Monday, June 27, 2011

A Cave in Adullam

Oscar Wilder once said "Discontent is the First step in the progress of a man or a nation" and Shirley Hufsteddler "You don't make progress standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining; you make progress implementing ideas." These two statements make me reflect David in Adullam.

David had known fame and the dangers that came with it. He knew power and yet suffered from his own weaknesses at times.

David had periods of sliding backwards into sin, but having a heart after God, he would soon return to his senses and move forward.

Reading I Samuel we find David fleeing from Saul, first to Ahimelech the priest in Nod, and then on to Achish the king of Gath. David lies when he arrives in Nod, attempting to preserve himself, instead of trusting in God.

Latter when David reaches Gath ... he finds himself walking among the Philistines, he was in the hometown of Goliath. Not only was David among the very people of Goliath, he was carrying Goliaths sword with him.

Soon being recognized David was talking before the counsel. But David finds a way of escape acting as a mad man, scratching at the gate and letting saliva drip down his beard. David may not have known it then, but God was even in these days directing his path to liberty.

As David left Gath ... he was again praising God for his deliverance. But now what ... where was he to go from here?

There was definitely some places David could not go. He could not go back to the palace, to Samuel or to Jonathan. He could not go back to his home or to those familiar to him (to his place of comfort). So where? David chose a cave. A Cave in Adullam.

David expected this place to be his place of refuge. Refuge defines as: A source of help, relief, or comfort in times of trouble. But, there is no cave, person, or palace that can offer true help, relief or comfort for the soul in need. The Lord is our refuge and our strong tower as the Psalmist well knew with pen in hand.

Psalms 61:1-3 1 Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. 2 From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. 3 For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe.

Amazing what we can learn alone in a cave (isolated place). But one does not dwell in isolation forever as David was soon to learn.

Soon Davids family heard about Davids new living quarters. And being the family they were ... they were ready to move in with him. Yet, this time it was different. This was Davids Cave, and he had authority in his own dwelling place.

Prior to this coming together in Adullam, Davids family was not very fond of him. His father did not see fit to invite David to the the family dinner with the prophet Samuel. And the brothers were harsh against him, unjustly accusing, mocking and criticizing him. But know the tables had turned and they were running to David.

These family members were in trouble. They were weary under the leadership of Saul. They wanted change.

These men were in distress, in debt and discontent. They needed real leadership! They needed ideas implemented for progress. They needed someone with vision and directions. And they were finally ready to hear and follow directions.

It is not until men are ready to follow,
that someone can lead them to victory

God had called and anointed David as King (leader). But until a leader is received by the people can they lead successfully. However, when God calls and anoints he also appoints. And just like he appointed David as King. He was now appointing people to come up around him. People who were willing to get under his authority and submit to his vision and directions.

Those who are willing to get under the vision of a called, anointed and appointed leader and submit will soon find themselves coming out. They will rise up to stress-free, out of debt and contented lives. They will soon be found to be mighty in the land. While those who try to override godly order will soon find themselves defeated and living on the outside of the blessings of the Lord.

As Wilder and I have previously quoted ... discontent is the first step toward progress, so it was for these men. But as Hufsteddler said, ideas must be implemented toward progress. David had to train those who came to him.

If you are working with people who are unteachable then you are fighting a losing battle already. Let them go. Let God draw men and women to you that are willing to submit to the order of the house. Let God bring people to you that are willing to be trained. Those who will commit and stand faithful in service. Those who will follow godly rank and order for success; Pour yourself into these people. The others will fall by the wayside or return to you ready to be trained just as these men did ... in the day of the Cave.