Central Text:
I Cor. 12:1-11 The Word of Knowledge is the supernatural revelation by the Holy Spirit of certain facts, which comes from the mind of God. God is all knowing, He knows everything, but to no one man does He reveal everything that He knows. However, The Word of Knowledge is a small portion of that knowledge coming from God through a believer. Some people are deceived believing that this text speaks of knowledge as intellectual information gained from studies. But that is not the truth concerning this passage. The Word of Knowledge is a supernatural impartation concerning a person, place, or thing. It is supernatural information that is dropped into the Spirit of believer and delivered for the purpose of profiting the Body.
Examples of the Word of knowledge are offered to us in the written Word of God:
- Acts 9:10-12 used to get a people in position for ministry.
- Acts 10:9-20 used to aid in reaching unreached people.
- I Kings 19:2-4, 14, 18 used to enlighten a discouraged servant.
- II Kings 5:25, 26 used to expose a hypocrite.
- II Kings 6:9-12 used to warn of an enemy plan.
- I Samuel 9:3, 4, 6, 19-20 used to get back lost property.
- I Samuel 10:21-23 used to locate a man in hiding.