Friday, May 30, 2014

Love the Igniting Factor

There is much talk about Faith, and yet , it lays dormant without love. But, faith can be ignited by love in dynamic power! Power that will not only move mountains, but change lives.

The Word of God encourages us to make the love of God our greatest aim. Thus, we seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, allowing all else to be added to us.

I John 4:8 reads like this:
He who does not love has not become acquainted with God [does not and never did know Him], for God is love. The kind of love that never fails.

So we cannot seek God without desiring love, but not just any love, but the God-Kind of Love that never ceases and is unfailing.  The kind of love that is forever forgiving, and opened armed in receiving.  This kind of love we speak of is the Agape.

  • affection, 
  • good will
  • brotherly love

  • The kind of love that is selfless and expects nothing in return, it is unconditional, and eternal. 
  • The kind of Love as revealed in Jesus, seen as spiritual and selfless and a model for humanity.

Love is Gods way of prospering us Spirit, Soul and Body. Certainly we find in the Word that faith is what pleases God, but it is love that activates our faith. 

This is not mere natural faith that pleases God, it is the God-kind of faith that pleases Him, and love  ignites it. A fiery love that is ready to accelerate faith to action.   For faith without works is dead.

We can't receive of someones goodness today and snub our noses at them the next and except to be successful at walking out the plan of God. Nor can we assume to control the direction that God has set for others, just because it does not align with our personal ideas. 

There are biblical absolutes for all people, but there is also the divine personal leading of the Holy Spirit that takes each person on their journey in life. Each then should work together in harmony to fulfill the great co-mission of Christ; each laboring in the field together along the way. 

Life is good when brethren walk together in unity.  Psalms 133:1 from the Gods Word Translation reads: See how good and pleasant it is when brothers and sisters live together in harmony!

Ephesians chapter 1-2 offers us a wonderful picture of the Work of Christ toward the Body today living together as one entity, that He himself might make a great impact in planet earth. 

Often times I find that there are such partisan strife that I fall to prayer, praying that the body does not devour itself, but in love learn to serve one another.

While unity will call down a blessing from on high, divisions will destroy the desired work of God through Christ Jesus and his body today.

In I Cor. 3:4-6 Paul speaks out:
4 For while one saith, I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are ye not carnal?
5 Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man?
6 I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.

Paul was speaking out against party factions. One wanting to make much of Pauls greatness and another of Apollos greatness. Paul was having any part in this, but made it clear that each of us as ministers are working together in the fields now white, not unto vain glory and followings, but that God might increase.

I again become prayerful that too many are trying to build camps instead of the kingdom. Each person should have their camp, and should know where they belong in the Body of Christ. However, each camp should be working together in the matter of who's side we are on. We are the army of God, made of many camps, moving and serving together in one faith fight. Standing together to uphold the Great Commission and bring in the harvest.      

Are we many bodies?

Are we not One voice crying out 'Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand'... One people working together in love with Jesus not separated from him in pride, jealousy, strife and faction.

In life we are many ... in the body many members. Each member having their place in planet earth. From the shoes salesman who witnesses Christ to the young man purchasing shoes, to the cashier in the local supermarket with the register as her podium, to the fisher man on the river with a fishing pole talking to the lost soul next to him about Christ, to the helps ministries in and out of the church of every sort, gender and color, to the Apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher within the body of Christ as five fold ministers, are we not all called to walk our faith in love? To fight the good fight of faith together?

Will we fight the good fight of faith together?  Or will we be the ones standing watching as the others fall by the way. 

Will we be the one who has ability to help the other and yet watch as they are taken captive without doing all possible to help them walk free and continue in the battle, because we desire some personal fame or recognition?

If we are in Christ ... we are not our own!  If we be in Christ it is no longer "I" that lives, but Christ living in us! The "I" factor is over in Christ!  The "He" and the "We" factor is all that remains.
So let's walk together in love, our faith ignited in these last days.  Lets move together in obedience to the Word of God. LET US cross over ... to the land of healing and miracles as we walk in love and let our light shine. 

There is one requirement ... One commandment ... One Factor that makes our Faith dynamic:

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Callings and Ministry

Fifteen years ago this week I drove into Tulsa/Broken Arrow, Oklahoma to start DOMATA School of Missions (with my daughter Paige), who went to DOMATA School of Missions for Children. Under Founders: Pastor Mark And Janet Brazee and School Dean: Pastor Norm Dubois.

My husband stayed back and served a secular job in our support. The same week we left for Oklahoma my granddaughter was born. There is often sacrifice in obedience.

Prior, I had served for several years in a full gospel church and did some radio ministry and also Jail ministry.  Later I took correspondence with RHEMA Bible College (Rev. Kenneth Hagin and Lynette Tipton Hagin) while serving in a local Word of Faith Church. I  have since served some time with Pastor Paul Greer (Trinty Assemble of God/Corydon, Indiana). I also have been licensed and ordained through FCF Ministry (Rev. Pat Harrison).

Today we are still in ministry, with a heart for the nations. I have traveled many countries as well as Co-Pastor Life Fellowship Church with (Pastor Arcie Brown).

I and my family are thankful to all who have been a part of our journey up to this present day ... And to those who will be in our future.

Ministry does not come without cost nor obedience without sacrifice. And when one responds to the call of God it is not signing up for a career.  It is a life commitment!

The gifts and callings of God in a man or woman's life are without repentance. It is walking with a fire in the belly, a deep burn in the soul to carry out the greatest co-mission in planet earth. It is joining together to work with Jesus to accomplish the Fathers will.  Ministry is not to be toyed with or looked upon lightly.

In mission school we were dubbed "The Class of Fire" I can't think of any other class I would rather have prepared under. We were hungry for God. We were excited about the call. We were Aglow and we certainly didn't flag in zeal.

Walking in the word we find the marks of a true Christian in Romans Chapter Tewelve. And if we are to be successful ministers, we first must be successful Christians.
Marks of the True Christian

Romans 12:9:

9 Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good;

10 love one another with brotherly affection; outdo one another in showing honor.

11 Never flag in zeal, be aglow with the Spirit, serve the Lord.

12 Rejoice in your hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.

13 Contribute to the needs of the saints, practice hospitality.

14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them.

15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.

16 Live in harmony with one another; do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly; never be conceited.

17 Repay no one evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all.

18 If possible, so far as it depends upon you, live peaceably with all.

19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God; for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”

20 No, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals upon his head.”

21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

The reason I made parts of this text bold, is to remind us that ministry can [at times] be unpleasant to the flesh. But when your ways are right in the eye of the Lord. He will back you, and cause you to come out successfully. Men may fall to see your potential or your heart.  But God sees both.

Ministry is not a call unto ones self it is a call to others. It is serving others in love. It is giving yourself over to another, as is written: "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." ~ Gal. 2:20

As you walk in ministry you will find that there are many adversaries, but the Lord he is greater than all of these. You will find there are trails of your faith and you will have test in life. But you are more than a conqueror through Him (Christ Jesus) who loves you.

There will be times when you need to get away and allow times in His presence to refresh and revive you, but you will neve walk in ministry without serving or giving of yourself. If you think of ministry as a free ride, or a high paying career that leaves one to float of a bed of ease, you are sadly mistaken. Our lives are lives of Service. Service simply defines as: contributing to the welfare of others not expecting a return from them.

God is enough in our lives. Matter of fact He is more than enough! He will always be our source and supply, as we serve the way he intends; that being a sort of hands on/hands off style of minstry.

We put our hands to the plow of service we are called too, but we take our hands off of those who persecute us, curse us, or come against us from some decptive idea they may have of us.

We allow God to rule over our lives, and he rules well! He will be sure to avenge us if we allow him, but if we take it upon ourself, we will be in the wrong and out from under his ability to aide us.

 He has always looked well after me and my family. He is faithful!

Life in ministry for me has been good ... and I make a conscious effort to continue in faith and service until the return of Christ.  Ministry for me ... is not an option ... it is a call!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Revival Fire

Revival Fire

Acts 2:1-4

1 And when the day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all assembled together in one place,

2 When suddenly there came a sound from heaven like the rushing of a violent tempest blast, and it filled the whole house in which they were sitting.

3 And there appeared to them tongues resembling fire, which were separated and distributed and which settled on each one of them.

4 And they were all filled (diffused throughout their souls) with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other (different, foreign) languages (tongues), as the Spirit kept giving them clear and loud expression [in each tongue in appropriate words].

a great violent and forcible gust of life  … it was as if  those waiting had been dead and lifeless, in need of CPR and God himself blew a great puff of life into their inner most being, and then lit their outer life with fire.

It was as if they were for the first time full of intense feelings and emotions, zeal and vigor.

They were excited, ignited, enthusiastic and ablaze with the life of God; they were angry at sin and they were ready to be prepared, propelled, discharged and launched into the fields by God.

This fire had burned on the inside, sat on the outside and a hot coal slide across their mouth.

Their tongue as well as their inside and outside had been purged.  So they might shine brightly and speak correctly.

That is what the Holy Fire of God will do!
It will purge us and prepare us for revival!

Isaiah 1:24-25

24 Therefore says the Lord, the Lord of hosts, the Mighty One of Israel, Ah, I will appease Myself on My adversaries and avenge Myself on My enemies.

25 And I will bring My hand again upon you and thoroughly purge away your dross [as with lye] and take away all your tin or alloy.

Isaiah 6:7

And he laid it upon my mouth (speaking of a hot coal of fire), and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged.

Oh, how we need a new dose of the Holy Ghost and the Hand of God coming down over the church to purge out the dross and bring forth righteousness through the plead blood of Jesus.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Don't be Decieved by feelings, You are of great importance!

Many people feel they have never made a difference in life.  They feel as if life is passing them by, and they have been of no real significance. The culprit in these two statements is the word 'feel'.  When people live by their feelings, they are often let down and live less than lives of truth.  Feelings go and come, truth is solid and remains.

Feelings define as
  • an awareness by your body of something in it or on it
  • an emotional state or reaction entangled with thoughts
Feelings are also said to be
  • unreasoned opinions or beliefs

People normally do not understand their self worth and therefore fall into deception concerning their value and range of importance in life.  This is when many go into depression, and/or often take upon themselves thoughts of personal bodily harm.  

We live in a deceptive world moved by the five sense realm. Although the sense realm is of great value to us, we are not to be moved or led in totality by our senses.  There is a six sense of sort ... "the realm of faith."  This is the place of the substance of things hoped for, that brings forth the evidence of the unseen realm.  Faith comes from truth.  Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. [Romans 10:17]  This truth that will keep a person free of deceptive lies such as: 
  • You have not made a positive difference in any ones life.  
  • What good are you anyway?
  • Nothing you do maters.
  • You are just a failure.
  • Everything you do causes more harm than good.
Sometimes these words come to us by others, but other times they come from within ourselves because we have not lived lives affirmed.  

Some people come out of verbal abusive backgrounds, others marry into verbal abuse, while some just bump into it through life.  It is something that will touch everyone in some way throughout their earth walk, simply because we live among immature and hurting people   

Those evil words hinge and hold until the truth of God push them out.  And as long as those words live in the soil of our lives they will cause hurt.  These words will affect our emotional well being, our heath and also others if allowed.  

The old saying:  "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"  is so far from truth.  Words are what the universe (heavens)  hang on.  Words are powerful!  Words Heal and Words Hurt!

Throughout Genesis Chapter One we find
Ten times God said, as he was molding the chaos into something good.
Four times we find that God had made something (with his words).
And seven times we find God saw what he made and it was good.

Proverbs 18:21 
Death and life are in the power of the tongue; and they they love it shall eat the fruit thereof.  

Psalms 107:20
He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. 

Proverbs 6:2
Thou are snared by the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth.

Proverbs 15:26
A soft answer turns away wrath; but grievous words stir up anger.

Proverbs 16:24
Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul (mind will and emotions), and health to the bones. 

Proverbs 18:8 
Words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the inner most pat of the belly.

These are just a few scripture truths from the ancient writings of those inspired by the Spirit of God. 
Words matter.  

Hebrews 4:12 
For the Word of God is quick, powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of the soul, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerener of thoughts and intents of the heart. 

Words are powerful, but the Word of God is strong and can cut out the poisonous affects of all the evil spoken to you, at you, or around us.  Just as it can move deep into our own thoughts and intents keeping us from using our own words disastrously. 

I have many battle wounds of harsh words.  But I live whole today because of the overcoming life of Christ.  And you can too.  I will spare you the details of every battle and share only one with you later in the blog. I know what words can do, both constructively and destructively.  Loose words hurt ... The Word of God heals!  Well thought out and planned words bring help, refreshing, peace,  health, prosperity, life and wholeness in every way.  

If a person surrenders their life to their feelings, they will never walk in the fullness of the Spirit.  But if they will surrender, and choose to walk in the fullness of the Spirit they can walk above mere feelings.  They will walk in victory.  

Feelings change.  Truth does not!  Realities might change, but truth remains!  

There is one unchanging source for each person who choose to believe and receive it and that is God.  He is unchanging.  He is truth.   Jesus said, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father (God) except through me.  [John 14:6]  And so it is, and so it will always be!  

Times may change, ideas may change, dress codes, economy, educational methods, and people.  But God... never changes, He remains unchanged in a world changing.  

In Christ we move from Glory to Glory and faith to faith.  Yes, we all live among change ... but unchanging God can live within us and hold us together during all the transitions, transformations and metamorphosis of life.  Feelings will never do this ... left to feelings we will fall apart.  

Now for the one event in my life I promised from earlier in the blog.

I had been saved for some time.  I had walked with God and been healed of many things in my life.  I had served Him (serving people) for many years.  Then I was called upon by the Holy Spirit to go to Mission School.  

God worked out all the details, even down to my daughter being able to go with me and attend mission classes for children parallel with mine.  I couldn't have been more excited and ready to move ahead in ministry.  

At graduation my daughter and I had one precious observer "my faithful husband".  But it matter little who was or wasn't there. My husband was enough (the other part of me). And besides that,  I was obeying the Lord and understood most people could not make such a long trip for a graduation that was several states away (even if they had wanted to).  Yet what I was not thrilled with, was the lies that would withstand my character during these days.  Character attacks coming from words of those who were suppose to be looking after my soul.  

You walk as prepared as you possible can for victory, but we are human; we live in flesh bodies and have a soul (mind, will and emotions).  So feelings will show up in life, even when you are walking with God.  Just don't let them rule.  

During these days of attack, I recall only one direct hit.  And it went into my soul like an arrow.  I recall many that stung.  But none that went as deep or wounded like this one.   

It was the one coming to destroy my worth, my value and my significance.  And it was the one that caught my feelings (emotions), entangling them to physical pain and mental anguish.  When these words rolled out toward me it Hurt!  


Those words were like a stick of dynamite exploding in my soul.  You see, all I had even wanted in life was to make a positive difference by obeying the Holy Spirit.  And I had obeyed him every step of the way, to my own hurt.  

Did I 'feel' let down by God?  No.  
Could I have 'felt' let down by God?  Yes, had I not spent enough time with him to know Him.  
Knowing God in your life is vital to your successes.   

Was my feelings hurt?  Yes, deeply.    
Was I angry. Yes, very!  
But in the midst of the pain and anger, I knew the one who would be truth to me and I needed truth to set me free.  

So I ran to Jesus.  The one I knew as "the truth".  I ran to the Word of God.  And I opened up my wounds and my life to my three dimensional God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  

I laid on my face in a quite room with my faithful husband at my side still.  A place where I could wail out the pain and cry out to God, and afterwards in the quietness of my brokenness,  hear from the truth giver.  

I had to know if what was said  about me was truth or lie.  
"Had my life counted for nothing?"
"Had all my labors of love went unnoted?"   
"Had I caused Harm, as those painful accusing words had imploded?"  

I wanted truth.  If I had caused harm ... I did not want to carry another message.  
If I had caused harm I did not want to serve another table.  
If I had been this kind of person, I wanted to be changed or leave planet earth.  
If all my labors had been for nothing I wanted to cease from labors and service.  

As I cried out among fickle and painful feelings; feelings that erupted from words spoken to cause me pain, anguish and personal harm as well as character demise, I was ready to hear truth.  No matter what the truth was ... I had to know in order to come to terms with my life!

And after the storm of emotions ceased, and my prayer flowed:
Father I must know, have I caused more harm than good?  Has my labors of love and battles been in vain?  Have I failed you? 

The answer came in the still small voice of the Holy Spirit that always aligns with his Word.  And in the midst of my inner most being I heard the sweetness of the Spirit saying:  Psalm 9 ... Psalm 9 begin to roll out of my mouth.  Pslam 9, Pslam 9.  My husband ask, "do you know what Pslam 9 says?"  I didn't, not right off the cuff.  I shook my head and rose to pick up my Bible.

From my broken state, I opened my Bible to Psalms 9 my eyes falling upon verse 4 saying:  
... You have endorsed my work, declaring from your throne that it is good.    

One translation reads:  
... I have looked upon the works of your hands and declared them good works.  

And at these words my feelings were changed.  My heart was made whole.  

Do words hurt?  Do words heal?  Yes!  And the Word of God makes whole!

Don't allow evil words to declare your value and significance in life, but rather go to the Father when your feelings are tumultuous and see what he has to say.  Let the Sprit of God rule and reign in your life!  Let Him Show you who you are and declare over you his thoughts!  

Some may wonder ... what ever happened with me in minstry?  I'm still standing.  My feet have traveld into over 12 countries and served many people. And I will continue to serve as long as he declares my works good works! 

In a World of People ... You are Important!

Allow God to declare you righteous!

Allow him to use you when others opinions of you are wrong!