Emotions ... excitement or disturbance, either way can be a hindrance to walking in God's best for your life.
Feelings (emotions) are fickle and people who are led by them are wishy washy. One day they will buddy up to you because they like the way things are going, the next day they will turn and run to someone else to buddy up to because they want someone to side with them and their bullying companion "emotions."
Jesus was not led by his emotions. He was Spirit Led ... even when the Spirit led him to places uncomfortable on the flesh. Jesus was not led by his emotions in Gethsemane, but rather was putting them under. He was not being led by his feelings when we walked out into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil, and just for the record He did not give place to the devil either.
Ro 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
We are joint heirs with Jesus as born again believers and being born of the Spirit we should walk in and after the Spirit. The Spirit of God never changes, is never wishy washy and never bullies us around like emotions will.
Emotions will drive a person, the Spirit will lead a person. Emotions leave a person empty, the Spirit will fill a person. Emotions will take a person off course, while the Spirit will goad us back on course if we veer off.
The root source of the Word emotions according to Webster is Latin and reads as ex-movere, meaning to move away. Satan would love for us to follow our emotions and carry us away, he would like to get us over into carnal feelings and move us away from God.
There are times when the Holy Ghost may be dealing with us to do something or go someplace and someone will unconsciously try to detour us because they are soul led. Paul was a good example of this when God was dealing with him to go to Rome. The people got all emotional and tried to sway him not to go to Rome. They were carnal and operation mainly from the arena of the soul instead of the Spirit.
Siding with Emotions or those who are Emotional
will not help them fulfill God's Will.
will not help them fulfill God's Will.
In this same account, the prophet told Paul what would happen if he went to Rome ... he would be bound and taken captive. I am sure at that point Paul's own emotions rose up. But it was his desire to do the will of God, not fulfill the lust of the flesh. The Will of God would have never been fulfilled through Paul had he decided to take the counsel of his own emotions or had he allowed others to pet him and sway him off course.
God or his prophets will not always tell you what your flesh wants to hear.
Romans 8:5-8
5 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. 6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. 7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. 8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.
We can see by these text that if we cater to our emotions we cannot please (satisfy) God. He will not accept loose emotional actions. God will always love us, but he does not feed our flesh. People who do, are not Spirit led. They may be well meaning, but they are actually only accompanying you as you walk away from God's Best.
Way back in the Beginning we have an account of Cain. He was upset with his brother Abel because what Abel was offering to God was pleasing and what he offered was rejected. God had to refuse flesh offerings. And flesh not dealt with will end up standing on the outside of Gods best plan.
Our lives should be set on course and held steadily in place by the Spirit of God. To yield to any other voices ... will steer us down a road of demise. To listen to people who side with the emotions is to allow them to draw you into a convey of disaster.
If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
Gal. 5:25
Way back in the Beginning we have an account of Cain. He was upset with his brother Abel because what Abel was offering to God was pleasing and what he offered was rejected. God had to refuse flesh offerings. And flesh not dealt with will end up standing on the outside of Gods best plan.
Our lives should be set on course and held steadily in place by the Spirit of God. To yield to any other voices ... will steer us down a road of demise. To listen to people who side with the emotions is to allow them to draw you into a convey of disaster.
If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
Gal. 5:25