His life, His peace, His joy and all His Glory.
People who enjoy God from a distance are those who hear about the life, peace, joy and blessing while living on the outside edges. Much like Moses who experienced only the back side of God … He watched as God passed by … Ex. 33:12-23.
Enoch, on the other hand did not watch as God passed by … He walked with God. He lived everyday in the presence of the Lord. He enjoyed liberty and fullness of joy everyday ~ Gen. 5.
We have a choice today, whether we will live in the passing Glory, or in the omnipotent presence of the Lord. We can came to church and the glory can pass through. We can enjoy it for a small frame of time … but just as a fog lifts, so will that passing glory. One must make a choice decision to live everyday in God’s presence if they want to experience His Best.
To live in the presence of the Lord is to live a life that is daily saturated by the Word of God. It is a life lived in sweet communion through the Holy Spirit.
To live in the presence of the Lord, is to live in the arena of spiritual awareness. Knowing that He is forever with you, and living a life worthy of that truth.
It is to have an unspeakable joy, and a peace that is not understandable. It is to rest in the midst of storms, and to trust the invisible when everything around you is shaking.
It is to sit in a crowd, or all alone and be totally fulfilled. It is to be content with what you have, where you are, while ready to step into a future that has not be presently engraved with every detail.
It is to lay down and sleep sweetly; to rise refreshed and ready for each new day. It is knowing that God's Glory will lead you wherever you go, and that nothing by no means can harm you.
To live in His presence is to be loved, to live loved, and to give love!
His presence, Your Choice!