Lately the Holy Spirit has quickened some things in us. One of them has been: "Will you turn in your running shoes?" People who are insecure tend to run every time they come to a rough place, or to a place that requires strong commitment.
I have watched as people have leaped from one church congregation to another because of requirements. I have seen people go from one relationship to another all their lives, never attaining long term friendships.
People divorce every day because they have reached a place in their marriage that is difficult. People who don't know who Christ is in them ... or who they are in Christ ... Run! Running from people to people, job to job, church to church, marriage to marriage, or from choice drug to choice drug. And do kid yourself ... drugs I speak of here are very broad scope. From work, food, to smokes, to liquor, to prescription meds, to street drugs.
So many people try to find happiness in things, others in work and more often far to many expect other people to make them happy. None of these will do. Happiness is an inward state of being, that comes from Christ alone. When Christ resides on the inside of you, you like Paul can think yourself happy. Ac 26:2 I think myself happy, king Agrippa ...
Ro 14:17
For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.
Here we see that neither righteousness, peace or joy come from things without. They come for the Kingdom of God. And the Kingdom of God is within us ... near us ... even in manifestation by Word.
Our lives are each byproducts of the Words we have spoken in our yesterdays. But it is:
easier to run than to communicate; easier to run than dig your heels in and refuse to be moved until you get the results desired.
It is time to turn in the running shoes! Time to get to know Christ Jesus through the Word of God and through prayer communications.
It is time to find out who you are in Christ! Time to recognize that happiness is not going to be found in jobs, drugs, material things or other people. Happiness will be found when you stop running and face the truth.
Once you stop running and face the truth that is found in Gods Word you will be free ... free to be happy and free to succeed in life! You will be free of inner turmoil. Turmoil that cause conflicts with people and leaves you open to devastating circumstances. Turmoil that will leave you sleepless, moody, listless, hopeless, sick, broke and broken.
Jesus was the truth manifest in the flesh. He was the Word living among us for a little while. He was the expression of God to us in human form. He is the truth that sets us free!
Joh 8:32
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
Joh 8:36
If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
Jesus is the one who frees us to Stand still and see the salvation (deliverance, safety, health, and preservation) of God! Within the deliverance is liberty from poverty and lack, sickness and disease, anything the enemy could throw your way.
So turn in your Running Shoes and get rooted and grounded in Gods Word! Begin Now! Don't wait another day. Do it now. Do it for you and your future!
Tomorrow we will discuss:
Giving up our "All about me pants."
Don't miss it!