Have you ever wanted to give someone a piece of your mind?
I think most people have at one time or the other. If you have not kudos to you.
But for all those who ever want to give someone a piece of their mind; for those who have been frustrated with ignorance, arrogance, and the know it all ... this blogs for you!
~ Martin Fraquhar Tupper once said:
"Well-timed silence hath more eloquence than speech."
What a wise man he was if he remained silent as his quote suggest.
~ Ecclesiastes 3:7 reads as follows:
A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
When we talk about keeping silent we are not talking about never saying anything. We live by our words. But because we live by our words we should learn to choose them well. We should also learn that to cast our pearls before swine is only to have them trampled.
~ Mattew 7:6
Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
Here the word swine represents those who are self centered and believe that they know the way and not one else gets a say. They want to make a mark for themselves without thought for others.
People like this will make their own ruin certain, as the famous Jimmy Durante once said:
"Be nice to people on your way up. You'll meet 'em on your way down."
~ Proverbs 23:9
Speak not in the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words.
So it is best take heed to God's counsel and silently cast off that of a fool.
How is it that keeping silent will help us.
I will be the first to tell you from God's word, and from experience, when you do the will of God (including using your words properly), you will put to silence the ignorance of the foolish.
Many people want to come against authorities and over rule them, instead of communicate properly in a decent order. But the wise will keep silent and do the will of God ... allowing him to direct all paths.
When the time is right God will allow those tongues to be loosed to effect. He will also keep you from wasting good energy within the realms of ignorance, arrogance or the foolish.
There is a time to let your yes be yes, and your no be no, with nothing more said.
~ Matthew 5:37 says:
But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.
It is good to be guided by the Holy Spirit and to walk in love at all expense. However, walking in love is not surrendering to evil nor following after stupidity. It is simple quietly walking away in confidence, knowing that God will open a brand new door of opportunity to you from the stance of integrity.
Many times people want to offer a piece of their mind to others, when those who think themselves to be elite refuse to give them entrance or voice, but I say with a very well respected minsters counsel ...
"If someone pushes you out of their circle ... rejoice they just put in a much larger one, with greater opportunities; Leave them in their own small cages."
You will find that learning to use your words properly is a great advantage; from your words will come your future.
Since Words are a creative force that lay out the rail way for your blessing to come and your future to open, use them well. Do not waste them on those who would trample them; nay, keep for yourself a good future.
Take the words that you have ... and place them before God in times of prayer and meditation. Put them on paper as a vision. Create with them a plan. And offer those inventive and great words to those who are willing to receive them toward good; to those who will constructive aide you for betterment without embitterment, to those who can and will run with the vision at hand.
Funny how people want to recreate a visionaries vision. I pray that visionaries are quick enough and wise enough to know when the vision was placed within them it was a heavenly vision, given them by God, and is not to be altered by man. Man is simply to run with it, and bring it to pass.
I have worked with Pastors (Visionaries) for along time now, and I have watched time and time again people showing up to alter the vision. That is error.
Those sent of God will work well with the Pastor and in the rank of the church. They will not bring strife to those who are planted. So it is with any business. Any Boss worth two red cents will not allow someone to come in and alter the business which they have built. Those who are sent will come to aid within the realm of the vision.
A fool comes in with many words. But those who are wise come in an listen. They find out what the business is all about. They know how to be a wind underneath the visionary.
When trouble tries to come into your company, God has your answer. I recall as I put fingertips to keys a story that involved one beautiful lady named Abigail who was married to quite the fool, his name was Nabal.
Abigail was a wonder. She not only beautiful, but had good understanding. You say if she had such good understanding how is it that she was married to such a fool? That was not a choice she was able to make. That was arranged, and in the end still worked toward her good. Just as many times God has arranged for us to be in places that seemed anything but good, and in the end God brought great victory for those like Abigail who would walk in good understanding.
Nabal was one much like those who refuse to receive others ... as is shared with us in I Samuel 25:10 ... Who is David? and who is the son of Jesse? there be many servants now a days that break away every man from his master.
As we read the story we find the very ones that Nabal was coming against was the ones that had been a wall about his sheep fold.
Those who have been the strength of the wall are always the first to be attacked. They are the ones who will lay down their lives before they see the sheepfold hurt. They will stand until they are brought down before they will stop battling on behalf of the whole. They are not a people to themselves, but a people who want to be sure that all is well within the camp.
When Abigail finds out that war is about to break out because of the foolishness on Nabal, she steps into action. She becomes a peacemaker. She gathers up her goods and heads out to David.
Upon meeting him, David says: ... Surely in vain have I kept all that this fellow hath in the wilderness, so that nothing was missed of all that pertained unto him: and he hath requited me evil for good. So and more also do God unto the enemies of David, if I leave of all that pertain to him by the morning light any that pisseth against the wall.
Abigail being wise did not come against David with Words, she fell down on her face in homage. And then she ask that her words be heard, even before she spake. At this point, Abigail lays out her heart and advice, and it is received. Abigail had learned when to speak and when to be quite. She was with good understanding.
Learn to use your words properly. Learn how to under gird vision. Under girding vision is supporting it, as it has been given the visionary.
The work we are presently involved in is one that had suffered a crisis. When the Pastor heard from God to keep the sheep together in spite of the conflict. We were called upon to under gird that Pastor.
What was our responsibility? To aide the Pastor in holding the group together.
Later when things had calmed, and people had healed.
What was my part in under girding the Vision? It was to find out what the visionaries next direction was.
This time the direction was get it out in the eye of the public.
What was my job? It was to aid the Pastor in getting the organization out in the eye of the public. It was not to alter that plan, with lots of foolish words and ideas that were misplaced.
Does this mean I had no voice. No, absolutely not. It meant that words were used to
communicate properly. It meant respecting ranks and orders and supporting others. Learning to be silent is not being without a voice, but it is learning to listen closely to the inward voice and speaking in time with the vision.
By operating in a unit I saw this organization (group of believers) go from crisis to victory and form victory to thriving victory.
Don't come into a place like a raging bull, or like the king of the palace that you did not build ... learn that in silence and confidence there is a great strength you will be more powerful than you ever imagined!