I Cor. 12:9 ... to another faith by the same spirit...
The Gift of Faith works along side The Gifts of Healing and The Working of Miracles. These are the three power gifts that do something. When a person is operating with The Gift of Faith normally they are doing so in order to receive a manifestation of Healing or a Miracle that otherwise would not be obtained.
The Gift of Faith is a special faith ~ a supernatural manifestation of the Holy Spirit, which is imparted after the baptism of the Holy Spirit as the Spirit wills. It is not the general faith that each person has been dealt in a measure.
The Gift of Faith does not cause a healing or miracle, but aides us in the ability to receive. It will cause you to stand when it seems you should fold. It is a supernatural endowment by the Spirit which when in operations will assure the thing that God has said will come to pass.
The Gift of Faith is valuable in other areas as well as the receiving of healing or miracles. It can be in operation for Supernatural blessing (provision), protection, aiding in casting out of evil spirits, and of the raising the dead to life.