Romans 12:2 Don't become like the people of this world. Instead, change the way you think. Then you will always be able to determine what God really wants-what is good, pleasing, and perfect. ~ God's Word
Amazing how many people know this text, but still live in the vein of stinkin' thinkin', pardon the grammar. A healthy Christian thinks on things that are: true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable; things that are excellent and worthy of praise. To think in the negative, to think down or be judgmentally is off track with God.
God is love and Love ... always looks for the best! Yet, we have professing Christians bad mouthing themselves, and others regularly.
Some people talk more about judgment than God's goodness, even though it is the kindness of God, that draws man to repentance. God is a good God. Our christian message is 'good news.'
Even in the vein of repentance Jesus message was a good news message. ~ Mt. 4:17
"Turn to God and change the way you think and act, because the kingdom of heaven is near." ~God's Word translation
This was not a brow beating Jesus ... screaming 'REPENT' in a judgmental, critical, harsh, turn or burn manner. If that were the case ... the harshness of God draws man to repentance and that is not biblical.
Jesus was crying out with compassion for people ... "Turn to God (who is love), change your thinking and actions. Why ... "For the Kingdom of heaven is near." It is so very near, matter of factly ... it is within you. It is a very part of you. ~ Luke 17:20-21
God's kingdom is not an earthen kingdom ... it is an inside kingdom. It is within you! You are the temple of God. The place of his dwelling!
You are to be God (love) carriers. Love (God) should be living inside of every believer. Like well springs, fresh living waters should be flowing out ... sweet waters of mercy and loving-kindness, not poisonous bitter waters of hate, criticisms, brow beating accusations and condemnations.
Love rules in God's kingdom. If Love is not ruling you ... then who's kingdom are you really of? What Spirit are you?
If you are not thinking from a mindset of love ... then your thinking as a believe is off course, and your faith will be inactive, for faith works by love. You may yell and scream, judge, critisize and condemn and get some people to cry. You might pressure others to repentance. But their lives will not be transformed by God. They will just be living beneath harsh, empty religious control.
I have watched as people have struggled through life (yes even in church) from such bondage. This should not be ... The Word of God promises us that "He whom the son sets free is free in deed." Jesus is liberating, he is not controlling.
Matter of fact Jesus is so liberating, that he gives us the free will to choose our own lifestyles. Life or Death; Blessings or Cursing; Obedience or Disobedience ... He does not control. People are forever saying ..."Well, God is in control." But that is not always true. He will aid you in the sense of taking the "helm" so to speak as you allow him place, but God is not controlling.
Even in Galatians chapter twenty-two when speaking of the Fruit of the Spirit ... one of the characteristics is SELF-CONTROL. The Holy Spirit's (the one sent to us to be just like Jesus) characteristic is self control ... it never suggest that God will control you like some puppet on a string. He gives you free will! And offers the Holy Spirit to be your helper ... not one who controls you or others.
If you living with stinkin' thinkin' that has came from wrong teaching. If you have been speaking negatively and walking outside of love. "Repent ... Turn to God (who is love), change your thinking and actions, for the Kingdom of heaven is near."
Don't waste a minute ... rush in and live free!
Allow God's truth to renew your mind set you free.
Allow Love to Rule!
Allow Love to Rule!