Amazingly after receiving the blessing of his father through deception, he is still striving for blessing.
First he deceived and manipulated to get the blessing, and second he wrestled and fought for it.
The first blessing left him in fear of his brother and fleeing. The second left him limping.
Blessed, but full of fear. Blessed but hurting.
I wonder how many people in the body of Christ are still walking around in fear, and filled with hurts, yet claiming and professing all their blessings.
It is not enough to received God's blessing, we must also open ourselves up and allow God to heal what is hurting, and strengthen that which is weak. To heal is often with pain, thus we shrink back from the healing process. To strength comes with requirement, thus we ignore.
To heal a festered lesion is to lance it, and allow it to empty out. To reset a broken bone which has healed improperly, is to re-break it, and set it correctly.
To strength a weakened character takes correction, instruction and discipline. It takes admitting and quitting old patterns; it takes receiving and obeying new directions.
Both healing, and being strengthening will require making ch,oices and then actively pursuing the new and better you. Ultimately, God is the healer, but you are the one who must consent and participate.
It seems these days like Jacob, there are many who desire the blessings of God at any cost. But are not striving as hard at being a better person. When the truth is, if people would seek the kingdom of God AND His righteousness (right way of being and doing), all else would be added. The wrestling would be over, and there would be no need for deception and manipulation in the matter.
I challenge you to go after peace with others.
I challenge you to allow God to heal any thing corrupt or broken in your life.
I challenge you to stop wrestling.
I challenge you to rest in Jesus; sit at his feet and learn of his kingdom truths.
Let the Word of God work mightily in you today.
Let the Spirit of truth speak to you.
Allow the two edged sword to open up anything corrupt and free you of any bands that are weakening you. Let him set in order all that has not healed properly.
Remember Jesus will not enter any place uninvited, you must open to Him.
You must be honest and ask him into your most personal pains, offenses, or messes.
But when you do the reward is great!