And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
In the last days we are told that the love of many will wax cold.
What a sad estate, cold waxy love.
Think for a minute about a wax museum. There is a form of people in those museums, but they are just cold waxy figures.
There is no warmth to them. They have the appearance of someone living, someone loving, but there is no life in them.
They can not hug, can not show emotion, can not communicate, and are simply idle. And what is so sad, the bible says in the last days ... people would wax cold in their love walk. They would become unable to communicate successfully, show no godly emotions, but instead become animalistic from lust, from iniquity. They will have no warmth to them, nor true life in them. They exist only for themselves, their lives so full of sin.
Endless numbers of children are abandoned to foster homes and orphanages each year, because the enemy has blinded the eyes of those who have brought forth offspring.
Innumerable amounts of families fall apart because of love waxing cold from selfish lifestyles, lives without God.
Thousands of men and women in cities all over the World sit homeless and/or drug addicted because of lives spent without the God kind of love.
I pass people on the street that are moving, but going no where, go in hair salons with those working, but not loving. I even go into church congregations to see people masquerading, but not living.
When I think of this it makes me want to spread the love of God around like butter on bread. Saturating and smothering a dry people until they are moved to this wonderful Christian life of unconditional love and abundant life. Spreading the God kind of love. The only unfailing substance in planet earth. The only faith ignition available.
It makes my prayer cry, "Lord cause me to be an apostle (sent messenger) of Love. One sent to seed the Good News of the Gospel (God's Word) into the lives of many." Not just in Word alone, but in Spirit. In deed, in warmth, sensitivity and power.
Without the presence of God there is no love, nor life in a people, they are just shells; Dry, cold waxy shells. Oh, for the Spirit of God in these days. Breath that will revive people before they wax cold and wain away to death.