Discerning of Spirits is one of the three revelation gifts (revealing something). It gives us insights into the Spirit realm. Some people believe this gift to work like a devil radar. But to believe that discerning of spirits has to do only with devils is an error.
Discerning of spirits has to do with both good and evil. Moses was allowed a glimpse into the spirit realm as he was hidden in the cleft of the rock [Ex.33]. Here Moses was allowed to see into the spirit realm and see the likeness of God.
Isaiah also had a glimpse into the spirit realm as he saw the Lord high and lifted up in Isaiah 6:1. While John was on the Isle of Patmos, he was caught up in the Spirit realm discerning the Spirit World, and spirits therein, angels and aspects of the church.
The gift of discerning of spirits also allow us to know what spirit is behind a matter brought before us. In Acts 16:16-18 Paul through a gift of the spirit / discerning of spirits recognized the evil spirit of divination involved in the damsel who walked about chanting out "These men are the servants of the most high God..."
Just because someone is saying, Praise the Lord or commending us, does not mean that they are of God or a right spirit. But through the gift of discerning of spirits one knows whether of good or evil. Let me give you an example from my own life.
I was doing street Ministry some years ago, and a lady that walked among us was constantly on my heels. Although she would Praise the Lord in the Morning, Noon and Night. She was hindering the spreading of the gospel. As soon as I met her, I knew she was carrying a wrong spirit and it wasn't long until she was causing all kinds of problems between people. She tried to stop the gospel from being spread by lying to people and so forth. By prayer and confrontation the spirit was dealt with, and the Word of God went forth, but had we simply went by her Praises ... we would have been in big trouble.
Many times people have came into the church, saying all the right things. They put in the tithe and give. But by the gift of discerning of spirits I would know that they were not of the right spirit and soon it would come out, and have to be dealt with.
What discerning of spirits is not, discerning of spirits is not:
Mind reading
E.S.P. (extrasensory perception)
General discernment
Fault finding.
Discerning of spirits is ~ a gift that comes from God to aide in the ministry of the gospel and well being of people. And it is not a gift that you can operate in at your well anymore than the rest of The Gifts of the Spirit.