When we talk about the Gifts we do not say Gift of Knowledge or Gift of Wisdom. The Word says The Word of ... . This talks the notion of a fragment. These two gifts have to do with God offering us (in part) information that from His understanding (from His mind).
The word of wisdom is often confused with simple wisdom used to deal with daily life affairs. But wisdom that comes to us for life applications is not the same as the Word of Wisdom, which is a Gift of the Spirit and not just Word principles. When James tells us to ask for Wisdom and God will give it to us in generous supply, that is speaking of simple wisdom that applies to the affairs of life, not the Spiritual Gifts. We are not to confuse Simple Wisdom with The Word of Wisdom.
The Word of Wisdom, like The Word of Knowledge can come in audible voice, vision, dream, even through vocal gift of prophecy or through tongues and interpretation. It can be from a seeing and knowing on the inside that is released audibly. At times the Word of Wisdom can be offered with other Gifts of the Spirit.
Moses received the law as God spoke to him in an audible voice. This was God's mind and purpose for the people at this time. Also during the Old Testament days the prophets often ministered the Word through prophesy and the Word of Wisdom and Word of Knowledge would flow together from the prophets as they spake.
Some New Testament examples are found in Acts 11:28-30; Acts 21:10-11; Acts 9:15; Acts 27:10.
These are encounters with Agabus who spoke of a coming drought. He spoke of Paul's coming sufferings. Then we have Annania who God spoke to concerning Saul. And then we find Paul gaining a word of wisdom concerning the end results of a bad situation at hand.
Some believe the gifts to have been done away with, but we are living the the Acts generation. The Word of God plainly expresses to us that we are not to be ignorant concerning Spirituals (Gifts of the Spirit). And we can easily see the gifts at work in Paul's day.
The Gifts are available and should be coveted and operated in as the Lord wills ... yes even in this day!