People want connections, but are dis-connected by fears and flesh barriers, leaving them as Islands in the stream. People passing every day without joining allies or making friends. Jesus knew the need to connect, to adjoin himself to others, and for others to do the same.
When Jesus was ready to step out into ministry, he begin to call out people. He begin to connect, to join forces, to build relationships. He did not just walk past people on the beach, he connected with people on the beach.
Jesus did not only connect with people on the beach, he also looked for people to connected with, John 1:43 expresses to us that Jesus went into Galilee and FOUND Philip.
"The day following Jesus would go forth into Galilee, and findeth Philip, and saith unto him, Follow me." Then Philip found Nathanael and connected him to Jesus.
These connections created an inner core of people upon which Jesus built His Church. After a period of growing in relationship those people stemmed out to connect to other people in other places ... enlarging their territory and His.
The church will never be successful until successfully learning to connect with people, and remain connected. According to the Napoleon Hill Group most successful people have long term relationships; connections made and maintained. Paul and Silas connected and stood together through thick and thin. They also connected to a prison guard and his family winning them to Christ. Barnabas and John Mark connected and stayed connected during transitional times.
If the enemy can keep the Body of Christ divided, he has gained strength through our lack of assembly. If he can keep the church members off in little clicks instead of adjoining together as a whole, again he keeps them from making longer strides.
Jesus connected ... He connected with Lazarus, Mary, Martha, the disciples; He connected in the synagogues, the temples, and the streets. He connected with tax collectors, fishermen, publicans and harlots. He connected with rich, poor, male, female, old, young, military and religious leaders.
People who think they can only connect to one little group of people are near sighted and will not have a very broad vision. Jesus offered people the opportunity to befriend him. He offered to walk with them, gave them opportunity to eat with him, to come see where he lived, and visited with them. He made time for them, and did not fear them, or prejudge them.
Don't you think it is time for us to act like Jesus?
Aren't you ready to take down walls and build bridges?
Don't you believe it is time to enlarge by Connecting!