I recently read a very short and colorful book by Andy Andrews entitled "The Butterfly Effect".
The book brings light to the significance of every life lived ... a significance that my go unnoticed by most, but never unnoticed. Many times things that seem to be the least important or least visible can be the very thing that creates a vortex of blessing.
According to Author Andy Andrews, Edward Lorenz presented a hypothesis in 1963 to the New York academy of Science. His theory was that a butterfly could flap it's wings and set molecules of air in motion, which would then move over other molecules of air, in turn moving more molecules of air ~ eventually capable of starting a hurricane on the other side of the planet.
Lorenz was a laughing stock. His theory seemed preposterous, and everyone seemed to want to market the idea, but at Lorenz's expense. People often sneer at and reject what they do not know or understand.
John Rohn made this statement, "walk away from the 97%." Mr. Rohn was speaking of 97% of people who never take charge of their lives. However, there were 3% who took charge of their lives through personal responsibility. As for me ... I choose to live my live in the 3 percentile, and trust that percentage will be changing with the upcoming generations.
On that same basic idea that Rohn had, Lorenz was in the 3% of those who choose to take a risk. A risk of failing. A risk of becoming a laughing stock. A risk of peril or loss. Yet in Lorenz's case ... he seemed to have failed and stood before other scientist of his day as their source of jesting. But the last laugh was yet to be heard. Lorenz was not as Fuzzle -minded as they thought.
Thirty years after all the jeering, Lorenz theory registered as authentic, accurate and viable. Today it is known as The Law of Sensitive Dependence Upon Initial Conditions.
The point I am making today as I blog, is that you and your choices matter. Your life is significant.
God has a plan and a purpose for you to pursue.
As you read the Bible notice the importance of each player. When you watch a sports game pay attention to the moves of each team member. Recognize the coach on the sideline and the announcer in the media box. Recall every person and historical event that you can imagine. Every person, every move, every sound has a significance. Every life matters.
Abraham Lincoln a well know member of U.S. History, was not born into royalty. He did not have everything handed to him on a silver platter. He was born in 1809 outside Hodgenville, Kentucky, not far from my own hometown. Lincoln lived in a small one room log cabin, with an uneducated father and a mother who soon died when he was nine years of age.
How could someone under these predicaments, make a difference? This is just one of the many questions people often ask themselves while viewing their lives from a negative stance.
Some other similar questions may be:
What if Lincoln would have sat down and said, "I am just the son of the uneducated Thomas Lincoln who never took an interest in studies; so I don't see the point of reading."
But Abe Lincoln, unlike his father, was a 3% man. He read and studied even in the dimmest of lighting, and he was about to have a butterfly effect on a country. After many attempts and failures, he took the seat of the President. Later from this position, he put an end to legalized slavery. But it was his stepmother, Sarah Bush Johnston Lincoln, who had already fluttered her wings under young Abe. Sarah had encouraged his education and appetite for reading.
Most everyone recalls Abe Lincoln and his presidency, but not as many recall Thomas or Sarah Lincoln. But if Thomas had not married Sarah, she could not have encouraged Abe to read. If Abe had not read, he may have never ran for office. Are you getting the idea?
Abraham Lincoln a well know member of U.S. History, was not born into royalty. He did not have everything handed to him on a silver platter. He was born in 1809 outside Hodgenville, Kentucky, not far from my own hometown. Lincoln lived in a small one room log cabin, with an uneducated father and a mother who soon died when he was nine years of age.
How could someone under these predicaments, make a difference? This is just one of the many questions people often ask themselves while viewing their lives from a negative stance.
Some other similar questions may be:
- How can I make a difference, just look at my life?
- How could someone like me make an impact in my city ... in the world?
What if Lincoln would have sat down and said, "I am just the son of the uneducated Thomas Lincoln who never took an interest in studies; so I don't see the point of reading."
But Abe Lincoln, unlike his father, was a 3% man. He read and studied even in the dimmest of lighting, and he was about to have a butterfly effect on a country. After many attempts and failures, he took the seat of the President. Later from this position, he put an end to legalized slavery. But it was his stepmother, Sarah Bush Johnston Lincoln, who had already fluttered her wings under young Abe. Sarah had encouraged his education and appetite for reading.
Most everyone recalls Abe Lincoln and his presidency, but not as many recall Thomas or Sarah Lincoln. But if Thomas had not married Sarah, she could not have encouraged Abe to read. If Abe had not read, he may have never ran for office. Are you getting the idea?
Every person has a purpose. Everyone has a significance.
You are valuable.
You are valuable.
Maybe you are saying, "I am an unemployed husband/dad or unemployed wife/mother, what good is that?" Listen! Make the most of where you are! Do something productive! Take a risk!
Take charge of your life, don't just sit back and wallow. Wallowing is for the hogs, not for the significant.
You have choices. You can find a job. Maybe go back to school. You can function as a wonderful house manager until you know which way to go. But don't sit back in the 97% with those who choose to complain and cry till they die, while doing nothing.
Complainers and whiners do have an effect ... but the effect may be that your child grows up and tells the world, "I didn't want to be like my dad (or mom) who sat back and did nothing with their life." ~ Don't be that kind of life changing example.
Abe Lincoln grew close to his step mother who breathed positive winds under him, and further away from his father, who had a tendency to be negative. ~Don't be the negative flutter in life, but the positive one.
No matter where you are today, or what condition you are in, let the winds of life, love, adventure and purpose be your current.
Let positive winds set the sails; Let them empower your life, and the lives of others. And always remember winds cannot be seen ... just the effects. So don't be discouraged if you don't see your life making sudden positive impacts, just know that it is, and that evidence will show up.
Take charge of your life, don't just sit back and wallow. Wallowing is for the hogs, not for the significant.
You have choices. You can find a job. Maybe go back to school. You can function as a wonderful house manager until you know which way to go. But don't sit back in the 97% with those who choose to complain and cry till they die, while doing nothing.
Complainers and whiners do have an effect ... but the effect may be that your child grows up and tells the world, "I didn't want to be like my dad (or mom) who sat back and did nothing with their life." ~ Don't be that kind of life changing example.
Abe Lincoln grew close to his step mother who breathed positive winds under him, and further away from his father, who had a tendency to be negative. ~Don't be the negative flutter in life, but the positive one.
No matter where you are today, or what condition you are in, let the winds of life, love, adventure and purpose be your current.
Let positive winds set the sails; Let them empower your life, and the lives of others. And always remember winds cannot be seen ... just the effects. So don't be discouraged if you don't see your life making sudden positive impacts, just know that it is, and that evidence will show up.
Who says that you cannot or will not be a world changer?