Are you angry?
Do you find yourself angered easily?
How do you respond to anger?
Anger is an emotion (a feeling), and emotions effect our lives.
According to studies there are three types of anger:
1. Sudden Anger: connected to impulse for self-preservation ... this usual occurs when a person believes themselves to be trapped or tormented.
2.Settled / Deliberate Anger: this is when a person reacts to what they believe to be deliberate unfair treatment by or to others.
*These two types of anger are episodic where as the third listed below is dispositional and relates to character (integrity).
3. Irritability, sullenness, and churlishness; this type of anger results from childish behavioral patterns (immaturity), serving to manipulate a situation toward your advantage.
People need to understand that "one can be angry and still not sin" ...
They also need to wrap their heads around "never letting the sun go down upon their anger" ...
Sometimes people try to avoid emotions. Emotions can not be avoided, but they can be managed.
Managing emotions begins with mental discipline. Where your thoughts and imaginations go, there you go! What you think on manifest in forms of words and actions which create various manifestation. If you don't manage your mental attitude, soon you will be imploding from negativity. If you are going to implode ... let it be a positive implosion, creating a happy, healthy and productive future. ~ Deal with your anger issues
Anger can be a means of self preservation as we mentioned in type 1 anger. Self preservation is to rise up to break free.
A good example of this would be a battered spouse, who finally gets anger enough to rise up to break free from such a relationship.
When we enslaved to anything we need to get fat enough with Spirit and Truth that we break free from those bonds of slavery. People can be enslaved by many things and sometimes by people, such as manipulating groups or religious cults. Emotions can even enslave if they are not mastered (managed). ~ Anger is a driving force if left unresolved
People need to learn to be led, and not driven. Our lives should be successions of being led by peace and going out in joy. We hear people talk about driving forces, if a person is driven they are pressed, pushed, goaded and miserable. God does not pressure a people. God leads people.
We need to learn how to let love lead and put anger in the rear of the procession.
When it comes to self preservation, let love lead. You can get anger enough to leave a bad situation, but let love for yourself be the active ingredient. Then get up and walk away in peace and with joy. Knowing that God has a better plan for your life than one of entrapment or torment.
Type 2 anger settled or deliberate anger which comes from unfair treatment, can be imaged as this:
- A person has mishandled your fiances which you have entrusted them, you find out about it and you are angry.
If not you will do one of two things:
- You will stuff the anger inward and suffer financial, physical and mental consequences.
- You will implode and strike out in anger as you decide to deliberately settle things yourself.
To remain angry or let your anger turn to rage can be harmful, both to you and others. So, stop and breath. Consider the consequences of your actions. There are ways to resolve differences and injustices, and you need to search out the path for effective results. We need to remember in all of our affairs in life, positive and negative ... that we are to keep ourselves in the Love of Christ ... ~Walking in maturity.
Childish Behavior is not acceptable in adults, and will not bring you success. It will rather act for means of stumbling over your own pouting lip. Type 3 anger is Irritability, sullenness, and churlishness.
This type of anger is the manipulating anger that comes from immaturity. It desires control and explodes in temper fits ... yelling, screaming, pouting, throwing things, and often offers propositions of "if you don't do this, I am going to __________" .
This type of anger comes from a lack of maturity or integrity. A person who is always having fits of rage is a person whom is full of deadly poison. Poison that will soon bring them to such a bitter state that they will not be able to move forward in life. Type 3 anger needs to be resolved through becoming educated through life skills. Learning how to operate in integrity.
God has the answer to every anger issue. Whether it is Sudden anger, Deliberate anger, or Irritability. God's Word is filled with life principles. Wisdom that offers direction. And above all else ... Get Wisdom it is the key principle to successful living.
The principles of God will always direct you toward victory if applied. And will always lead with peace and take you out of a bad situation joyously.
If a person is dealing with anger ... fill your mind with God's Word concerning anger. Apply the truth that you find ... for instance:
- Be swift to hear and slow to speak.
- Allow a soft voice to turn away wrath.
- Use temperance in all things.
- Turn the other cheek.
- Consider others.
- Walk in love.
- Trust God.
Also learn to spend time in prayer and meditation each day. The man or woman who orders their day with prayerful meditations will walk on tracks of good success!