- You need to listen to your body.
- You need to follow your feelings.
For the Christian those two statements are not accurate. We should learn to listen to our heart, and tell your body and feelings what they need to do.
What is the heart?
When I say heart I am not referring to the physical heart. I am speaking about the inner man. The unseen central part of man. Often in the Old Testament the word 'heart' refers to the center of man's being. I Peter 3:4 calls it the Holy Ghost the 'hidden man of the heart.'
The proper dividing of our psyche is: Spirit; Soul; and Body.
Most people never offer this biblical truth. They to tend talk about the Body and the Soul, and just lump the Spirit in with the Soul. This is error.
They also talk about Listening to the Body, and finding Soul Mates.
To listen to the Body would be to allow the carnal man to dominate.
And to find a Soul Mate would be to find someone that the flesh nature is satisfied with for a period of time, but when the Soul is swayed, the relationship comes to a devastating halt.
To ignore the Spirit Man, or the hidden man of the heart, is detrimental, as it is the most vital part of a person.
- The Spirit is the real you (the life giving part)
- The Soul is the mind, will and emotional you
- The Body is the carnal (flesh/physical) vessel that houses the Soul and Spirit
Each person is born with a human spirit, a soul, and a physical body, and until we are born again and receive Jesus into our hearts (the central part of our lives), we are dictated by either the emotions or the physical body, under the dictatorship of sin.
Once we are born again through receiving Jesus into our lives, we can then begin to allow him to lead us into Biblical truth which keeps us free. As Jesus leads into God's written Word, we find that he promised to send us a helper (one just like himself to be in with us and in us). This helper is the Holy Ghost. John 14-16
Once we receive the Holy Ghost (which is our Spirit teacher), we allow Him to aide us in the training of our Human Spirit. How does this happen?
Our Human spirit is trained just like any other teacher/student relationship. We naturally yield to a teacher who teaches from books, we apply ourselves and we learn.
In the supernatural realm, we yield to the hidden man of the heart (the Holy Ghost teacher), and let him teach us from the books of the Bible. We then apply ourselves to the teaching of the Word and begin to be spiritually educated, and developed.
If you:
- rebel against,
- refuse to listen to,
- refuse to participate with,
- fail to ask questions and hear answers,
- neglect to read materials or show up for class,
... you never get to your next level of development.
God communicates with us through our Spirit and His Word, and as we subjugate ourselves to the Holy Ghost (teacher), we begin to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.
- To follow or feelings is to be an unstable mess, emotions are fickle and change continually, and can lead us from super highs, to devastating lows.
- To listen to the body is to follow that which is weak and corruptible.
According to II Cor. 4:16 The outward body is perishing, but the inward man is being renewed day by day.
- Jesus is called the light
- The Spirit of man is called the candle of the Lord
- The Word is called a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path
If we allow Jesus into our hearts, and let the Holy Spirit lead us into the light of God's word, then apply it to our lives, we will be safe, stable, productive, happy, prosperous and healthy.
But to continue to be led by the Body and emotions is to be unstable, sad, weak and sickly, unsuccessful, and poor all of our lives.
If people only knew the truth that comes from being doers of the Word of God, they would not reject it. They would embrace it and cherish it.
I challenge you today to open your human spirit, and if you have not received Jesus as Lord. Do that now. Ask him to come into your heart (inner most parts). Ask Him to be Lord of your life.
Challenge number two:
To those who have received Jesus (whether just now, or previously); now is the time to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of other tongues. Tell the Lord Jesus that you desire the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
Ask Him to lead you to another Spirit filled believer or a Church that of Spirit filled believers, and hen receive and welcome the wonderful helper (Holy Spirit) into your life. Evidence that that you have received him is the evidence of other tongues. Don't be deceived by people who tell you that you have the baptism of the Holy Ghost even though you do not speak in tongues.
Once you receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of other tongues. You are equipped with power to be a witness in the earth, and you also have a teacher, counselor, prayer helper, comforter and one to stand by to help you in your Christian walk.
Challenge number three:
is to yield to the Holy Spirit (teacher), and allow him to bring you into all truth that will set you free and cause you to prosper every area of your life.
If you have read this today and feel overwhelmed because you have never heard of Jesus, or in the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. Take out your bible and with a sincere read 'The Gospel of John.' This will lead teach you of Jesus and of the Holy Ghost whom he promised to send to us (the one just like himself).
Then turn to The Book of Romans Chapter 10:9-10; The Book of Acts and read Chapters 1-4 ~ Acts 10:34-43 ~ Acts 19:2-6. This will be a good start and then ask The Lord to lead you to a Church that is right for you. From that point the Pastor of the Church will be able to help you (if you will allow it).
P.S. If you are reading this ... I have already prayed for you today!