- one that follows;
- especially: one who succeeds to a throne, title, estate, or office;
- to come after as heir
Thomas Jefferson upon arriving in France in 1785 was asked, "Monsieur, have you come to replace Dr. Franklin?" Jefferson answered, "Monsieur Le Comte, no one could ever replace Dr. Franklin. I am only succeeding him."
Clarence H. Hinclcs said:
"Nothing succeeds like one's own successor."
In John 14:12 Jesus said:
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."
Jesus was speaking of you and I ... His successors. He was letting us know that He wanted us to continue in the works that He had begin. Not only did He want us continuing in these works, but He wants us going forward, focused (eyes fixed on Him), doing greater works than He.
He was telling us that He was coming to the end of His earth bound phase of ministry, and moving up to a higher heavenly prayer seat. But, He was not going to leave us alone. He was going to send one just like himself not only to be with us, but also to live in us. ~John 14:14-17
Today Jesus lives in us (in spirit), and His Power comes upon us for service. Jesus working with us today ... to do all the works that He did and MORE! We are His successors! Taking that of His, and showing it to the World, that they might believe and be saved.
In John chapter eight, Jesus said, that He had came from the Father, and did not do anything except what he heard or saw from the Father. Jesus was sent to us by His Heavenly Father, and today we are Jesus Successors in the earth.
Joh 14:20 says it all, "At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you."
Our job is to cooperate with the Holy Ghost, and do the things that we have seen and heard in Christ! The early disciples were successors before us, and they were so ablaze with the Power of the Holy Ghost and the Fire of God, that not even the threat of prison bounds could hold them or keep them from proclaiming the gospel. No satanic or flesh power could stop them. ~ Acts 4
Today we are the successors of those disciples, those who dared take a risk, those who boldly proclaimed, those who fearlessly carried the power of God to a lost world ... imagine greater than!
Let's ARISE to the greater works in Christ Jesus without fear, take ris
Arise ... Take A Risk!
Be the successors that God intended YOU to be!