Presenting Your Body
*Romans 12:1
*I Cor. 9:27
— The inward man must become the dominant one.
*We must place our body in submission to our spirit.
We are not to die to oneself. That is a misquote and misconception of these scripture text. We are to live. Jesus came to die (sacrificially) for us. He came to give us life, not death ... even life in abundance.
Romans 6:16 ... Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?
We are to simple learn to live a self controlled life. A life that is self controlled, keeps the flesh nature in subjection to Spirit truths and realities. Let it be known that a self controlled life is not a boring, dead life without joy or pleasures as some would make it out to be. Self control is refusing to be manipulated and abused. Being self-controlled is a safe zone. A life zone. A zone that opens up health, happiness, peace, prosperity and many blessings.
We are to keep the flesh nature ... [the old man that desires to sin and carry weights], to surrender to the Holy Spirit nature that now lives in the born again believer.
Sins and weights are trouble. The end of Sin is death ... not life. Weights are burdens that keep you from living carefree.
*They keep you from living free.
*They weigh you down.
*They open you up to physical illnesses.
*They leave your mind fogged to Spirit truths.
*They rob you for joy and good relations.
But to offer one's self as a living sacrifice is to keep the natural man (body and soul) in subjection to the Spirit, which will result in life and abundance.
As we become more and more Spirit Conscious and Spirit led, we begin to live in the overflow life. The realm of impossibilities becoming possibilities. ~ Matthew 19:26 ~ Mark 9:23
People often retire from effort. Instead of keeping their bodies subjected to their Spirit ... they give in to sin or succumb to weights believing it to be easier. But it is only deception. As the sin and weight bring their disappointments, pains and disasters, as well as keeping you from a good life.
We are amazing people if we would open our eyes to see it, and our understandings to know it. The body which God has given us to present back unto Him to is a very amazing entity ... fearfully (awesomely) and wonderfully made. The poetential of the body has not yet been known or captured in the imagination. We have abilities ... great potentials when the body is presented to the Lord and kept in subjection to the Spirit.
Recall the 4 minute mile by Roger Banister? That was an impossiblity made possible. By presenting his body and making it subject to the Spirit within.
Roger Bannister had a dream. His imagination soared. He ran his race! He did the impossible with men (so to speak). But then ... years later ... because of his largness of Spirit to believe and buffet his flesh ... another rose up behind him ... a successor ... Andrija Otenhajmer ran the mile at 3:48.4. Amazing the potential of a body presented and kept in subjection.
Another amazing feat is of a man who has tapped in to the ability to maintain his own body heat in such a degree that he has ran a 1/2 manrathon in only training shorts (yes, even barefoot) in the snow of and ice of the Laplands. He did this succesfully ... breaking a world record. He also completed the course and did not lose one single toe ... as he was expected by the nay sayers to lose them all.
A man can ... if a mans spirit is large enough and his body small enough. I love the text of John the Baptist when he says ... "I must decrease that he (Spirit of God) might increase." He refused to allow his body room for jealousy or strife. He kept his body under.
"Obey God and stay little in your own eyes" .... this was the advice given to the late great Oral Roberts by his mother. Good advice. As Pride leads man to a great fall, pride that comes when a body is not presented as a living sacrafice.
When we give our bodys to God to obey him ... our lives become very large. We become a blessing to others as well as walking in the greatest of blessings. Someone might say ... "Well, what good did it do for Roger Bannister to break a track record, or a man to run a marathon in the snow and ice. But I say to such judgemental murmurers ... these men accomplished much.
First of all they fulfilled their dream ... many looked on and smiling in amazment. Writers have written, broadcasters have broadcast, movies made, stories told ... dreamers dream. These two man among many others ... have became inspirational to men's dreams and seemingly impossible endeavors. Judge not my friends ... Judge not, simply offer yourselves a living sacrafice unto the Spirit of the Lord; Obey, God and stay small in your own eyes ... and move over into Gods designed plan for YOUR life!