Prophecy is a supernatural utterance in a known tongue. Where tongues and interpretations is when a person speaks in an unknown tongue ... which can be the tongue of men (other language or the tongue of angels).
Now this is not a practiced or learned tongue such as someone who spoke English being taught Spanish speaks, or someone who is Chinese being taught Arabic speaks. No ... it is supernatural from a person who has not be taught the language. If not how then do you speak with Angel tongue? I have never heard of anyone give a class in the language of angels, have you? When divers tongues are spoken it is by the Spirit from which all things come and are known. Then by a supernatural understanding of that tongue a person then interprets what was spoken.
Either way ... to prophecy in a known tongue or through divers tongues with interpretations prophesy is a flow of words that bubble forth like a fountain, that drop out to lift up another. And although the utterance gifts speak out the heart of God ... the Gifts in any degree are to edify the body of Christ.
An error that people often get into is to confuse the gift of prophecy with the office of the profit. The Gift of prophecy is to be coveted by any/all believers as we can read at the end of I Corinthians Chapter fourteen.
The simple gift of prophesy is to speak to men for edification, exhortation and comfort. It has not revelation connected to it. Whereas the office of the profit when speaking will move in line toward revelation knowledge and/or foretelling.
If one stands in the office of a profit, they will prophesy, but also operate in at least two of revelation gifts, and possible at times all three. In Acts Chapter twenty-one we find Paul with Phillip and his daughters and each of the daughters prophesied, yet there is no reference to them standing in the office of a profit. Prophecy again is to be coveted by any/all believers for the edification, exhortation and comfort of others.
This is this brief series of nugget teaching on the Gifts of the Spirit. I trust they have blessed you and that you will seek God and covet the gifts ... especially to prophesy.