A trodden way
A track specially constructed for a particular use
A course, or route
A way of life, conduct or thought
A road that crosses over another road
A place of intersection of two or more paths
A central meeting place
A place of decision
A place to which one is journeying or to which one is sent
There are many paths in life. Paths that people travel everyday. On these paths, we follow people, people follow us, we pass people, and people pass us.
On these paths we come to crossroads where we stand next to many people making decisions at intersections toward the next path. Any yet we often fail to connect.
People are funny when it comes to communication, connection and comfort. If you don’t believe me get on an elevator and just watch. They are like statues. They barely breath, and when you do speak to them most offer a very short respond, and some just a head nod.
Not me … I refuse to remain on planet earth and fail to connect. I want to enjoy life, people and relationships. I want to be in the right place, at the right time, with the right people. Which means that I may have to connect with someone new to move forward.
I recently heard someone say, when God wants to do something new in you life he connects you with people. Then they turned, and said, but when the Enemy wants to do something in your life he also connects you with people.
This is a truth, however, most people get in fear of connecting with the wrong people (fear of the enemy) and fail to connect at all, missing divine appointments.
Fear paralyzes people and keeps them from doing anything or going anywhere.
Fear of connecting with the wrong people, can hinder you from connecting at all. God has created men to fellowship first with him and then one another. He has created men to have relationships on many levels. And the number one attempt of the enemy, is to keep men separated. He does not want men to connect especially men that are In Christ, because he knows that unity commands blessing.
People are reaching out, but they are not always connecting. Face-book, Twitter, Match sites, coffee shops, conferences and seminars. These are all paths people travel daily, and yet often fail to really connect. Some may communicate briefly, like those in elevators, but never really make that connection.
We are amazing people. I hear people everyday talk about how God is always available, how he has time for us. I hear these same people say, “We need to learn to be like God.” Then yes, the same people … seem to never have time to connect.
Recently I had someone call me who talks about the need to connect regularly. They even set up representatives to aide in connection of their organization. But when they called they did not have time to talk. Amazing! Remember they called me to connect. I was available and ready to connect. They were not! That connection can not become strong until our relationship becomes a priority on both sides.
The representatives for this organization also never seem to be available. And certainly do nothing to connect in the sense of reaching out. All this tells people is the system that is set up is not working, and it frustrates those who really desire to connect.
People have to choose to connect. They have to choose to be available.
To connect you must show up, you must be available.I understand that we are active people. I also know there are but 24 hours in each day. However, if we want to connect, we have to find time. It has to be a priority, just like connecting with God in prayer is a priority … “You know the God who is always available, the one who always has time, the one who is always ready to connect with you.”
When it comes to connections you must be sure that you are connecting with those whom are interested in your vision, or to those whom already have like vision. You also, need to connect with those who are willing to walk together in agreement. You need to find out if you are headed the same direction. Are you are the same course, the same route? If so there may be a possible connection.
Sometimes we come to crossroads, and that crossroad becomes a central meeting place. You have been on a path, someone else has been on yet another path, and now you are standing together at the same crossroad. As each of you gaze into your future to see if possible you are headed the same direction now.
There are times when you are traveling a path, another person is traveling another path and then one day BAM, you are at the same intersection in life. Now it is time to find if you are headed the same direction and need to connect.
Timing is important when it comes to connection!
At these crossroads [central meeting places], you can choose to communicate and locate, or you can just stand off and go your own. But if you will take time to communicate you may find that you need to connect and walk together.
You may find that each of you have something that the other needs. And together you can be great … together you can get to your destination (end vision) more quickly and successfully.
This happened to me once while I was in mission school. A gentleman walked into the class room and the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, “he has something you need.” Since I had never met this person, did not even know his name. I sorta of pushed it off. Thankfully, the Spirit of God is constant and kind, so he spoke again, the very same message. But now I was presented with a need, the need to connect. How? How was I to connect with this man, and why was I connecting? What did he have that I needed?
I had some choices to make, I could reach out to connect or just remain disconnected to someone whom God said, had something I needed. I could reason everything out. I could ignore the leading of the Holy Spirit and this person that was standing at this crossroad in life with me. I could allow fear to paralyzed me, or I could move forward in faith, attempt to communicate and make a connection. And that is what I did! I stepped out of my comfort zone and into faith. I stepped out against all the reasoning and fears.
During a break in class I made my way over to the gentleman and introduced myself. I then explained to him that I wasn't sure what our connection was, but when he walked into the classroom I felt as if we were to connect.
His respond was amazing. He said, you know as strange as it may seem, when I walked into the room, my eye caught on you and the Holy Spirit said, “she has something you need.” AMAZING! BAM, a connection!
In this case our connections and supplies were in the arena of prayer. We each had a supply of prayer that the other needed for future ministry endeavors. And out of this came also some wonderful times of fellowship, as he was able to spend time at our home while he was in the states (he was stationed in a foreign mission field).
My supply for him, was prayer, fellowship and a place to stay when needed.
His supply to me was in prayer, fellowship and as he stayed in our home, he offered much confirmation concerning our future ministry endeavors.
Each of us had been on a path. Our roads met, and so did we, connection was made. Connections that aided both of us in reaching our destinations.
Pay attention to people while you are traveling along life paths.
- Be sensitive at crossroads.
- Get rid of the fear of connecting.
- Stop reasoning out everything.
If you plug in to the wrong source … all you have to do is unplug. If there is an explosion. God will be there to you pick up the all the pieces and bless every part.