I am not sure who first penned that Ego is actually Edging God Out, but I tip my hat to them. Ego does edge God out, and it leaves no room for growth or true success. Ego is also coupled with pride and insecurity, ending with a great fall.
Both pride and fear need be mastered if Ego is to decrease. A person who thinks of himself to highly or to shallow are both in the danger of Ego's deadly shadowing. Ego is not for the high and lofty minded alone, no, ego is out to throw it's dark shadow over anyone who does not truly know what manner of man (woman) they are.
Ego tends to cause one to set themselves apart as distinct from the world and everyone in it. They do not see themselves given to the world or as a part with others (members individually making up a whole). Ego also stands directly in opposition with humility and modesty, and is the third entity in the triangle of broken relationships.
It has been written that, "Ego is the biggest enemy of humans, while those who are soft spoken, truthful, and walk in humility can accomplish anything and are loved by all."
In the Proverbs we find these truths ...
Ego wants full attention and will lay marks to get it. People who are ego driven build their vision, mission and careers upon being seen and known.
The great Robert Schuller said this, "Goals should never be set by one's ego, but by problems that are crying out for solutions."
There is not a problem with being seen or known, both are fine in their own right. However, to be seen for the sake of being seen ... any idol statue can accomplish that. But to be seen and known for accomplishments, that have came from hearing the cry of those who need solutions; coming from truth that radiates divine vision, mission and service offered with a grateful heart ... that is greatness!
It is those who are grounded in God's unconditional love and promises that make lasting marks.
They are the ones who turn lemons into lemonade, and see adversity as opportunity. They are the ones who are willing to go through the fire for what they believe, with the awareness of the promotion that rest on the other side.
Ego must be confronted and mastered if we are to make the Big Difference here on planet earth.
And don't for a minute believe that Ego goes down quickly, for it does not.
Ego is a giant of sorts, but it can be taken down and beheaded. With this in mind one must understand that it is not just a problem for the novice, but also for the apprentice, journeyman, and master.
Ego shows up cloaked in many shades of darkness. Let me share some of them by placing them within the categories listed above.
For the Novice it normally shows up dressed in fears, prides and accessorized by lack of submission.
For the apprentice:
For the journeyman it is fears stemming from success:
For the Master:
From the foot of the ladder to the top rail ... Ego must be kept in check.
So what is the answer?
Both pride and fear need be mastered if Ego is to decrease. A person who thinks of himself to highly or to shallow are both in the danger of Ego's deadly shadowing. Ego is not for the high and lofty minded alone, no, ego is out to throw it's dark shadow over anyone who does not truly know what manner of man (woman) they are.
Ego tends to cause one to set themselves apart as distinct from the world and everyone in it. They do not see themselves given to the world or as a part with others (members individually making up a whole). Ego also stands directly in opposition with humility and modesty, and is the third entity in the triangle of broken relationships.
It has been written that, "Ego is the biggest enemy of humans, while those who are soft spoken, truthful, and walk in humility can accomplish anything and are loved by all."
In the Proverbs we find these truths ...
- Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, and before honor is humility.
- By humility and the fear of the LORD are riches, and honor, and life.
Ego wants full attention and will lay marks to get it. People who are ego driven build their vision, mission and careers upon being seen and known.
The great Robert Schuller said this, "Goals should never be set by one's ego, but by problems that are crying out for solutions."
There is not a problem with being seen or known, both are fine in their own right. However, to be seen for the sake of being seen ... any idol statue can accomplish that. But to be seen and known for accomplishments, that have came from hearing the cry of those who need solutions; coming from truth that radiates divine vision, mission and service offered with a grateful heart ... that is greatness!
It is those who are grounded in God's unconditional love and promises that make lasting marks.
They are the ones who turn lemons into lemonade, and see adversity as opportunity. They are the ones who are willing to go through the fire for what they believe, with the awareness of the promotion that rest on the other side.
Ego must be confronted and mastered if we are to make the Big Difference here on planet earth.
And don't for a minute believe that Ego goes down quickly, for it does not.
Ego is a giant of sorts, but it can be taken down and beheaded. With this in mind one must understand that it is not just a problem for the novice, but also for the apprentice, journeyman, and master.
Ego shows up cloaked in many shades of darkness. Let me share some of them by placing them within the categories listed above.
For the Novice it normally shows up dressed in fears, prides and accessorized by lack of submission.
- Fear of failure
- Fear of looking bad (foolish)
- Positional pride
- Mental prides of intellect (think they know more than their teachers)
- Failure to trust others (especially mentors)
For the apprentice:
- Lack of patience and faith
- Not feeling adequate (fearing failure)
- Becoming discouraged when progress is slower than desired
- Loss of enthusiasm and motivation
- Loss of faith in leader (when their process slows)
For the journeyman it is fears stemming from success:
- Transitional fears
- Fear they are not skilled enough
- Fear of public exploitation
- Loss of Vision from tiring
- Fear of out growing their teach and the repercussions of such
For the Master:
- Complacency
- Becoming unteachable
- Failure to receive constructive criticism
- Becoming an Island
- Misuse of skills (power) ... using their knowledge in a self-serving arrogant way
From the foot of the ladder to the top rail ... Ego must be kept in check.
So what is the answer?
- Stay in the Light of God.
- Walk in the Truth.