When I walked out my door today, the breeze was nice. The clouds of coming Autumn had overcast the blazing sun of summer. The leaves on the trees though yet green have began to emit light shades of new color.
In the newness of this day, I allow the Holy Spirit to carry me to Eccl. 3:1 ... To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the sun.
Seasons are periods or phases in our lives and purpose are our intentions, desires and reasons for doing certain things.
Oh, the invigoration of a new season. A season easy on the eye, with cool refreshing winds, reminding me that with every new season comes new vision. Vision that will cry out for new goals; goals that will require new direction.
Many people have a "what's the purpose of goals" attitude. But if there are no goals chances are their will be no scores. If the archer has no target, he hits no mark. The apostle Paul was a man of vision with goals and direction. In Phil. 3:14 we find him penning these words, "I press toward the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus". He understood that for our lives to have purpose, they must be aimed with targets (goals) in sight. Then it is up to us to allow the Holy Spirit to direct us toward those marks.
"What's the purpose attitudes" will blur or diminish vision and delay destinies. Until a person is willing to take time to set goals toward their God given vision, and follow the leading of the Holy Ghost, taking the steps required, their destinies will be delayed.
Albert Einstein once said: "If you want to be happy in life, tie your plans to goals, not to people or things." This is not to say that people or things are not involved in the plan that God has for our lives. Certainly people, and usually things will be a part of those plans. However, the Vision that God has given will be mastered one goal at a time. But those goals will never be obtained until they are reached for. Zig Ziglar said, "If you want to reach a goal, you must see "the reaching" in your own mind before you actually arrive at your goal."
Jer. 29:11 "I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." This is God's plan for each of us, plans that he will drop in our hearts if we allow him to. Just as he dropped into Habakkuk. And we like Habakkuk, must be willing to write the vision (plan) down on paper and then put legs under it to get it to set goals, and final destinations. Hab. 2:2 "And the Lord answered me: "write the vision, make it plain upon tablets, so that he may run who reads it."
God has a destiny for every person, including YOU. He has vision and plans to drop into each of our lives, plans with goals attached, so let's not take the "whats the purpose of goals" attitude and go nowhere, instead, let's have a seasonal change of attitude, tie those plans to goals, and move productively toward our good end.