Friday, April 30, 2010

What's up with all the anger?

Are you angry?

Do you find yourself angered easily?

How do you respond to anger?

Anger is an emotion (a feeling), and emotions effect our lives.
According to studies there are three types of anger:

1. Sudden Anger: connected to impulse for self-preservation ... this usual occurs when a person believes themselves to be trapped or tormented.

2.Settled / Deliberate Anger: this is when a person reacts to what they believe to be deliberate unfair treatment by or to others.

*These two types of anger are episodic where as the third listed below is dispositional and relates to character (integrity).

3. Irritability, sullenness, and churlishness; this type of anger results from childish behavioral patterns (immaturity), serving to manipulate a situation toward your advantage.

People need to understand that "one can be angry and still not sin" ...
They also need to wrap their heads around "never letting the sun go down upon their anger" ...

Sometimes people try to avoid emotions. Emotions can not be avoided, but they can be managed.

Managing emotions begins with mental discipline. Where your thoughts and imaginations go, there you go! What you think on manifest in forms of words and actions which create various manifestation. If you don't manage your mental attitude, soon you will be imploding from negativity. If you are going to implode ... let it be a positive implosion, creating a happy, healthy and productive future. ~ Deal with your anger issues

Anger can be a means of self preservation as we mentioned in type 1 anger. Self preservation is to rise up to break free.

A good example of this would be a battered spouse, who finally gets anger enough to rise up to break free from such a relationship.

When we enslaved to anything we need to get fat enough with Spirit and Truth that we break free from those bonds of slavery. People can be enslaved by many things and sometimes by people, such as manipulating groups or religious cults. Emotions can even enslave if they are not mastered (managed). ~ Anger is a driving force if left unresolved

People need to learn to be led, and not driven. Our lives should be successions of being led by peace and going out in joy. We hear people talk about driving forces, if a person is driven they are pressed, pushed, goaded and miserable. God does not pressure a people. God leads people.

We need to learn how to let love lead and put anger in the rear of the procession.

When it comes to self preservation, let love lead. You can get anger enough to leave a bad situation, but let love for yourself be the active ingredient. Then get up and walk away in peace and with joy. Knowing that God has a better plan for your life than one of entrapment or torment.

Type 2 anger settled or deliberate anger which comes from unfair treatment, can be imaged as this:
  • A person has mishandled your fiances which you have entrusted them, you find out about it and you are angry.
You have a right to be angry over such occasion, but you must manage the emotion. Stop before you re-act. Collect yourself and then act with a confrontation that will result in victory.

If not you will do one of two things:
  • You will stuff the anger inward and suffer financial, physical and mental consequences.
  • You will implode and strike out in anger as you decide to deliberately settle things yourself.

To remain angry or let your anger turn to rage can be harmful, both to you and others. So, stop and breath. Consider the consequences of your actions. There are ways to resolve differences and injustices, and you need to search out the path for effective results. We need to remember in all of our affairs in life, positive and negative ... that we are to keep ourselves in the Love of Christ ... ~Walking in maturity.

Childish Behavior is not acceptable in adults, and will not bring you success. It will rather act for means of stumbling over your own pouting lip. Type 3 anger is Irritability, sullenness, and churlishness.

This type of anger is the manipulating anger that comes from immaturity. It desires control and explodes in temper fits ... yelling, screaming, pouting, throwing things, and often offers propositions of "if you don't do this, I am going to __________" .

This type of anger comes from a lack of maturity or integrity. A person who is always having fits of rage is a person whom is full of deadly poison. Poison that will soon bring them to such a bitter state that they will not be able to move forward in life. Type 3 anger needs to be resolved through becoming educated through life skills. Learning how to operate in integrity.

God has the answer to every anger issue. Whether it is Sudden anger, Deliberate anger, or Irritability. God's Word is filled with life principles. Wisdom that offers direction. And above all else ... Get Wisdom it is the key principle to successful living.

The principles of God will always direct you toward victory if applied. And will always lead with peace and take you out of a bad situation joyously.

If a person is dealing with anger ... fill your mind with God's Word concerning anger. Apply the truth that you find ... for instance:
  • Be swift to hear and slow to speak.
  • Allow a soft voice to turn away wrath.
  • Use temperance in all things.
  • Turn the other cheek.
  • Consider others.
  • Walk in love.
  • Trust God.
Bible concordances are easily accessible. They are Internet free ... and if you are reading this, you have Internet access. Therefore, get yourself a Bible Concordance. Using the Key Word Anger ... Angry ... study! Find life principles and apply them. The Holy Spirit will teach you and lead you into understanding as you seek this wonderful Kingdom life of God!

Also learn to spend time in prayer and meditation each day. The man or woman who orders their day with prayerful meditations will walk on tracks of good success!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Today my prayers and meditations took me to the winds.

Winds that carry.

My meditations were not of the breeze which blows, which are evidence but never seen.
The winds I was pondering were not mere winds, but of angels. Thus, today's blog!

Seven out of ever ten people polled believe in angels, but few have an understanding of angels. Many believe there are only good angels, that angels can not be evil. Some believe angels to be immortal human spirits with wings which is a misconception. We see peoples images of angels as small fat babies, naked and winged with a small band of material wrapped around their middle ... and of this there is no such biblical (ancient of days) account. Some even believe angles only to be a figment of imaginations.

Angels like natural winds are normally not seen with the natural eye, but their presence very evident. However, Angels unlike the natural winds can at times be seen with a natural eye, depending up their assignment.

Angels do not all look the same, they do not all have the same responsibilities, and they will one day be judged. In saying this I am not building a doctrine of angels, for we are to never build doctrines of angels .... nor are we to allow angels to minister any doctrine other than the Word of God, which has been established as our foundational truths, tried and proven.

We must be aware of the wiles of the devil, understanding that he himself can come to us "as" and angel of light. He is cunning and stealthy working toward the destruction of the souls of men.
Therefore, we can not believe everything we hear concerning the Spirit World, neither can we believe every spirit which may be sent to us.

God's Word is a solid foundation upon which we can build our lives. And the Holy Spirit is the one just like Jesus sent into the earth to be in us, come up on us, and be with us for service. The Holy Spirit will always lead in line with God's foundation Word. Any angelic message or encounter should also be able to be backed by the truths founded in the Word of God.

But unless we know what God has reveled about the angels we don't have much to secure us, or keep us safe from deception. So let me briefly discuss the angels according to the Word.

In our dealing with angels and discussions of angels, let's remember that God has been mindful of us (humans) not angels. Let us also recall, that at no time has an angel been called (son of God), or (sons of God). Jesus was The Son of God, and he the first born of many sons, by the new birth, which we have been offered through Jesus' life, death, burial, decision, resurrection and ascension. Angels long to look into the plan of salvation ... salvation that we haven been offered something that even the angles have a hard time grasping according to I Peter chapter 1.
Have all angels been created by God?
Yes according to Col. 1:16-17 God created all that is heaven and earth ... all that is visible and invisible ... and all things are held together by him.

Angels are God's own creation. Each assigned to their places and positions through and by him.
Even Satan has been assigned his place, along with the 1/3 of fallen angels who rebelled against their own creator; with this knowledge we see that angels do have free will. And they will be judged one for their choices, as men are judged for their choices.

This reveals much to me about our wonderful Heavenly Father. How he is one who offers all free will, not a controlling, manipulating or evil Spirit being, as some may have imagined.

Some would say then why do some people go to hell ... FREE WILL. They are where they are, and will be where they will be simply by choice ... as it is with angels.

Do angels have names?
We know some do, and by this suppose they do have names, we just do not know all their names. In Daniel chapters 8 and 9 we find that Gabriel is mention as a named angel. He is mentioned again in Luke chapter 1.

Another named angel was Michael, who according to Jude 1:9 is an Archangel and in Rev. 12:7 we find he has other (unnamed) angels who were called (his angels) who fought battles in the heavens, against an evil realm (the dragon and his angels).

In Judges Chapter 13, we find an Angel coming to Manoah and yet offering no name. So we find some angels have names that we are aware of and others may well have names that we just do not know.

Another truth we see here according to Jude 1:9 and Rev. 12:7 that angels have ranks (apparently much like military ranks), as we see Michael with his angels fighting a battle.
Ezekiel also expresses ranks of angels to us in some depth.

From Rev. 12:7 we also see that there are not just good angels ... but their are evil angels as well. Today we sometimes call these fallen angels demons, or demonic spirits. Satan himself is an angel of sorts ... yet fallen and evil.

How many angels are there?
Heb 12:22 But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels.

What are angels sent to do, besides wage war in the heavens?
Angels have many assignments according to God's written Word.
They are found ascending and descending from heaven to earth ... so their assignments are in both heavenly and earthly realms.

We find in Isaiah 6:1-3 we find the angels in the heavenly realm worshiping and praising God. This I must perceive not as a set assignment since God does not control (not even the angels), and has given free will to his creation, that this is a chosen activity offered.

Angels can be assigned to carry revelation. We find this at the birth of Jesus and also in the book of Revelation. Angels were also involved in revealing the law to Moses according to Acts 7:52-53. We also know that an angel stood with Paul during his day of shipwreck telling him that not one would be lost in their day of adversity.

At times angels have been known to carry provisions. In the book of Genesis we find an angel aiding Hagar with provision. I Kings 19 we find again provisions and when Jesus came out of the wilderness after being tempted by the devil, it is said that he was hungry and the angels came and ministered to him. We also see them involved in deliverance as angel was assigned to Peter to aid in his release from prison.

Angels also are carriers of God's Word, aiding in them coming to pass at times. Daniel 10:12 Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words. Angels are always there to hasten God's Word to perform it.

That does not mean that they only do what God tells them to do, but it means they obey God's Word. And when you speak God's Word. When You speak words aligned to God's written truths. The angels carry those words, and see to it they are performed. Angels go form heaven to earth, they carry Words and carry out assignments. Every little child has an angel standing before the Father ... Matthew 18:10.

This is just a very, very brief bit of information concerning the angels. God's Word is filled with such knowledge. If I were to pen all the stories that people have to tell, all the encounters that humans have had concerning angels, time would escape me.

I have my own encounters, I have my own story. I am sure you may have one too.
If not, maybe you will.
If not ... you can be assured that you are not alone in this World.
God made a way through Jesus for the Holy Spirit to be here, so we would not be alone, and along with the Holy Spirit is much invisible spiritual activity. John 14-16 Acts 1-4 Psalms 34

Monday, April 19, 2010

Focused and Targeted Prayer

Scattered Prayers = Scattered results
Focused and Targeted prayers = Large and bountiful harvest

Anytime a person prays, their prayers should be targeted just as any line of communication.

Prayer is focused communications with God. And there are various kinds of prayers, yet most people just pray restless prayers from emotional upheavals and never really understand the power that is available to them by focusing and targeting their words properly.

When you call to talk to a friend you may just fellowship about this and that. In this time you can grow closer in relationship and learn more about each other. However, if a person needs money from the bank, they need to focus their communication a different direction. They need to operate in business mode. During these times they begin to discuss their dilemma, share their needs and concerns and then make a request concerning the need.

Let's say a person has an ailment, and they go to the Doctor about their symptoms. When they get to the office they express to the doctor what is going on in their lives and then they look to him for the cure. Upon the physicians advice and prescribed medication, the person then must act responsibly, as they do what is required they get results. If not they return and ask why, receiving future counsel and care.

A CEO may call a meeting to roll around ideas concerning a future investment or endeavor. Asking what the others think about the new revelation. This kind of communication requires an openness to ideas, revelations and input that the CEO may have never considered.

And yet a person my just go off to themselves and have quite time. Rolling around conversations, ideas, and thoughts within themselves about a matter, until God enlightens them about the thing they are pondering.

Pray-ers should be focused, and prayers should be targeted.

Rev. K.E. Hagin would say, "you need to be specific when you pray."

People have often said, "If you want the dog, don't call the cat." In other words there is a right way to communicate in order to draw what you need or desire to yourself.

The Banker would think you a mental case, if you came to him and told him all your aliments and expected him to prescribe you a medication, as would the Doctor should you go to his office and ask for a loan.

God is multifaceted. He is Father, Son and Holy Ghost. He is Husbandman, Friend, Healer, Provider, Protector, Breasted one, All seeing and all knowing (omnipotent and omnipresent) ... you get the idea. In other words you can go to God who is all in all and communicate accordingly.

I have never understood people who pray boxed in prayers. Boxed in prayers limit. Prayers must be released in faith, with limitations removed in order to be at their best.

People who pray boxed in prayers, normal want to control (yes, even God). They want to know how it will happen, when it will happen, where it will come from, how long it will take ... get the drift? There is an element that each pray-er needs in order to receive abundantly. That element is confident trust!

  • When you confidently trust, you are not on edge over everything.
  • When you confidently trust, you are fearless about what you release to them.
  • When you confidently trust, you do not worry.
  • When you confidently trust, you release.
  • When you confidently trust, you expect faithfulness.
  • When you confidently trust, you rest.

"And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:
And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him." ~ I John 5:14-15

"For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.
Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God.
And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight.
And this is his commandment ... That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment." ~ I John 3:20-23

When we understand who God is and how much he loves us. When we know his heart and understand who we are in him. A whole new concept of prayer opens, from a higher level of confidence.

Recently I read a quote by someone I consider a friend. That quote was, "What an epic day!" As I responded to this quote, I added ... "even so an epic life."

The word epic is powerful in it's own rite. It defines as: extending beyond the usual and ordinary, especially in size or scope. And relates to speech. As it is a Latin word with a Greek origin.

Jesus said, he came to give us Life and that more abundantly. ~ John 10:10
But it is also said, that Jesus was the Word made flesh. ~ John 1:1-14

To pray the Word of God properly and with confidence is powerful and rewarding, resulting in an "epic" life! But to simply scatter prayer without confidence and to toss words around without purpose, one gets a few scattered harvest rewards at best.

What ever you need, God has it! He is alive and well. He has a voice that you can trust and follow, a Spirit that is full of grace and mercy.

I suggest you read the book of Hebrews, as a glimpse into focused life and targeted prayer.

The book of Hebrews speaks to us about:
  • our profession of faith, about our Word confessions and confidence.
  • angelic help and also of our place of authority and inheritance.
  • clean consciences and Jesus our mediator of the better life.
  • the laws of increase.
  • the universe created by God and covenant between God and man.
  • the power of the spilled blood of Jesus Christ.
  • faith and those who by faith obtained, encouraging us to continue in the same faith for the same kind of results.
Let us a pray-ers become more focused, and get our prayers more targeted. Let us bring forth by faith as those of old to the Glory of God.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Spiritual Ultrasound

Ultrasound imaging, also called ultrasound scanning, involves exposing part of the body to high-frequency sound waves to produce pictures of the inside of the body.

So what exactly am I calling Spiritual Ultrasound?
Well, we can call it envisioning ... or the picture from within.

You may have heard people say ... they are soul searching? Meaning they are tying to locate themselves on a deeper level.

Most usually they do not find themselves as they are searching from the carnal area. They may think they have found what they were looking for, but they are actually only going from one short venture to another.

The soul is the make up of the mind, will and emotion. And to try to locate the real you, you must go deeper than soul.

  • Mind only knows what it has been taught (programed to)
  • Will is choices made from mental reasoning or emotional reaction, and emotions relate the sense realm, and is fickle (up one day, down the next) and easily deceived.

To understand the real you and to operate from a higher source, moving toward a greater state and quality of life, one must understand the whole man, as he is three dimensional.
He is a Spirit, lives in a body and has a soul.

  • The Physical (body) is a the carrier of the real you. The house you live in, the vehicle that moves you to and fro.
  • The Soul is the (mind, will and emotional center) ... that responds according to revelations received (or at times the lack thereof).
  • The Spirit however ... is the life within (the ultrasound) so to speak of the soul or the deeper you.

Prov. 20:27
The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly.
~King James

*one foot note says, searching the rooms within you.

  • God is in charge of human life, watching and examining us inside and out. ~ Message
  • The spirit of man [that factor in human personality which proceeds immediately from God] is the lamp of the Lord, searching all his innermost parts. ~ Amplified

*one foot note say, searching out the deep parts of the heart and person.

Adam Clarke says
God has given to every man a mind, which he so enlightens by his own Spirit, that the man knows how to distinguish good from evil; and conscience, which springs from this, searches the inmost recesses of the soul.

Family Bible suggest:
The spirit searching, makes us cognizant of our most secret thoughts.

John Wesley states:
The candle-Is a clear and glorious light set up in man for his information and direction ... Searching-Discerning not only his outward actions, which are visible to others, but his most inward thoughts and affections.

Therefore, the candle of the Lord (the spiritual ultrasound), can locate you, and can also locate all the hindrances that oppose you, enlightening that you might move on to new arenas of purposeful living that you have not yet thought or imagined.

Hebrews 4:12-13
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (mind and emotions).

Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do. (even the things unseen in the natural or the carnal arena).

The Word of God ... is the very candle that searches us ... (the Spiritual Ultrasound so to speak) ... (God is Spirit and God is Word).

Thus, the spoken word (sound that produces images) is the very way into this deeper life.

Heb. 4:14 goes on to say: Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession (declaration, spoken confession ... something once written that is now spoken with conviction) ... our ultrasound.

There is both the written Word and the Spoken Word ... The Logos and the Rhema. Each having it's place, working together for the good of man.

The written Word the documented (will of God) has been left here for us from the ancient of days, that we might have revelation of the one who was and is and is to come.

Once we understand that God (the word) was made flesh and walked among us through the person of Jesus Christ and receive Him into our heart and lives ... the person of the Holy Spirit can and will guide us in line with the written Word.

That written word then begins to renew (reprogram our mind for good), and as we make confession of these truths not only do we become more free, but we are brought to new realms of life, because of what we can see and know.

The Word works like a mirror ... or a reflector of light. Reflecting what is within us ... much like an ultra sound shows what is on the inside of us. The Spirit speaks expressly revealing the real you.

Sound and Light ... Powerful means of locating the deeper you!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Fruitful and Productive

I like to have fun as much as anyone … but my satisfaction comes from productivity.
My joy is full when I am being fruitful and productive.

I just don’t understand how or why a people would come to church in order to just go home and do it again week after week, as some kind of ritualized obligation.

I go to church to assembly myself together with other believers and worship.
I come to both give my supply and to receive.

I come to get information, to allow unbroken ground in my life to be cultivated, to allow broken land to be fertilized and to be inspired to produce. Among other reasons.

How many would like to bring forth (produce) something specific in their lives in the next 9 months?

So what is holding you back?

To give birth … one begins with two things, living sperm (seed) and egg (soil for the seed).

The Word of God is good seed. There is no doubt about it. It is incorruptible.
1Pe 1:23
Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.

We can see from this passage that God’s incorruptible seed (Word) gave new spiritual birth to us.
Therefore, that same seeding method will cause everything else that you could need or desire to come forth. Thus is God creative ingenuity … He created the principles of seed time and harvest. He created the sowing and reaping.

However, to give birth, seed must first have entrance. And then that seed must be allowed to penetrate areas of life that need to broken and fertilized.

What do you want to give birth to in the next 9 months? Realistically speaking?

If you are not realistic when you decide that you want to give birth to something, you will suffer pain and lose.

The women who the media has labeled Octu mom only gave birth to 8 babies in a nine month period, but this was not under normal conditions. This was the first time Octuplets lived. But it was not healthy for the mom or the babies to birth in this quantity.

There have been a few sets of Nonuplets in which a few of the babies were born alive but only lived a few days. There have also been incidents when a mother started out with 10, 12, or even 15 fertilized eggs, but none survived.

So it is unrealistic to consider giving birth to great quantities of new life in a 9 month period. Realistically and under normal conditions … you bring forth one or two things in a 9 month season. And if you are strong and healthy you may bring forth 3 or 4 things healthily.

Any time you birth in large multiples you are putting yourself and what is being birthed at risk. So when you are ready to move forward and birth your desires, you need to be realistic.

Many people conceive and then abort … they stop the birthing process.

Other people conceive many things at one time and break down under
the pressure and miscarry their desire, or bring forth only to have their desires short lived.

Others consider the labor to be more than they can or want to bear, so they don’t even go near the seed. They just walk around barren all their lives.

Others may be sick and need to be healed before they can bring forth.

In the Bible, Israelite women often wept bitterly as a result of their barrenness. Jewish woman took to heart the covenant between God and Abraham concerning the promise to bless and multiply the seed. That is why women like Rachel cried out to be fruitful.

Gen. 30:1
And when Rachel saw that she bare Jacob no children, Rachel envied her sister; and said unto Jacob, Give me children, or else I die.

*take note here Rachel envied. She also was speaking to Jacob, pressuring him to do what only God could do. She was talking to the wrong person. Instead of pressuring Jacob, instead of manipulating him with statements of death and propositions, she should have been dealing with the envy and darkness of her own heart. Clearing out ground for the good seed enter.

All she did was anger Jacob, because he knew this was not his problem, and he could not fix her. His seed was good. Rachel’s womb, was closed. Like many peoples are ... closed because there is so much flesh mess in their lives.

Jacob planted seed in Leah and she gave birth.
Jacob planted seed in Bilhah and she gave birth.
There was no seed problem.

The problem had to do with Rachel’s bitterness, jealousy and manipulative, controlling attitude.

God wanted Rachel to bring forth (to be fruitful). However, she needed to allow him to work in her life in order for her to be able to bring forth.

God wants his church, the bride of Christ to bring forth fruit and multiply.
But in order for this to happen we must allow God’s word to gain entrance into our lives and we must be willing to press toward the mark for the prize …
John 15:5
1 I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. 2 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.

*as we bear fruit, God will purge us that we might bring forth more fruit.

3 Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. 4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. 5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. 6 If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. 8 Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.

As we continue to walk in obedience to the Word of God, we produce much fruit and glorify God.

*God is glorified when we bring forth fruit, but we are also benefited.
John 15:11 says:
These things I have spoken to you that your joy might remain in you and that your joy might be full. (complete all the time).

Take note of John 15:7 ... If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

Who other than our God can make such promises and keep them? He is amazing and well able to open any barren womb.

The first things that God will deal with in our lives, before we are bring forth is the condition of our soul.

III John verses 2-4
2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth. 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.

When our soul brings forth fruit (love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance …) good health and prosperity will follow. Not to mention that the fruit of righteousness being a tree of life, will make us ready to step out and win other souls.
~ Pro. 11:30

Jesus tells a parable about a man who found no fruit on his fig tree. Grieved at its lack of productivity, the owner wanted to cut it down. But the vinedresser asked to cultivate it one more year. If it didn’t produce fruit, it would be cut down. ~ Luke 13:6-9

Fruit bearing is a serious thing with Jesus. The cry of the Church should be to be fruitful and productive.

There are many dead works that need to be cut down; dead works that are taking up ground that could be cultivated and seeded with seeds of greatness.

The enemy doesn't care how many church orgasms you have on Sunday as long as you fail to allow the Word to penetrate on Monday your life on Monday. He don’t care how many goose pumps you get on Wednesday, as long as you aren’t fruitful on Thursday.

If we are not careful we can become a people who simply walk around having one spiritual orgasm after another and never bring forth anything useful. We go our entire life from one spasm to another and are never productive.

Moses obeying God went away to get a plan that would benefit people and bring God glory. But by the time he got back down the mountain … spiritual orgy was taking place, all that was being produced was sacred cows; nothing good or productive was coming out of the camp.

Even the young protege Joshua, still green enough behind the ears that he thought it was warfare in the camp! Moses knowing God, knew better. He knew it wasn’t God or the enemy that was making all the ruckus.

God was not in all this loose living. God was the one writing a plan for man to follow for good. Plans that would produce fruit in people’s lives if it was allowed to penetrate their hearts.
~ Ex. 24-32

  • When we shout and we should we need to know why we are shouting.
  • When we run and we should we need to know why we are running.
  • When we dance and we should we should know why we are dancing.
  • When we laugh and we should we should know why we are laughing.
  • And when the dust all settles we need to be standing in the midst of a fruitful life.
  • Not with a sacred cow … but with manifestation of our desires.

Solomon says there are four things that are never satisfied.
  • The Grave
  • The Barren Womb
  • The Earth with rainfall
  • Fire with no boundaries
Prov. 30:15-15

The message reads like this:
A leech has twin daughters. Named Gimme and Gimme more. Three things are never satisfied …, There are four that never say, “That is enough, thank you.” Hell A barren womb A parched land And a Forest fire.
We need to:
  • cry out to God to be productive
  • refuse hell to enlarge.
  • seed our souls and become fruitful
  • cry out for refreshing rains from heaven
  • set boundaries that channels our passion for good
If you are not walking in the fruit of the Spirit you need allow the Holy Ghost to help you to. To arrest you when you are acting unfruitful … and then yield to him as he does.


I call it Stop, drop, and roll.

You stop what you are doing that is unfruitful.
You Drop to your knees ask God to forgive you, and help you to change.
You get up put the word into action and roll on down the highway of life with no condemnation.

We need to keep these things in our lives until we master the sin that so easily besets us.

Let me give you an example:
If a person wants to birth a meek and quiet nature, with a soft answer that turns away wrath, and allowing their speech to be with grace and seasoned with salt.

This won’t produce overnight.
The desire has to be there for it … there has to be a vision of how life would be with that nature.
Incorruptible seed must be given entrance concerning this desire.
The Holy Ghost must be allowed to help, and steps must be taken toward the end result.

What do you want?

What do you want to produce in the next 9 months?
Remember be realistic ... Multiple (overload) is usually detrimental …

Maybe it is health, maybe it is a job with good pay and benefits, maybe it is an x amount of souls won through evangelism, maybe it is a mission trip, or something monetary … house, car, new wardrobe.

Maybe it is something that requires discipline … weight loss, a better relationship with someone.

Steps you can take to bring your faith into sight.
  • Get it engraved down on the inside of you.
  • Put that vision before you eyes.
  • Remain focused … watch out for distractions to pull you off course.
  • Find word (that is rightly divided in it’s truth) concerning your desire; get that word down on the inside of you … let it be engraved in your heart right there with the vision.
  • Keep the Vision before you, Keep the Word like frontlets before.
  • Keep them alive in you by musing on them.
  • Talk to God about the vision often … mutter the Word for the vision to yourself regularly.
  • Thank God for what he has already done concerning this matter, calling those things that are not as though they already were.
  • Meditate on the word day and night concerning the promised end … imagine that thing in fruition.
  • Dream about it every day.
  • Obey the leading of the Holy Ghost and take steps that he directs you toward it.
  • Set short term goals toward that 9 month vision goal.
  • Use your faith … give God something to back on your behalf, that will both please and glorify Him, in the process.
  • Keep weeds of doubt and unbelief out of your life.

Once the manifestation of the desire is birthed, be ready to maintain it … to care for it … to be faithful with it. When you do ... God will add more to you life.

Friday, April 9, 2010


A Crisis is a turning point for better or worse. Meaning that it is a time when decisions must be made, and outcome can hinge upon those decisions.

Crisis usual comes carrying with it pain, distress and/or dysfunction. During crisis people are often very emotional, and change radically in behavior if they follow their feelings. As believers in Christ we are taught truths that will keep us free even in the midst of a sudden crisis is we will follow those truths.

Each one of us are a three dimensional being. We each are a living Spirit, who have a mind, will and emotions (a soul), and we live within a physical body (tent, house, vehicle). For a person to deny that they have feelings is deception. We are created with emotions (feelings), and to disregard them is just as ridiculous as a person twisting scripture text and throwing out education and intellect. However, many professing Christians have done this foolishly. They take a text like Pr 3:5 which says: Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. And build a doctrine of ignorance on it.

This text is not telling us to throw out our mental abilities. It is telling us that we need to learn truth from God. And if we have been taught things that are not aligned to those truths, that we should listen more to what is on the inside of us (in the deep parts) more than what someone may have mislead us in through bad teaching.

If we were to toss out our minds (mental intellectual abilities) then Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God would not have written Ro 12:2 which says: "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

Our minds are wonderful creations of God but need to be renewed in truths that will aide us in and through all of life's crisis. And just as God has given us a wonderful mind that can be filled with truth that he offers us, he has also weaved in what we call "feelings" or emotions. Those feelings are not all in all bad. But feelings are fickle. They can cause us to be up one day, down another. They can also deceive us if we do not have all our facts together about a situation.

Following feelings is not always safe. And yet people are forever saying, "follow your feelings." But in reality, these same people are living roller coaster lives, of highs, lows, ups, downs, ins, outs, and sudden dangerous curves thrown into their lives. They are usually screaming about something or throwing their hands in the air about something else. And just as it is to ride a roller coaster ... it usually ends up costing you financially and often leaves us physically sick.

I allowed my mind to be renewed in this area many years ago. My life was full of ups and downs. One crisis after another. Living a loose life, of following feelings. There is a difference in a loose life and a free life. People need to get away from so called loosing meetings and get over into the realm of truths that set free.

When I say I was living a loose life, some would call it free. It wasn't. I was living a life of drugs, alcohol and promiscuity, no one telling me anything, because I wanted to live MY Life! I wasn't living life at all, not even mine. I was hook nosed by the enemy, with eyes blinded by deception, until Jesus set me free and healed all my crisis!

My experience with God was supernatural. It wasn't ordinary religious ritual. It was revelation. A revelation (that I will not go into as for some to be carried off into error trying to have the same experience), but nevertheless a supernatural happening that headed me to God's written Word. Truth that set me free, as I gave myself to it, and applied it!

Today my life is transformed. Why? Because I wanted to be free and life a wonderful stable, fruitful, happy, peaceful and successful life. How? Choice. Making choices that offered new results. I begin to choose life. I by choice allowed his will (Written Word of God) to become my will. In doing this my entire life was transformed (changed) and I am free!

You can be free too, if you choose. God never forces himself on anyone. He is Love. He is Light. He is Life. He is Truth. He is the Way. But He allows you to choose ... Life or death ... Blessings or Cursing. God (Jesus) will never force himself on you. He will simply be there when you choose Him. He waits for you! When you choose Him, He then offers you a wonderful life not only now, but hereafter (through out eternity).

I wish I could expose every person to this wonderful life of love, peace, joy and blessing that I live. But I can't expose them to this, for it is an inner working by God alone. I can however, witness of Christ and life I live. I can also invite you to join me in it. I can introduce you to Christ Jesus by offering you the written Word. But you must allow Him entrance to your life by applying His written Word and following His sent Spirit.

Crisis is also known as a time when a situation has reached a critical phase. So many people are at this place. They are at a critical phase physically, financially, relationally, or mentally. They need help, change, something to give.

During these times, people grasp at anything and everything if they are not ground in the Word of God and have a personal relationship with Jesus. As they are grasping here and there, they may get a temporal solution, but it soon gives way to another crisis. The only sure solution for Crisis is the Love of God. Love never fails and activates faith that is offered to us through the Word of God. And Faith is always the victory!

God's Word is tried and proven. It never changes. The earth could be removed and God's Word would still remain. It is unfailing. It is the antidote for the life of crisis.

We will never live a life free, of affliction or adversity (persecution). But we can live a crisis free life.

When we are living our lives according to God's Word. We understand many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord brings them through them ALL. So in the midst of any affliction or persecution ... we can continue in praise, peace and joy understanding that we will come through victoriously. For ALL things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose.

Daniel was a praying man. He found himself being tossed in a den of lions. He slept. This was persecution (adversity). But it was no Crisis for Daniel. It was just an opportunity to come out victoriously and glorify God.

The Hebrew children were thrown into a furnace. It was heated till it was white hot. This was persecution (adversity), but it was not a crisis for the Hebrew children. They praised in the midst of the fires of adversity and came out to promotion!

We could go through more and more examples of faith in action that results in victory. But the point is, "you do not have to live your life, from one crisis to another." You can walk in such a way that when trouble comes, you are grounded. If everything around you begins to shake and show instabilities, you will remain steadfast and stable. Crisis can be to your left and to your right, but it can not come near your dwelling. Because you are of a different Spirit.

You are of a Spirit of excellency. One who is led by the Word and Spirit. Led by the one who not only knows the way out, but is the way. The one who is the door (or entrance) to every area of life when you need it. The one who is the way, when there seems to be no way.

Jesus is a present help in times of trouble. Meaning that your adversity, persecution, affliction, or trouble does not have to not turn to crisis. It can turn to blessing! It can act as a stepping stone to a new arena of living. It can only aid in getting you to your next level!


Monday, April 5, 2010

Free to be Fruitful

What we do in life can be:
  • A fruit of who we are
  • A product of who we think others want us to
  • A product of what others expect us to be
Each person is built to be unique. Everyone has their own personal DNA, their own personal finger prints. Even identical twins, no matter how much they look or act alike, they are still different. God has created them that way.

On the inside of each person is a exclusive individual
that needs to be free "To Be."

Jesus came to set us free, not put us in bondage. Many people have the idea that Jesus came to clone us. But Jesus was a very unique individual.
  • He was one of a kind.
  • He was and is the only True God.
  • He was and is the only first born of many.

Jesus never melted into the mold of the Sadducees or the Pharisees. He was exclusively who he was set in the earth to be.

If we go back to the day of Moses we find a lost man, a man in a foreign land. He was raised by the Pharoah's daughter, where he lived in luxury and was taught in a palace. But He was still empty, walked about with a void.

He was in someone else's mold.

He had a purpose on the inside of him. A purpose that he was not fulfilling.
He was a Hebrew trying to fit into an Egyptian world.

He was not free to fruitful, and this resulted in a murderer on the run, with a murdered man left behind in a shallow sandy grave, no to mention multitudes of people left in bondage.

Moses ran and while on the back side of a desert ... a hot, dry, barren, place, God called out, "Moses, Moses." And at the sound of his name, Moses said, "here am I." He did not say Here I am. He said, "here am I."

Although Moses said, "Here am I" ... God said, "I am" when he responded to Moses.
"I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob."

Just as God knows who He is ... Just as Jesus knew who He was, Moses had to find out who he was too.

Not only did God know who He was, He also knew what His purpose was and Moses was included in His purpose, Jesus was included in His purposes and so are we. But most people do not know who they are ... and they will not know until they come to know God. Moses was no exception.

When God spoke to Moses and revealed who He (God) was and what His purpose was ...Moses also begin to see his purpose in life. However, he still did not know Who he was ... he just understood the purpose of God that he was to be a part of ... but until he knew who he was, he would not be able to fulfill the purpose revealed.

After God had revealed purpose to Moses, his respond was, "Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?"

Here we still see Moses ... saying, "Who AM I?" This is a question that so many people have? "Who Am I?"

People are searching, they are trying to find out who they are, so they watch TV and model after actors and actresses. They listen to the radio and model after musicians. They see a magazine cover and decided they want to look like this person or that person and go to strange extremes to be like that person, thinking that will bring happiness and freedom.

When you ask people "who are you?" They offer you their name, but what is behind the name?

Moses knew his name. When God called to him he called him by name. But he didn't know the man behind the name. It was not until God was with him, that he knew the man behind the name.

The only way for a person to truly know who they are
and fulfill their purpose in planet earth
is to get to know God.

Moses had spent his life trying to be what The Pharaoh and his daughter wanted him to be, he had stuffed his real self down deep and lived a very shallow life of pleasing others, of being who he thought they wanted him to be, of who he thought he was suppose to be, and he was not happy. His whole life was a performance, he was the actor. But reality, destiny, purpose, fulfillment, inner peace ... voids.

Many people do this, they are like Chameleons, they change to fit in. They become who they believe others want them to be in order to fit it. And they are not happy. They may have a few happy times, but when the lights go out at night and they are laying in the quite alone ... what then? You might ask yourself the question, "What might I hear if I were to be out in a quite place, with no distractions?" "What would God be speaking to me?"

I have also seen children grow up with no individuality at all. They are walking step-ford children. They are not able to be who they are called to be, or fulfill their purpose in life because they have been so mishandled. And they become hard and miserable. Stones that need to be raised up. Stones that need life.

Jesus called the religious leaders of his day, white washed tombs and empty sepulers. While knowing that we were to be lively stones. They were the dead among the living as Jesus walked with them. Today, with the life of God inside us through the person of Jesus Christ, we can be living stones. We can be life fruitful and life giving.

We can see from God's word in the book of Jeremiah that there is a time when pottery is marred in hands of the potter and must be broken and remolded. Re-molded not by human hands. But by God who offers destiny.
  • The God of purpose.
  • The God who knows your end from your beginning.
  • The God who has plans for you ... plans of hope and a future!

Moses by listening to God, learning who he was and what his purpose in life, was able to free an innumerable amount of people from bondage (slavery). Some have estimated the amount to be 2.5 million people.

Jesus also, as he listened to his Father God has made a way for an innumerable amount of people to be freed from the satanic bondage that keeps us from being all that God has created us to be, that keeps us from having the life and abundance that He intended for us to have.

When I say innumerable here, I refer to this: Whosoever will ... can have this free life through Jesus Christ. That is an innumerable amount, but I am in that number, and you can be too.

For all the people who have misrepresented Jesus and left people felling like Christianity puts them into bondage. I send my apologizes. Jesus is life giving and wants people to be free.

  • Jesus did not come to condemn
  • He came to seek and save the lost
Moses probably would not have said while walking around the palace ... I think I'm lost. No, he knew where he was geographically, but He had no clue as to where he was suppose to be in life, because he did not know who he was. He knew some things about himself, but he did not know in totality, because he had not encountered God personally.

He had been nursed by his biological mother and played among the Egyptians and most likely his own biological siblings. He had been told by someone (his mother, his adoptive mother, his peers) that he was Hebrew. But this only left him more confused, with questions like this: "Then why am I here?" "Am I Egyptian or Hebrew?" "Who do I love?" "Why are those who are raising me, holding those who were born as me in captivity?" "Will I too be subjected to harsh labor and bondage in my future?" "God, Who is God?"

When Jesus was coming into the coast of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?

And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets.

People were supposing Jesus to be this person, or that person. They would also have to believe in reincarnation if they thought these things. But Jesus knew who he was ... therefore, he did go into bondage of other peoples ideas, or futile religious beliefs.

If that were some people, and they would have heard someone thought them to be John the Baptist, they would have went out and bought a camel hair coat and a bottle of wild honey and bag of locust, even though they did like camel hair or honey and locust.

If they would have heard they were like Jeremias, they would suddenly they had a prophetic weeping ministry. They may have went off into some kind of mantra trying to stir up dead spirits and draw them to themselves. But not Jesus! Jesus was his own man. He was Free. Free from opinions, ideas, and empty religious beliefs. Free to be fruitful. Free to walk with the God of the living and follow his own spirit.

Jesus continues to ask the disciples ... "Who do you say that I am?"

Peter says, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."

At this Jesus commended Peter. Peter was coming to know Jesus.

Jesus commended Peter, and then revealed to Peter who he (Peter) was in the process. As soon as Peter came to know the God who lived in, and was Jesus, he begin to know who he was too. His purpose was made clear. When you spend time in the presence of Jesus, you learn quickly who God is, and who you are. You hang around those who always trying to be this or that ... you soon become confused.

It is not until we know who Christ is that we can know who we are ... and until we know who we are, we can not be the fruitful exclusive individuals that God has created us to be. We can not be successful until we are free to be ourselves.

God did not tell Moses that He was A God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. He said, "The God."
Peter did not say to Jesus, "You are A Christ of A living God." He said, "You are The Christ of The living God."

This is the truth that we must come to in order to really be free. Free from death, hell and the grave. But also free in this life to fulfill our destiny. To do what we are designed to do here on planet earth ... to be fruitful and multiply.

When we come to the place that we are ready to receive Jesus into our lives as The true living God ... not a god, or a teacher ... but God.

The one who was born of a virgin, living as God manifest in the flesh, laid down his life on a cross for us, descended into hell to remove the keys of death, hell and the grave from Satan himself, was raised and walked among the living, then ascended on high to atone for our sins.

It is when we receive Jesus as Lord ... just as Peter said by revelation, "You are the Christ, the son of the living God." That we free.

"If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."

Some people say they are free ... but to be truly free ... one must be set free by Jesus Christ. It is by His blood and our testimony that we overcome. It is by grace and our confession of faith, that we are saved. Those who believe themselves to be free outside of Christ are deceived. If they only knew the truth, and would receive it, they would take on a whole new definition of freedom.

So if you have not gotten to know him ... if you have not received him in you life as Lord. I am asking that you do so today. He loves you and is waiting to reveal Himself to you. He wants to reveal ... the I am in your life.

All you have to do, is invite him in. Ask him to reveal himself, and to help you to understand your purpose and WHO YOU ARE! Make him Lord if you haven't already.

If you have already received Jesus as Lord. You should know who you are. If not be like the good disciple Peter, and spend time in his presence. Allow him to reveal the I am in You!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Romans 12:1-2 King James Translation:
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Message Translation:
So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don't become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You'll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.

New Century:
So brothers and sisters, since God has shown us great mercy, I beg you to offer your lives as a living sacrifice to him. Your offering must be only for God and pleasing to him, which is the spiritual way for you to worship.
Do not be shaped by this world; instead be changed within by a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to decide what God wants for you; you will know what is good and pleasing to him and what is perfect.

Here are three displays of Romans 12:1-2, by offering two or three translations to this text, there is hope that your understanding will be opened when it comes to the need for transformation of the mind, for changed thinking.

Let's focus of transformation
... be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind... KJV
... you will be changed from the inside out... MSG
... be changed within by a new way of thinking ... NCV

To be transformed defines as
  • to change in composition or structure
  • to change the outward form or appearance of
  • to change in character or condition
  • to cause (a cell) to undergo genetic transformation

Romans speaks of being transformed by the renewing of the mind. In other the mind must be changed, if the outward appearance, character or conditions are going to change.

Another thing I like about the definition of transformation is that it opens us up to the realization that the cells in the mind can be altered (changed). To help you understand this more fully, (concerning Romans 12:2) I would ask that you read Dr. Carolyn Leaf's books: The brain and The Gift in You. But Let me at this time go to the transformation of the mind that brings change to our character and outward conditions.

The Greek origin of the word transformed is:
metamorfow metamorphoo, met-am-or-fo'-o

Metamorphoo meaning to:
to transform (literally or figuratively, "metamorphose"):--change, transfigure, transform

It carries the idea is the life cycle of the butterfly. The little worm that changes both position and form.

The Caterpillar goes through several changes, however the major change that people recall is the fact that they go from a lowly worm to a beautiful butterfly; from crawling to flying; from earth to sky.

Another Metamorphosis is the Toad frog, and his life metamorphosis has been stretched to fairy tales of toads turning Prince. But Metamorphosis is not limited to butterflies or toad frogs. We humans too, can experience a type of Metmorphosis called transformation. We can be transformed by the changing (renewing) of our minds.

How men think plays a tremendous role in his mental and physical well being, and on how he lives his life in every other arena. The reason for this is that the laws of cause and effect work in all realms--the spiritual, the mental, and the physical. No effect is without its cause; no cause is without its effect.

When men allow their heart or mind to be dominated by negative, destructive emotions
such as Hate, Anger, Jealousy, Envy, Resentment, Fear, Guilt, Condemnation, Frustration and Failure. Their lives soon take a downhill spiral.

Even Doctors tell us that these negative mindsets and emotions can cause asthma, ulcers, high blood pressure, colitis, arthritis, depression and other diseases. When a person is sick in mind and or body it effects his fiances, life vigor and happiness.

When a person is living in the realm of the negative, they need a transformation! They need to be changed from the lowly worm thinking, they need a transformation.

The Bible says in Proverbs 3:27, "as a man thinks in his heart, so is he." And you will eventually become what you think. You can't think one thing and become something else.

If you allow yourself to think negative thoughts, then you will become a negative person, producing negative results in life.

  • You cannot think defeat and expect to succeed.
  • You can't think poverty, and expect to prosper.
  • You can't think the worst of situations or people, and get the best.

You've got to be careful about what you think; be careful about what you meditate on, about what you allow to go into your mind.

Now thoughts will come, but I heard a dear man once say: "The birds may fly over your head but you don't have to allow them to nest in your hair." In other words, thoughts my come across your mind, but you must learn how to take them captive and bring them into subjection to the Word of God that is powerful and about to divide between what is Soul and Spirit. You need to cast down vain (negative, useless) imaginations and replace them with powerful imaginations that will grow and breed greatness into the earth.

The Bible tells us what we should dwell on in Philippians 4:8. It's to "think on things that are pure and honest and of a good report." Things that build you up, not tear down.

Think on all the great things God has done for you and has enabled you to do and be. In other words, you need to dwell on the positive and not the negative.

Quit thinking about what's wrong with you and start thinking about what's right with you. Quit thinking about how big your problems are and start thinking about, "how you can do all things through Christ which strengthens you." Think about how nothing is impossible to those who believe.

  • Be a thankful person.
  • Be an encourager.
  • Be a blessing to others.
  • Be a focused person and disciplined person.
  • Think positive.

Be transformed.

Leave the low thinking arena for the higher life! Rise up to new heights, to new realms of freedom!