Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Suggestion Box

Chances are at one time or the other, you have seen a suggestion box. You may have even voiced your opinion there. Today I am reminding you of "the suggestion box" with purpose.

What would it be like if you would open up your heart as a suggestion box and allow God's written Word to go in for consideration.

What if there were things there that you had never thought, dreamed or imagined?

What if?

What if it was a better plan than you have ever considered?
What if upon considering it, you then applied it?

What if?

There is a way that seems right to man, but in the end, it will be death.
~ Pro. 14:12; 16:25

There is a way of deception. A way that seems right, but then leaves a void. A way that appears right, but in the end it lies.

There is a way to success. There is a way to live victoriously. There is a way to be more than a conqueror. There is "A" way.

Life should not be a series of stumbles and bumbles. It should be a faith to faith, glory to glory life. I am not suggesting that you or I are perfect, and that we never make mistakes.

I am suggesting there is a plan that needs to drop into you. A plan that when you endeavor to follow it, you will get successful results. And even though you may make a mistake in your effort of it's fulfillment, you can still walk by faith victoriously.

I am also saying, that when you do make a mistake, one that has kept you from your proposed end, check inside to find where you went wrong. Go and consider the written, locked in truth.

Life should be lived joyfully and in peace.
Abundance in ever area should be apart of your life.

Hope should be what holds you. Hope like an anchor that secures your drifting soul. Hope that will cause you to hope against a world of screaming odds. Hope that comes from Jesus The Christ.

Life should be an adventure, fresh every morning untainted by fears, doubts or evils. If it is not I would be open to suggestions; suggestions that I would apply for the better result.

Are you open to suggestions?

If you are ... the written word of God is exploding with direction, and the Holy Spirit teacher is ready to teach you things that will take you into the best days of your life.

Go on take a step of Faith ... Open the suggestion box. When you do you will find that what you have came to as mere suggestions, will in the end be life!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Simplicity of effective Prayer

I am forever learning, however after decades of prayer I have learned a few things. Often times the things I learn are from patterns. Some of the patterns are good and need be repeated, others vain and would be best if they were never repeated.

Effective prayer is not a vain ritual of repetitions, but rather life and power through relationship. Jesus expressed relationship when he was responding to the disciples saying, "teach us to pray".

What we call the Lord's prayer is not meant to be just a mere dialogue to be repeated, but an express teaching to be understood. I like to look at it from time to time in a most simple way. Especially when so much prayer and prayer teaching begins to veer off into ineffective works, spiritual pride, judgement and hinges on the edge of Idolatry and witchcraft.

So today I look again into the teaching of Jesus Himself.
You know the same Jesus who taught that unless we become as a little child,we will not be able to enter the kingdom.

There is a kingdom of God, and as we seek first that Kingdom, and the righteousness (right ways) of God, we will find all else being added to us. Life will truly be good.

Our Father ( here we are directed to a Spirit person "Father" for communication (relationship).

Who art in Heaven (denoting God's dwelling in a high seat).
*might I also add here, you too have been seated with Him in heavenly places by Christ Jesus.

Hallowed be thy name (honor and respect in the relationship).

Thy Kingdom come (the acknowledgement of stewardship verses ownership).

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven ( surrender of personal will to that of the creator, with expectation of heavenly good on earth).

Give us this day our daily bread (ego is dismissed, while with humble heart, and open hands we ready ourselves to receive from a greater source, and larger bounty).

And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us (true humility recognizes that we all fall short of the glory of God, and everyone stands in need of forgiveness, and likewise needing to forgive).

Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil (acknowledgement of this earth walk includes God's willingness to hear us as we pray, and of His loving ability to guide us in our walk).

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever ... Amen.
*although this was added as a tag on by certain translators, it is a pleasant reminder of the greatness of our God, and aides us in keeping ourselves from self righteousness and pride.

In a world that is screaming at God from their seats of anger, bitterness, hurt, desperation, rebellion or other disrobing attitudes. There is a God who longs for fellowship (have relationship), and is willing to help us every area of life, if He is allowed.

Today is set before you life or death ... Choose life.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Momentum defines by Webster as:
The strength or force of something when it is moving, the strength and force that allows that something to grow stronger and faster as time passes.

I now continue with a Passage from the Gospel of Matthew.

Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd.
After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone, and the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it.

Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear.

But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

“Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”

“Come,” he said.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”

Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”

And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down.

Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God


As I ponder this word ... I also recall this presented text. I can see Jesus ... I can see Peter ... I can see the fearful crew ... I can see the waves, hear the roar of the wind, water and muffled cries of men.

Momentum builds ... Momentum wanes.

As the text suggest Jesus has sent His leading men out ahead of Him while He was tying up loose ends from their last gathering. Momentum was building as crowds gathered. People were being strengthened with each meeting. They were growing and increasing from the power of the spoken Word. The Rhema of God.

Momentum was building. Exciting times. Lives were being changed. People uniting in hope. New regions opening. And then the winds...Those winds! Those howling loud winds! Those pulling, pushing, shaking, distrubitve, distracting, boat jarring, fear breeding, deceptive winds.

It seems like every time momentum builds and you are ask to make the big cross over ... to take the new territory in life; at the time of going and growing, those winds set in, Not winds of the Spirit, but rather adverse winds. Winds that come with the purpose of breaking your focus.

Those ... "I wonder if I am doing the right thing, headed the right direction winds."
The..."Is that really you Jesus" winds.

Any time you are ask to do something of great importance, the winds of adversity are sure to break forth as you are crossing over into the assignment.

Focus is reguired to keep the pace.

Lose focus and you begin to sink down into dispair; sink down into the watery, bottomless place of mediocrity with all the other fish of the sea.

  • God has not ask you to begin an assignment to quit half way through it.
  • He has not desgined you to fear.

II Timothy 1:7 both informs and reminds us of our make up.

God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, and of love and a sound (well disciplined) mind.

  • Power to overcome all adversity.
  • Love to ignite faith.
  • And a (well disciplined) sound mind that remains fixed (focused) ... in spite of winds that asail.

You may be saying, "Yes, but Peter was distracted, and if Peter couldn't do it, how can I?"

Peter may have momenterialy lost mometum, but he found it again quickly by calling out to Jesus to save Him. Immediately Jesus reached out and caught Peter. He kept him from becoming a meger, clamoring, sinking statistic.

Jesus also taught Peter a lesson in faith.

You know "Faith" the substance of things we hope for, that brings forth the evidence of the things we can not yet see."

"Faith" the love activated invisble substance that produces on our behalf and on the behalf of others.

We can watch Peter sink over and over again, or we can watch Peter get up and keep on moving.

We can see Peter as a failure, or we can see Peter learning a faith lesson and contiuing on with his assignment. It all depends on where we want to go in life.

If we go the direction God has scripted for us, we must see ourselves making it to the other side. Peter did, and so did the crew that was with him.

Gods plan is not for you to fail, it is for you to succeed. It is a plan of hope ... and a plan that offers a prosperous successful future.

The question is, "Do we want to just drift about on the sea of life going from one howling series of winds to the next, or do we want to learn our lesson concerning winds and keep our momentum?"

Winds come in life, but they also cease if we will operate in faith instead of doubt and fear.

The Word of God speaks to us about winds of doctrines, the craftiness of men and devilish schemes. Infants easily fall prey and are tossed about by such winds. But not so my friend with those who are sent to be at the helm protecting the babes.

If you want to be a helmsman ... you better learn to cry out to Jesus~

Peter had to learn this, as a piece of the rock that the church would be built upon. He after all, was to hold keys to the kingdom. Peter had to grow in faith and be strengthened that he too might strengthen the brethern in their faith.

Don't you imagine the day Peter walked on the water in spite of the winds and fearful cries of men, (even though he was momentuarily distracted and openly rebuked by Jesus), that the others were quietly learning too?

  • The winds ceased.
  • The fearful were quietly assured.
  • And they all crossed over together ... as faith lessons were learned.

Our lives are to be lived by faith. We are to operate in the power of love.

We are not created to be stifeled by fears or haulted by doubts.

The disciples had a mission ... it was to cross over; to get to the other side. But it was not just to conquer the watery grave of medicotrity that takes so many lives.

This crossing had a much larger purpose. It was not a water sport, or a record breaking activity to be recored.

On the other side were People.

  • People in need.
  • People that were hopeless, helpless, starving, thirsty and broken.
  • People in bondage to the crafitness of men and schemes of devils.

Those who were sinking in the waters of unstable economy, corrupt government, false religions and lack of education.

I am challenging each reader today to face the winds of adversity. To rise up in faith, to ditch doubt and build momentumn.

I am admonishing you to go against the grid of fear, and take hold of Jesus when you are feel like you are slipping away in the sea of insecurity.

Do not render yourself small or insignificant, but rather, remember that greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the World.

Step out of the fear filled boat, onto waters of uncertainity, with a goal ... eyes fixed on the prize.

I am not asking that you to wait in the boat with fearful men until the winds cease ... but rather that you go out in the midst of fearful men, while the winds of adversity are blowing, and challange your own faith with the knowledge of the character of Jesus who will NOT let you fail.

There is much to be done here in planet earth. There are people to be reached, regions to explore, and lives to be ministered to.

There are orphans to be nurtured, widows to be cared for, naked to be clothed, hungry to be fed, thirsty to be given drink, and families to be reconciled. There is a harvest field ... a sea of people ... waiting for you to cross over!