Everything that is natural, was first Spirit ... except the Divine Spirit of God who always and always will be. God is Spirit and has created everything that is now visible, tangible, understandable.
John 1:1-17 John 4:24 Col. 1:16-17
God is Spirit and lives in the Spirit (invisible realm) and he has created the entire physical universe ~ everything that we have ever or will ever encounter in the natural realm came from the Spirit (invisible, intangible) realm. The realm that is not a feelings realm. The realm that is eternal.
To be the success that we want to be in live, we must get a grip on Spiritual laws and ordinances (principles). When we do, we will understand that just as the law of lift overcomes the law of gravity, spiritual laws can overcome natural laws. How? Beginning with the renewed mind (the thought and imagination place), and then from the Words of our mouth (spoken Word mixed with faith).
Hebrews 11:5 opens our understanding to the worlds that were framed by the Word of God (Spirit Words). We understand that things which are seen were not made of things visible. But the invisible force of Spirit Words gave birth to the visible realm.
The universe was created by the "Word of God" ... and YOU and I my friend are made in the image and likeness of God ... "A speaking Spirit." When God said, "let there be light ... light was." The very light we walk in each day ... was offered us by the Spoken Word of the Spirit.
Isaiah 55:11 reads like this:
So shall MY WORD be that goeth forth out of my mouth; it shall not return unto me void (empty...fruitless...immaterial...without effect...unoccupied), but it shall accomplish (completed ...be successful...fully equip) that which I please, and it shall prosper (become strong and flourish) in the thing whereto I sent it!
The Key to creation is Speaking God (Spirit) Words...Life Words...Light!
Matthew 12:37
By your Words, you are justified, and by your words you are condemned.
What we say matters. Our words will bring blessings or cursing into our lives. Life and life or Sorrow and death. Therefore we need to be mindful of what we safe and keep a guard set over our mouths. We also need to keep our minds filled with things that are: true, honest, just, pure, lovely, good reports (things that we want to produce and see in manifestation in and around our lives and the lives of others).
God has a plan for our lives. A good plan. A plan of prosperity, health, life, good, a bright future ... a life of peace and an expected good end! But we can talk our way into it or out of it. Because the plan of creation was and is a Word plan, that begin in the mind of a Spirit of Life and Love.
When we speak the Word of God we are declaring what is already real and present in your spirit, and your faith confession is bringing that into being. All we have or every will have is already established and settle in Heaven, but what brings it from Heaven to earth is faith confessed Words from a Believer.
The World has programmed people to believe what they can see, but the truth is you must side with God and say faith filled words and then see the unseen. When you speak in faith from your Spirit, that align with the Word of God (which is life, light and truth), you will bring what you need and desire from the Spirit realm into the natural realm. This is how Jesus operated. Jesus spoke in complete harmony with his Father God (Spirit) and walked in complete harmony in the natural realm.
Nothing or No one can stop you from reaching your destiny ... except YOU! Your spoken Word will open up your destiny and lead you into it, or close it and keep you from it! You choose, when you choose your Spirit filled Words and release them.
By your Words, you are justified, and by your words you are condemned.
What we say matters. Our words will bring blessings or cursing into our lives. Life and life or Sorrow and death. Therefore we need to be mindful of what we safe and keep a guard set over our mouths. We also need to keep our minds filled with things that are: true, honest, just, pure, lovely, good reports (things that we want to produce and see in manifestation in and around our lives and the lives of others).
God has a plan for our lives. A good plan. A plan of prosperity, health, life, good, a bright future ... a life of peace and an expected good end! But we can talk our way into it or out of it. Because the plan of creation was and is a Word plan, that begin in the mind of a Spirit of Life and Love.
When we speak the Word of God we are declaring what is already real and present in your spirit, and your faith confession is bringing that into being. All we have or every will have is already established and settle in Heaven, but what brings it from Heaven to earth is faith confessed Words from a Believer.
The World has programmed people to believe what they can see, but the truth is you must side with God and say faith filled words and then see the unseen. When you speak in faith from your Spirit, that align with the Word of God (which is life, light and truth), you will bring what you need and desire from the Spirit realm into the natural realm. This is how Jesus operated. Jesus spoke in complete harmony with his Father God (Spirit) and walked in complete harmony in the natural realm.
Nothing or No one can stop you from reaching your destiny ... except YOU! Your spoken Word will open up your destiny and lead you into it, or close it and keep you from it! You choose, when you choose your Spirit filled Words and release them.
The life you create for yourself is the one that you choose to speak out;
If you want your life to change then you must change the Words you speak!
If you want your life to change then you must change the Words you speak!