People are quick to express their thoughts in the arena of change. Some like it, some don't ... most don't. But change is part of living.
As soon as we are conceived change begins. We go from seed to fetus, from fetus to human being and from womb to world. As soon as we are born into planet earth, we begin to grow (some say we begin to die), and in a sense they are right when they are speaking of our human forms.
However, for those in Christ there has been another change. A change that we received called the New Birth.
The New Birth is a death exchange. We become new creatures and receive life eternal. For the Christian, death has no sting. And this bring us to yet another change in our lives.
I Cor. 15:51-57
51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.
55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?
56 The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.
57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
As born again believers we go through a spiritual change upon the confession of Jesus Christ, but that is just the beginning of our changes in life. One we are born again and passed from spiritual death to life we then move to spiritual growth ... more change.
Ro. 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed (changed) by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Once we become believers our minds must be renewed (changed) by the daily reading of the Word of God and our openness to listening to the Spirit of God that now dwells on the inside of us. Christ in Us ... Our New hope of Glory! As our minds are renewed (changed), it causes us to be different outward as well as inwardly ... More change.
When I began to read the Word and understand who Christ was in Me, and who I was in Him, many changes took place, and still are taking place. I have grown, and gone form one level of faith to another and one level of glory to another.
As I begin to read the Bible daily and stay open to the Holy Ghost teachings, I was made aware of things in my life that needed to be Changed. If I were to have tried to make these changes alone, I would have either failed, or the change would have been temporal at best. But I was not alone. I had a wonderful Heavenly Father just waiting for me to call upon him in prayer.
In doing this I was acknowledging my need for His help. Notice I did not say that God (my Heavenly Father) was going to make all my changes for me. NO ... I said, he was there to hear my prayers and help me ... help me through the person of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is called our comforter (our helper) ... not our doer. He has been sent by God to help us. When someone helps us, they are not doing our part. They are giving us additional support in specific areas.
Many people think that change comes to the Christian like cherries dropping off of trees. If the Pastor lays hands on me enough; If I get enough people praying for me. And although prayer and the laying on of hands are good each a part of change, you still have to cooperate (work together with) the Holy Ghost. Even prophesy fulfilled requires a man side.
The Late Lester Summral would say, "Every miracle has a God side and a man side." If miracles from heaven require a man side (and they do), how much more does change require our supply.
Once prayer is made and you have communicate with God concerning your need for change. You open up to his instruction and leading. In doing this you must also be open to the vessel that the Holy Spirit may use to help you. It may be counsel from your Pastor. It may be a friend reaching into your life to speak a work of advise. It may be the Holy Spirit directing you to a church, school or seminar. Obey! That is the next step to change, Obedience.
Miracles do not come without obedience to the Word. Jesus himself could not have even came into the earth without Mary's obedience to the Word and Spirit of God. And lasting, successful life change does not come without obedience to God's Word and Spirit. A faith requirement is put on us for change. So let's recount:
- Salvation
- Devotion to the Word and Spirit
- Obedience
When I read about healing and how "by the stripes of Jesus ... I was healed" I wanted that active in my life, so I had to devote myself to reading the Word of God concerning Healing. I had to obey the written Word. I had to keep my confession, use temperance in all things, keep the Word of God in me and continue joyful in life as the Word works like medicine.
When I read about prosperity and how God would rebuke the devourer and open windows of heaven after we tithed and gave offerings. God's part was to rebuke the devourer and to open the windows of heaven. But I also had a part. I had to agree with the Word and Spirit and give tithes and offerings if I wanted the windows of heaven open and help keeping my finances from being devoured.
Another area that change has came to me in is understanding God's ability to offer us wisdom. He says that He will give us wisdom liberally if we will ask. I ask ... He gives.
My part, His part. God side, Man side.
When I wanted change in my relationships I had to search the scripture for relationship scriptures. Things like: "a soft voice turns away wrath" "consider others better than yourself" "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" or "love others as you love yourself."
When we do things God's way, we get positive change. There is nothing in our lives that can not be changed. With men alone, things can be impossible, but with God nothing is impossible.
What area of your life needs change? Maybe it is just an area or two, or maybe it is many areas. It doesn't matter few or many. God's arm is not too short to help.