Let me share a story with you about a young man who's parachute got tangled in a tree as he was landing. As he was hanging in the tree he begin to feel the parachute tear and give, so he hinged onto a nearby limb. He yelled out and no one was around. He yelled out again, and no one heard. Then he looked up to God and prayed, "God, please tell me what to do?"
On the inside of him came a still small voice. The voice said, "Let go."
The man thought that could not be God, if I let go I will plummet to my death. So once again, the man prayed the same prayer, "God, please tell me what to do?" And once again the man heard the voice, this time a little clearer than before, "Let go."
Wow, what am I suppose to do thought the man. God if that is you, I don't understand, please forgive me as I ask you one more time, "What should I do?"
This time the voice came not only clear, but loud and filled with authority ... "LET GO!"
Startled from the strength of the voice and tired from hanging onto the limb. T
Since the forest was filled with many trees, close together and filled with leaves, the man could not know how tall the tree or the depth of his fall, thus he was hanging onto to the tree for dear life, afraid of the unknown, only to find out that his feet were only a few feet from the ground.
God knows what we don't know, thus he speaks things like, Eccl. 11:3 If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth: and if the tree fall toward the south, or toward the north, in the place where the tree falls, there it shall be.
Death is at no great distance; thou hast but a short time to do good. Acquire a heavenly disposition while here; for there will be no change after this life.
When God is speaking to us to let go, we need let go. When we feel we can no longer hold on ... we must know that God will be our safe landing. Perhaps you fell as if you can not go on in life. Like everything is hinged upon your own shoulders. If so LET GO! God never intended to keep you hanging in life. He never intended that you be stuck. It is time to let go of your own agendas and ideas and let God direct your next move. When you do ... you will find that the tide turns on your behalf!