I Thess.5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
Did you know that it was the will of God to Give thanks in every thing, not for every thing, but in every thing. We certainly don't thank God for sickness, disease, poverty, lack or other evils. But as we give thanks and hold up Gods good word against adversity, our receiving door stays open for God's blessing of health, wellness, wealth and blessing.
It is very easy to begin to murmur and complain when things are not aligning with the Word of God. But the complaints will only detour us from the blessing that God intends.
The children of Israel were routed through a wilderness to get to the promised land. The wilderness certainly did not look like a God route. But it was at time to exercise faith and for God to be glorified.
A cloud by day and fire by night led them. Manna falling from heaven, fed them. Water gushing from the rock, quenched their thirst. Wilderness routes do not have to be barren times. They do not have to be miserable or lengthy routes. It all depends upon your attitude of gratitude; your willingness to give thanks in all things; and your obedience to the Word of God.
The children of Israel spent 40 years in the wilderness and never entered the promised land. They failed at giving thanks. They failed at willingly obedience. They had manna, water, quail, the cloud and the fire ... their shoes never wearing out and the enemy swallowed in the red sea ... and yet they were discontent and thankless.
Murmuring and complaining, made a short journey long. A trip that could have been a blessing became a drudgery. While God kept proving Himself, they kept stout words against God.
Praise God for those of a different spirit, men who are thankful, willing, obedient and full of faith in God. Joshua and Caleb carried that kind of attitude (spirit) and made not only to the promised land, but to other victories that glorified God.
Let's remember to give thanks in all things during this season and throughout the coming year. Let's keep our faces toward God's goodness and give thanks.
Let's choose to look at the clouds that cover us, the fire that keeps us, the water that washes and refreshes us, the bread and meat that sustains us, instead of looking at what seems barren.
Let us sing in our barren times and bring forth more than we could have ever imagined, quicker than we ever thought possible.