Visitation that comes from God can not be boxed into the spectacular. People with these boxed in mentalities may miss their divine appointments.
- When Peters day of visitation came it was Jesus in the form of a carpenters son ... yes it was Jesus, but in the form of man, and the same for the other disciples.
- When the Eunuchs day of visitation came, it was through a man named Philip, who adjoined himself to his chariot.
- For Paul his appointment was with a lady named Lydia, [a retailer].
- For the Prison guard it was a couple of prisoners.
What about a bleeding woman, a blind man, a convulsive son, a vexed daughter, a centurion with a sick servant. All of these, allowed Jesus to minster to them in the form of man.
- If Peter had not recognized his visitation, he would never have walked on water.
- If the Eunuch had rejected Philip (not given him a chariot ride), he would have missed a divine appointment that resulted in salvation.
- What if Paul had been prejudice, or stuck in traditional bondage believing that God did no use women in ministry, he would have passed by Lydia, who was at the very center of a previous vision.
- And if the prison guard would have refused the voice a couple of prisoners, his life and his family's lives would not have been spared.
Visitation ... Dreams, Visions, Angles, Audible Voices, Spectacular events ... yes, these can all be visitations from God, however, if we box God in to this formula, we may miss our greatest appointments, that result in the miraculous.