I believe in the power of confession.
I hold fast to my profession of faith and I understand that death and life are in the power of the tongue!
I am a Word person!
However, I am also a person of integrity, knowing that our heart and words must be in unity if we are to walk as God desires. Our hearts and mouths must both be purged of deceit.
Let me share a story with you about a man known as Two-gun Crowley. Two-gun held a wonderful confession of himself, but his actions said something totally different. Two-gun spoke good of himself while acting criminal toward others. Let me tell you his story.
May 07, 1931 a man who neither smoked nor drank became the central target of a New York City, man hunt. Francis "Two-gun" Crowley was a cop killer, a cold blooded murderer.
While engaging in a necking part on a long island back road, a police office went up to Crowley's car to ask to see his license, Crowley drew his gun, showered the office with bullets and then jumped out of his car, grabbed the offices gun and fired one of his own bullets through his prostrate body.
This incident was the beginning of Crowley's indictment. He was know known as one of New York's most wanted. It was said, "He will kill, at the drop of a feather."
Upon locating Crowley in his sweethearts apartment on West End Avenue, one hundred-fifty police office and detectives were determine to take Two-gun in dead or alive, thus a shoot out begin. Crowley who was crouching behind an overstuffed chair for protection while firing incessantly at the police took a pen and wrote these words as blood spilled upon the paper, "To whom it may concern." "Under my coat is a weary heart, but a kind one ~ one that would do nobody any harm." In spite of his conceited confession, Crowley was sentenced to death.
Amazing he who just put one man to death, and threatened the lives of many others, pens ... "my heart is kind, and would do no man harm." A nice confession, but deceitful.
Words are powerful for sure, but out of the heart flows issues of life or (death), all depending upon the condition thereof. And from the abundance of a man's heart his mouth surly speaks. And old two-gun from a deceitful, cold, hard heart spoke deception.
Even Satan himself spoke self approving words without thought of his creator. Words that would soon lead him on a down hill spiral to a death sentence.
Isaiah 14:13-14
For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
Oh, that man might understand the need for heart change. The need to surrender to God and be filled with His Spirit. A spirit that is filled with love and understands protective coverage. And yet, often we are like Two-Gun ... we want to confession wonderful confessions over ourselves and still let the bullets fly toward others who are working hard to enforce a safe environment.
I am around church people nearly every day. And I have met plenty spiritual Two-Guns. Matter of fact I have met a few machine guns! Even been know to let a few bullets fly myself. But instead of cleaning our guns, we need to be cleaning our hearts.
As Word people, lets keep our confession. Let's say all the right things over ourselves, but let's remember to be honest with ourselves as well, and deal with deeper matters of the heart. Lets allow God to deal with our bleeding issues so that our words are not stained from deceit.