Going back to the three dimensional man "Spirit, Soul and Body" ... we often find people confusing the order of the matter.
If we do not understand this in it's proper order ... we will be dominated by either Body or Soul instead of being Spirit led.
We must become aware of God as a Spirit living within us, if we are to be led by the Spirit. We must be conscious that God (love) is a Spirit, and that we like him (in his image and likeness) are Spirit. Numbers 23:19 says that God is a Spirit as well as John 4:4.
What Is the Difference Between Spirit and Soul?
- The soul contacts the intellectual realm.
- The spirit contacts the spiritual realm.
Both are needed. But the soul that reaches the intellectual realm (the more shallow realm) ...this realm can only receive from the place of programing (the natural), while through the Spirit realm you reach beyond the programs, beyond the natural to the supernatural ... from which Spirit life and deep revelation flow. It is with the Spirit that you can reach into the depths of the Ancient of Days with understanding and launch out into the future of yet to be, while living and moving succesffully in the present.
Hebrews 4:12
The word of God divides (parts) between the soul (natural) and spirit (supernatural) ... it opens a complete new realm to us. A deeper more satisfying realm. A realm of deep truths that will set us free and keep us free. Where as the natural realm / the realm of the Soul leaves us with a discontentment, a void that always needs.
When the Lord is Shepherd ... you do not want, you do not fear, and goodness and mercy are always with you. Ps. 23
When we are living from the Spirit there is not lack in our lives ( no voids ) ... we live complete and whole lives. We walk in soul peace and prosperity, as well as physical and mental well being, as we also walk in personal success and wealth. Ps. 84:11
Note, verse. 2 of Ps. 84 how the soul longs for this place ... it is within the deep places of the spirit life, that the soul is satisfied.
I Cor. 2:12 ...
The only way we will ever know or have all that God has freely offered to us is through the Spirit. The Natural man can not receive it and the soul can not. Each are in subject to the Spirit realm.
It is with the body we contact the physical realm.
It is with the soul we contact the intellectual realm.
It is with the Spirit that we contact the spirit realm.
Because of this there is a need today for us to be "Spirit filled" According to John 14-16 and Acts 1-4. You see by the infilling of the Holy Spirit with the Evidence of other tongues ( baptism of the Holy Spirit and Fire ... if you will) ... we can contact the Spirit realm in a way we would not be able to without this wonderful gift God has offered us.
When pray in the Spirit (with the Spirit) we connect beyond the natural arena. ~ I Cor. 14:14
Romans 8 tells us that we pray in this manner when we don't know (from natural means, intellect) how to pray as we should. This is how the Holy Spirit can help us when we need help and don't know what to do, or which way to go. ~I Jo. 2:20
It is also a comfort and a building up of ones' self in Spirit consciousnesses. ~Jude 20
The Saving of the Soul
Saving the soul is a process.
The spirit is reborn immediately upon belief and confession, but the soul must be renewed or restored with the Word of God, which is a process. It is a process of hearing God truths, siding with them, through belief and confession just like the born again means, however it is a longer process as there is an infinite amount of Spirit knowledge to acquire. Paul himself said, that he had not attained the God was, but was pressing toward it ... with a desire to obtain it.
Romans 12:2 ... the mind needs to be renewed. This is a process that works toward our soul salvation ... though we are born of the Spirit already.
James 1:21 ... this tells us that as we receive willingly and freely what God is saying to us in His Word that it works toward the saving of our souls (keeps us from destructive deceptions).
Ps. 23:3 ... tells us that our souls are restored. This would be to be put back to the right state of being . When we are born ... we are all born into sin. Thus we learn and practice sin in some degree until we are reborn and allow our souls to be restored to a God quality state.
Perfect and complete.
*Our next session we will contineu with ... Presenting Our Bodies