This morning I was meditating on the word "overwhelm". As ministers we see many people overwhelmed with something every single day. Matter of fact anyone with eyes to see can see this as they go about their daily task.
- An "overwhelmed" mother in a department store reacts by lashing out at her young child.
- An "overwhelmed" person signing in at a hotel desk, takes it out their anger on the cashier.
- An "overwhelmed" husband takes out his frustrations on his wife.
- And "overwhelmed" driver causes a collision after having a cussing fit on the freeway.
People need Jesus, and they need to understand the enemies wiles. They also need to be like Jesus, who spoiled principalities and powers making a show of them openly. Jesus was never overwhelmed. He had peace and left peace everywhere he went. Peace that bruised Satan.
As I meditated, I searched the scripture to find that the word "overwhelmed" was mentioned only nine times in the text. I have listed them for you below.
- Job 6:27
- Ps 55:5 61:2 77:3 78:53 102:1 124:4 142:3 143:4
The word "overwhelm" in the Webster defines like this:
- to be upset
- to be overthrown
- to cover over completely
- to submerge
- to be overcome by a superior force or numbers
- to overpower in thought or feelings
If you are living your life continually "overwhelmed" it is time to surrender your will, and pick up the will of God, to cry out to the Rock that is higher than yourself. It is time to let go and let God into your life. If you have never made Jesus Lord, it is time that you did. If you are an overwhelmed Christian, it is time to relinquish your will over to Him, and pick up the perfect will of God.
It is time to put on Christ. Time to put away the old man and pick up the new one. The one that is at peace; peace with God and peace with men. Might I add ... at peace with ones own self.
Ps 61:2 From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
The word heart here reads from the Hebrew ... when I am over come with feelings and at the end of my intellect (when I am covered over by darkness and distress) ... lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
Phillip Bennett Power says:
When my heart is overwhelmed. Troubles are of various kinds; some are provoking, some are gnawing, some are perplexing, and some are overwhelming; but whatever form they assume, they are troubles, and are part of the wear and tear of life. Overwhelming troubles are such as sweep over a man, just as the mighty billows of the ocean sweep over and submerge the sands. These are troubles which struggle with us, as it were, for life and death; troubles which would leave us helpless wrecks; troubles which enter into conflict with us in our prime, which grapple with us in our health and strength, and threaten to conquer us by sheer force, no matter how bravely we may contend. Troubles that can not be mastered without God. At these times ... lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
The language is very remarkable.
It gives us the idea of a man suffering shipwreck. The vessel in which he has been sailing has sunk. He has been plunged into the mighty ocean; and there he is buffeting the waves, struggling for life, panting for breath, and just about to give up all for lost. Suddenly he discovers a rock towering above him. If he can but climb up to the top of it, and get sure footing upon it, the billows will not be able to reach him, and he will be safe.
Now, the prayer in our text is the cry of that poor wretch for help. He is so spent and exhausted, that he cannot reach the rock himself. He shouts aloud for the friendly hand of some one stronger than himself, or for a rope that may be flung to him by those who are already safe on the rock, if by these helps he may gain it.
Lead me to the rock, cries the poor perishing wretch. "O, lead me, guide me, direct me to it; for I am so worn and spent, that I cannot reach it otherwise. I am at the point to die; and I must sink, and be no more seen for ever, if there is none to help me."
Thus he calls for some one to rescue him from the deep, and to place him on the rock. But what rock? He knows that unless the rock be a high one, he will not be in safety, though he should be on it. The rock, he says, "must be higher than I, or the waves will reach me, and wash me off again."
It is not a rock, the top of which just shows itself above the sea, no higher than a man's own body, that will save the life of a shipwrecked mariner. Such a rock may occasion the wreck, but it will not afford any help to the sufferers afterwards; it is a rock to split upon for destruction, not to stand upon for safety.
"Set me upon the rock that is higher than I!"
We have before remarked, that the prayer of David, as a shipwrecked man, is, to be "led to," and set upon a rock, that is higher than himself. The expression seems to imply much. The rock that is higher than he, must be higher than any man; for David was a mighty monarch. He implies, therefore, that the refuge he seeks must be more than any "arm of flesh;" it must be therefore divine. ~ Condensed from a Sermon by Fountain Elwin, 1842.
If you have been "overwhelmed" by circumstances, or daily situations. If the enemy has tried to cover you over with darkness, to smother you out with defeat. If your feelings have been rising higher than your faith. It is time to cry out to the Rock that is higher than yourself. It is time to surrender and allow God to be your refuge.
Jesus is greater than your highest efforts, attainments, desires, expectations, or conceptions. And he is a present help in times of trouble. Oh, the ways of our Lord are so much higher than of ours alone. Might you allow him to speak into your life; Might you allow him to guide your way, to offer you His peace that passes mere understanding? I pray that you will!
When it seems that your ship is crashing, when you are overwhelmed, will you turn the helm of your ship over to Him and allow him to impart peace and give you rest.
Overwhelmed people are very tired people ... and Jesus has said to such:
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. ~ Matthew 11:28-30
Are you tired and heavy laden today? If you are ... Come to Jesus ... He is he Rock that is higher!
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