Have you every had one of those clean slate days. A day when nothing seemed to inspire you, nothing seemed to be written on your wall so to speak? Just a blank page, but a page that just kept staring at you saying "create!"
What do you do with this kind of day? Where do you find the inspiration; the motivation to put pen to paper, brush to canvas and walk away leaving your mark? Inspiration and motivation seem to be such powerful words. Words that move people to action.
Have you ever wanted to ask these two companions where in the World are you? Where have you gone? Who are you with today, please come quickly and speak into my life!
The agent of influence
The act of drawing air into the lungs
Come quickly my agent, and breath in me.
The condition of being.
A force that works with influence.
Join your force with influence and cause me to revive to good works!
Sounds dramatic doesn't it? Thus the title "A dramatic moment."
Yet, I say, "speak Lord, your servant is listening."
You assured that you would cause breath to enter, and then life would appear, so let the inspirational winds blow, as I wait on you. As I take in your sweet aroma, basking in your presence.
Connect me to your power, and connect me yet to those who are connected. Bring us together like leaves that have blown in the Autumn breezes until they bumped into one another on planet earth.
Open the heavens and give vision to something more; the greater part and the glorious realm. Drop in the inventions, yet to be spawned. Inspire the books yet to be written and songs yet sung. Cause imaginations to run like rivers through our minds, like painters with palette in hand.
Break into this day Lord, into this generation with all of You; with all of your passion, compassion, creativity, magnificence, power and awe. Visit this generation and those to come, light the darkness of those dull of hearing and dim of sight. Break forth!
Break forth like the morning. Rise like the sun!
Come down in power like lighting that streaks through the sky, like veins of the universe, come and run through us.
Cause health to sprung up like lilies in the Spring and strength to come in torrents like summer rains that pound the ground like horses pawing; raring to run the race and wear the garland of roses. Come!
Come, inspiration with companion motivation! I bid you come!