God's written Word we will find all kinds of spiritual foods on the menu, and our daily in take of the bread of life.
It also offers us plenty of exercises to participate in. Exercises that will cause us to grow faith muscle and become strong in the Lord and the power of His might. But often people never order God's daily portions of life.
There is a TV commercial where a lady is going through the grocery store and a small child is in the cart. When the lady puts good foods into the cart, the child says over and over ... "I don't think I like that ..."
The truth is people who turn their noses up to God's menu (Word) are like untaught children.
- They are immature and undisciplined.
- They have never learned what it is like to live godly mature lives that are good for them.
- They don't realize what it takes to be healthy, happy and complete.
The Word of God is complete, and makes us complete. The Word is sweet and wholesome.
The Word and Spirit of God, quenches our thirst and fills our hungers. When put into action it is the best exercise plan of all.
For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come. ~ I Tim. 4:8
When we take care of our lives naturally it is helpful, but to take care of our spiritual lives it is greatly profitable ... profitable unto all things. I say this, because I know that as we take care of our spiritual lives, and stay connect to God through the written Word and His living Spirit. We will then be temperate in all things. We will have the wisdom and understanding of how to deal right in all ares of life, including our physical bodies.
So today "What will be on your menu?"
Will you take in life portions of the Word?
Wash it down with a cold drink of spiritual waters?
Then follow the exercise plan of the master?
Will you allow that first godly portion to attribute to the way you deal with the natural portion of your day, causing you to be temperate in every ares of your life.
If you will ... your life will soon have a healthy balance.
There is a wonderful rhythm to life.
One that causes us to be rested and peaceful; healthy and happy; safe and sound.
But this kind of life requires right actions ... acting according to God's Word!