Epaphroditus devoted himself to "the work of Christ," both as Paul's attendant and as his assistant in missionary work. So assiduously did he labor that he lost his health, and in the words of Paul:"he was ill, and almost died." He recovered, however, and Paul sent him back to Philippi with this letter to quiet the alarm of his friends, who had heard of his serious illness. Paul besought for him that the church should receive him with joy and 'honour men like him'.
Epaphroditus is one of God's models for helps ministry. One worthy of being sent into the mission field, or any other area of service.
He was brave, courageous, and selfless. His love for God's five fold minsters as well as the local body of believers was praise worthy.
He never felt his work, nor his anointing meager in any area of service, and his service was commendable. Epaphroditus was so full of God's Nature that he literally laid down his own well being for the needs of the church.
Now I am not advocating that we go out and try to get attention by getting sick serving. But I am relaying the Word of God concerning Epaphroditus. One must realize that Epaphroditus was not pushing himself in service for attention of the body of Christ, nor to impress Paul. He was a heartfelt servant who considered not himself or his own needs above others. He was obeying God's Word to the hardest core parts, putting the needs of others over his own.
In doing this he became very ill, so ill in fact that they thought he might die. To have died would have bee gain for Epaprohoditus, entering his eternal rest would have been a great thing for his weary physical body. However, mercy was extended to Paul and the local body of believers as Epaprohoditus remained earth bound to continue in service and example.
It is truly a great blessing to have men and women like Epaprohoditus within the local body of Christ. But had there been more with his heart, perhaps he would have gotten sufficient rest, and his physically body not broken down. Oh, that more men and women of God would rise up to such standards in this day, laying aside their own personal desires and agendas, willing to submit and serve selflessly for longer than a day, week, month or year.
I am sorry to say, that people who think serving is service that fits their personal agendas is excellency in Christ are not Epaprohoditus quality. They are not the type of minster that God will call out or send. People like this often go out (doing a mission, little preaching job, try to start church works, and so forth), but they are not God's sent Epaprohoditus. They are just those who went out.
John Mark, who also served Paul, decided to go out before his time. Unlike Epaprohoditus, who was sent, John Mark just went, and soon was sent back home. He was not able to bear up under the the field ministry. Later he was called for, and sent back to Paul. But he had to first return, and grow in character and strength before he was acceptable to Paul on the field.
Let me encourage you to grow in character in your local church. Become a strong Epaproditus type, and then when God sees your faithfulness, and knows that you are ready, He will send you, through the hands of your local Pastor!
Now I know that some may be saying, but you don't understand, My Pastor doesn't listen to God like that, and I know it is my time. No, dearly beloved, hear your error. You see the gifts and callings of God make room for themselves. God will in his timing, move on your local pastor to release you to those services, but your Pastor is first and foremost responsible for your well being, and must wait upon the Lord for His directions.
If by any raw chance you are sitting under error, immaturity or false Pastoral office, God will soon remove you and put you in a place where your office is received and recognized, but even upon leaving and going to another church, you would need to leaver properly and then show yourself faithfully approved where ever you go.