Monday, April 19, 2010

Focused and Targeted Prayer

Scattered Prayers = Scattered results
Focused and Targeted prayers = Large and bountiful harvest

Anytime a person prays, their prayers should be targeted just as any line of communication.

Prayer is focused communications with God. And there are various kinds of prayers, yet most people just pray restless prayers from emotional upheavals and never really understand the power that is available to them by focusing and targeting their words properly.

When you call to talk to a friend you may just fellowship about this and that. In this time you can grow closer in relationship and learn more about each other. However, if a person needs money from the bank, they need to focus their communication a different direction. They need to operate in business mode. During these times they begin to discuss their dilemma, share their needs and concerns and then make a request concerning the need.

Let's say a person has an ailment, and they go to the Doctor about their symptoms. When they get to the office they express to the doctor what is going on in their lives and then they look to him for the cure. Upon the physicians advice and prescribed medication, the person then must act responsibly, as they do what is required they get results. If not they return and ask why, receiving future counsel and care.

A CEO may call a meeting to roll around ideas concerning a future investment or endeavor. Asking what the others think about the new revelation. This kind of communication requires an openness to ideas, revelations and input that the CEO may have never considered.

And yet a person my just go off to themselves and have quite time. Rolling around conversations, ideas, and thoughts within themselves about a matter, until God enlightens them about the thing they are pondering.

Pray-ers should be focused, and prayers should be targeted.

Rev. K.E. Hagin would say, "you need to be specific when you pray."

People have often said, "If you want the dog, don't call the cat." In other words there is a right way to communicate in order to draw what you need or desire to yourself.

The Banker would think you a mental case, if you came to him and told him all your aliments and expected him to prescribe you a medication, as would the Doctor should you go to his office and ask for a loan.

God is multifaceted. He is Father, Son and Holy Ghost. He is Husbandman, Friend, Healer, Provider, Protector, Breasted one, All seeing and all knowing (omnipotent and omnipresent) ... you get the idea. In other words you can go to God who is all in all and communicate accordingly.

I have never understood people who pray boxed in prayers. Boxed in prayers limit. Prayers must be released in faith, with limitations removed in order to be at their best.

People who pray boxed in prayers, normal want to control (yes, even God). They want to know how it will happen, when it will happen, where it will come from, how long it will take ... get the drift? There is an element that each pray-er needs in order to receive abundantly. That element is confident trust!

  • When you confidently trust, you are not on edge over everything.
  • When you confidently trust, you are fearless about what you release to them.
  • When you confidently trust, you do not worry.
  • When you confidently trust, you release.
  • When you confidently trust, you expect faithfulness.
  • When you confidently trust, you rest.

"And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:
And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him." ~ I John 5:14-15

"For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.
Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God.
And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight.
And this is his commandment ... That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment." ~ I John 3:20-23

When we understand who God is and how much he loves us. When we know his heart and understand who we are in him. A whole new concept of prayer opens, from a higher level of confidence.

Recently I read a quote by someone I consider a friend. That quote was, "What an epic day!" As I responded to this quote, I added ... "even so an epic life."

The word epic is powerful in it's own rite. It defines as: extending beyond the usual and ordinary, especially in size or scope. And relates to speech. As it is a Latin word with a Greek origin.

Jesus said, he came to give us Life and that more abundantly. ~ John 10:10
But it is also said, that Jesus was the Word made flesh. ~ John 1:1-14

To pray the Word of God properly and with confidence is powerful and rewarding, resulting in an "epic" life! But to simply scatter prayer without confidence and to toss words around without purpose, one gets a few scattered harvest rewards at best.

What ever you need, God has it! He is alive and well. He has a voice that you can trust and follow, a Spirit that is full of grace and mercy.

I suggest you read the book of Hebrews, as a glimpse into focused life and targeted prayer.

The book of Hebrews speaks to us about:
  • our profession of faith, about our Word confessions and confidence.
  • angelic help and also of our place of authority and inheritance.
  • clean consciences and Jesus our mediator of the better life.
  • the laws of increase.
  • the universe created by God and covenant between God and man.
  • the power of the spilled blood of Jesus Christ.
  • faith and those who by faith obtained, encouraging us to continue in the same faith for the same kind of results.
Let us a pray-ers become more focused, and get our prayers more targeted. Let us bring forth by faith as those of old to the Glory of God.