Art is never finished, only abandoned.
As I thought about this I wondered how many people have been abandoned by those under who's hands they were placed. A man named Mephibosheth knows what this is like from experience. His abandonment is recorded in the pages of II Samuel.
Originally Mephibosheth name was Meribbaal meaning: to resist baal and was latter changed to Mephibosheth meaning shameful. All because he was art never finished. Mephibosheth is a portrait of so many people who have greatness within, and seats of honor to fill, but have never had anyone make them aware of it.
In Mephibosheth case David remembered a covenant and sent a servant to find this abandoned piece of art. Once Mephibosheth was found, he was brought to his seat of honor.
Mephibosheth was being carried from a crumbling empire and most assuredly being lied to about why it was falling apart. He was in the hands of fearful people. People had more than likely told him that it was David's fault that things were like they were. I can hear fear and ignorance talking, saying things like: "If it had not been for David, you would not have ended up crippled in your feet." When the truth was David had a binding covenant that would bring Mephibosheth to greatness and honor.
Every day people are lied to about God. They are told that He is the reason for people dying, for bad things happening to teach lessons, for natural disasters that leave people devastated, and children orphaned. When the truth is God has not caused any of these evil events.
God is a God of covenant; covenant that will bring all who believe and obey into greatness and honor. I am not talking about 15 minutes of fame when I say greatness and honor, rather greatness and honor that come from living a life under God's loving hand. And just as David sent his servant to get Mephibosheth, God has sent us his servant (son) Jesus.
Jesus has came to receive all who will believe in Him. He will pick them up and bring them to their seat at his table. He will put them under his covering and place them in his rich blessings, because of covenant.
Many a masterpiece awaits a master's touch!
- If you happen to be a dropped piece of art. An abused and lied to soul, or a victim of religious deceit, would you open the door of your heart today to Jesus?
- Will you allow Jesus to place his master touch of love on your life?
- Will you allow his stroke of truth to open your eyes to the beauty of God's good character?
- Will you give Him the opportunity to carry you upon his shoulders to a seat of blessing, and reveal to you your value and purpose.
- If you have never made him Lord, all you have to do is believe on him, and ask him into your life, according to Romans 10:9-10?
- If you have already done this, but have been mislead by religious error concerning the nature of God, would you ask God to enlighten the eyes of your understanding to the truth of his Character according to Eph. 1:15-23?
- If you need to know God's love would you ask him to reveal to you the breadth, length, depth and height of it according to Eph. 3:14-21?
If you have made a decision to respond to any of the above questions, would you let me know by leaving me a note in the comment box of this blog, that I might pray for you by name?
I have already prayed for your unknown face as I wrote this article ...
Because I know the value and greatness that resides in people like you!