If you want to be free, you can be. Freedom is a choice. Freedom is not just some outside display of running wild or doing anything you want, anytime you want. Freedom is a liberty offered to whosoever will (through the person of Jesus Christ).
Many people get saved (receive Jesus as Lord) and obtain a born again spirit, but remain in bondage. Why is this? It is because they have received a new Spirit nature, but they have not received a new mind.
- What's the mind have to do with it?
- Everything.
The Word of God tells that we are to offer our bodies (which are still the same body that we had before we received the born again Spirit) to God as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God ... as our reasonable service.
And to refuse to conform to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our mind (the same mind we had when we received the born again Spirit), so that we might prove what is the good, acceptable and perfect will of God.
God's will for our lives is a life of Freedom. His intent has never been that any one perish. His will is not for any of his children to be in any kind of bondage. He wants you to be free ... even so "He whom the Son sets free is free indeed!"
Jesus has came and set us free from death, hell and the grave. He has also set us free to make choices in life. And one choice that we need to make as soon as we are born again, is to endeavor to get our minds renewed to right thinking.
In Ephesians chapter one Paul prayed that the eyes of the understanding of the people would be opened. What is the eyes of the understanding? It is revelation [the mind opening up to what is new and acceptable as the will of God].
Eph. 4:23-24 tells us to be renewed in the Spirit of our minds. Putting on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness (right standing) and true holiness ... [true holiness here translates as simply TRUTH].
So we could say that God wants us to be renewed in the Spirit of our Mind, to put on the new man (our new nature) which is created in right standing with God and open to the Truths of God that set us free.
- So what's the mind got to do with it?
- Once again ... Everything!
Right behind Eph. 4:23-24 we find the apostle tell us to put off lying and start speaking truth. To refuse to be angry unto sin ... refusing to give place to the devil. Stop stealing, go to work so we can give to those in need. Refuse to talk ugly, only allow good to come through your lips, but instead speak good, speak things that edify (help others). Don't grieve the Holy Spirit.
Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor and evil speaking be put away from you with all malice. Be kind! Be tenderhearted! Be forgiving! Be God like!
You see trapped in the mind of people are ideas and teachings that have been put there from the time of their birth. Formulas and theories; imaginations and theologies. Some may be fine (even truth) but many may not be. That is why we have Word of God and Spirit ... both aiding us in getting our minds renewed to truths that produce life.
We can trust that the Holy Spirit within us is apt and able to do his job of leading us as we make an active choice to follow ... but part of that leading will have to do with you allowing the Holy Spirit to lead you in line with God's written foundational truths.
The Word and Spirit always work together in harmony. They are not separate now do they contradict one another. The Spirit and Word Agree. It is when we then side with them that our minds are renewed to truth that sets us free. Powerful truths that work mightily in our lives, offering us a bigger future than we have yet thought or imagined.
- What does the mind have to do with it!
- Everything!
You see as a man thinks (in his mind) so is He.
The mental images you have within you ... created there by words and past events are what oft times will make you or break you.
You need to see things from God's standpoint ... for a high place.
You need to think like God thinks ... a high way of thinking.
- God wants you to have the best, live the best, be the best!
- He wants you health and happy.
- He wants you to succeed.
- He wants you walking in favor.
- His will for you is all good.
- So what's the mind God to do with it?
- Everything!
Do yourself a wonderful favor ... get in the Word of God ... open up to the voice of the Holy Spirit and be renewed in the Spirit of your mind!