Wednesday, September 9, 2009

When We Say Nothing At All

Psalms 131:2 Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, as a child that is weaned of his mother: my soul is even as a weaned child.

Psalms 32 tells us that in our righteousness there is quietness and assurance.

But this Generation seems to be addicted to noises, voices, and activity.

The word wean means:
to detach from every natural source of dependency.

Let's re-tune our spirit ears. The Holy Ghost speaks to us in a still small voice. Therefore, to hear him clearly we must quiet ourselves.

Quiet times end in refreshing and replenishing. Our body's gets refreshed and replenished by getting a good nights sleep. And our Soul's need to be refreshed and replenished by spending time in the presence of the Lord.

Take some time today to set quietly as a weaned child, detach from every natural d
ependency and sit at the feet of Jesus. Listen to what He is saying. You'd be amazed at what you could learn in silence.