I Cor. 12:8, 10
A Miracle in the sense of Working of miracles is defined as: A supernatural intervention in the ordinary course of nature; a temporary suspension of the accustomed order through the Spirit of God.
Many people use the word miracle loosely, as in a figure of speech. Haven't you ever heard someone call a medication a miracle drug? You can hear people talk about miracle fabrics, or cleaning products. This is using the word miracle loosely.
Then you have people speak of a miracle when a baby is born. Many times people speak of sunsets or sunrises as miraculous. And in a general sense these are miracles, but not specifically speaking. A child is born according to the natural laws of reproduction. And a sun rises and sets according to the laws of nature as we understand it. None of these thing actually require no extra ordinary supernatural intervention in a natural course, as would be required for something to be considered as a miracle according to the Gift of the Spirit of The Working of Miracles.
In II Kings 2:9-14 we read the story of Elijah and Elisha and the sweeping back of waters by the dashing of a mantle. Now that is not a natural course of nature ... for water to be swept back and held as it was for Moses and the Red Sea and how it was here in II Kings for Elisha required supernatural intervention. This sweeping back of waters and them being held, would be considered a working of miracles ... but not only the working of miracles, but also a secondary gift would be involved, that being the gift of faith, for it would take special faith to keep the waters held back once they were parted.
II Kings 17: 12-16 is the story of the Widow whom Elijah was sent. This Widow had only a small bit of oil and meal left in her home ... oil and meal which she used to make Elijah a cake to eat. Even though she used the oil and meal ... the oil vat and meal barrel did not run dry. That was supernatural intervention.
John 6:5-14 ... Here Jesus takes a little boys lunch and feeds multitudes. That is naturally impossible, but with supernatural intervention it is possible. Gift of the Working of Miracles in action! Some may say, well they all had food to eat and shared it once the little boy gave up his food. But if that was the case, Jesus would never had said, these people are hungry, we need to feed them. He would have knew that they had food to eat. This was the supernatural hand of God in action!