Many woman are saying, "Where is my Boaz?" Yet I wonder if they are looking in the mirror asking, "Am I a Ruth type of woman?"
The story of Ruth is a very wonderful story, showing forth in types and shadows. However, in the natural side of the matter. We find Boaz and Ruth. A man and a woman; a man of integrity and virtue, and a woman honorable and meek. Boaz was a wise man.
We know he was a landowner with field laborers because Ruth chapter 2. Also in chapter 2 we find that he was a wonderful man to work for, as he blessed his reapers. He surly was a very to them, as they in turn spoke blessing over him.
Boaz, according to Chapter 2 of the book of Ruth, was also a very generous man, not prejudice or partial, as he welcomed a woman, and foreigner into his work force. Not only did he allow her to work there, but offered her protection, food and extended favor for her laborers.
Ruth being the woman she was did not abuse the goodness of such a generous kind man. But bowed herself to him and paid him homage for his watch care over her.
Ruth was also a woman who dealt kindly with her extended family. Noami her mother-in-law remained at home while she labored, waiting for Ruth who divided her increase.
Ruth also was a woman of honor who gave honor well. Noami directed her in her relationship with Boaz and she was quick to obey her words. Those words being to put herself into submission to Boaz.
The bible tells women that they are to be of a quite and meek spirit, submitting themselves under their husbands. Women like Ruth are as few today as are men like Boaz, but they are still out there, and more precious than pricey jewels.
I also believe that this generation can and should be taught to be this kind of people. Men loving their wives as Christ loved the church, Women offering themselves freely to their own husbands. Unions that are bound strong through God. Bringing forth godly offspring.
Boaz was not only willing to receive Ruth, but to also purchase back Noami's land rights. He also was a man of substance and as Ruth came into this marriage union it was equally hers.
Once again we understand the types and shadows of this story ... but we also find that the two were greatly blessed to bear offspring that would rise to seats of the highest respect, power, and honor.
Modern day Boaz, is a man of integrity, who cares enough about himself to be a man of God (serving Jesus). He is educated and wise with finances, looking well after those around him, including those whom he works. He is not prejudice or sexiest in any way, color or gender. He is willing to leave his mother and fathers house and cling to his own wife, and he loves life.
He is a man who waits for God's timing in relationship, giving himself only to the one that God sends. Upon finding her ... he looks well after her just as Christ loves the church. He is not only willing to be a wonderful parent, but exciting and happy about it as well.
Modern day Ruth is a woman who is willing to leave all to follow God, even if it is not well thought of by family, friends or culture. She is one who is teachable and works with her hands. She is quite and filled with virtue from obedience.
She is willing to submit herself without fear to the man that God has put in her life. She is a willing to care and nourish her children and husband, she is of a Proverbs 31 model. She loves life and does not feel that second in command is a low rank, as she knows that every smart woman needs a covering of (accountability).
- Boaz ... Ruth is out there in the field!
- Ruth ... Boaz is looking for you!
The Modern Day Boaz and Ruth relationship is one of equality and great love.
It is one of both service and generosity.
It is one of life and abundance through Jesus Christ.