Today we will continue in this vein as I post Part 2 of Class 2 of our Marriage Classes ~
They have been fun. I Hope you draw at least some of that fun and revelation we have in our Seminar.
Let's start with more should dos, shouldn't dos ~ kicking it off with bodily functions. Are you ready for this? :)
Men you may burp and pass gas among themselves, but women would rather not even know that you pass gases. It is a turn off at home, and worse in public.
* let me just add … it you are expecting a romantic night after a round of belching and passing gas in the living room … you are not quite up in the elevator yet.
Ladies men need praise. They need encouragement. They need you to be their support system and cheer leader. Although you do not have to praise them for burp-er of the year … you do need to see areas in which they excel and praise them.
* Stay balanced:
You don’t have to follow them around all day long and tell them how wonderful they are. If you are doing that you might need a spirit cast out of you. That is out of balance and will not offer support … it will only be annoying to them.
Learn how to support vs. criticize.
WARNING!Ladies / Gentlemen! Do Not … let me say again … Do Not Compare your spouse to someone else!
Maybe you see things in a person, or in someone’s marriage that you like and want.
If you do, find out how to get it. But Do Not Compare!
Comparisons are not good for relationships … it breaks confidence and esteem. It causes insecurity. It is hurtful and embarrassing, and can breed wars.
Also remember ~ every time you voice comparisons ... your voice is going back into your own ears as well as into your spouses (or whoever else is around) telling you and them, that you are not happy with your relationship, and that you would prefer another … so if you are doing this … STOP IT.
Ladies … Men to not like angry women who shout!
They like to be talked to, communicated with … not yelled at!
If they wanted a drill sergeant they would join the army!
A man may say how they like that Fire in a woman for a day or two … but after many days of it … they will grown tired of it and fire back! So watch the mouth and the way you talk!
I Peter 3:4 tells us that women should carry a meek and quiet spirit and that it is an adornment, and of great price in God’s eyes.
One commentary says it best, when saying this:
She is of a calm temper; a contented mind; has a heart free from ungodly passions, prides, envies, and irritability; her soul is not subject to the agitations and vexations of outward adversities.
*In other words … She is hidden in Christ.
This is not saying a woman stands around with her hands clasp and waits to be called upon before she speaks, it simply means she knows how to communicate and carry herself well.
God's word will teach us. It is an instructional guide for life and abundance. However, many times people pull scripture out of context, in order to manipulate and/or control others.
The Word of God is proven;
when read, taught, and applied properly it is healing, building and liberating.
when read, taught, and applied properly it is healing, building and liberating.
The Word of God has been expressed to us through the person of Jesus Christ and was meant to set us free. Do not fall pry to deception that will keep you bound. Allow God's love work during these meetings to bring you and your spouse to new levels of freedom.
As we continue we will be hearing things that we can implement for better relationships. We will hear things that will destroy old mind sets, thus freeing us. We will speak of communication, personal responsibilities, and intimacy.
Life is good when we live it in the balance and harmony that God has offered us through the person of His Son Jesus Christ. Today, you have one just like Jesus available to you. He is called Holy Spirit. Allow him to arrest you of wrongs; free you by opening your understanding; and teaching you how to for apply biblical principles. Then be courageous enough, to act on insightful principles for results!