Dear Stranger
if you in passing, meet me,
and desire to speak to me,
why should you not speak to me?
And why should I not speak to you?
~Walt Whitman
For many 2010 has not been a light breaking year. Some have lost jobs, others changed jobs or been scaled down in pay.
Many have lost homes, and others may suffered through tragedies. We must not close our eyes, nor all the light within us to be snuffed out.
In hardships our light must shine! We are to be like lights on hills, shining in the darkness. Beacons that remain when the harsh winds of adversity blow.
This year I will have the honor and privilege of spending Thanksgiving Day with my immediate, and some extended family. But it has not always been so, our days and years vary ... they are all diverse ... none absolute in their creation. I recall some years with only a few family members and no Turkey or stuffing.
One year our thanksgiving plates were rounded with Pizza Pie and laughter, one with local restaurant goods, surrounded by people we did not know .. but smiles went out creating other smiling faces through the diner.
Some thanksgiving days were spent in remembrance of a family member that no longer sat among us ... and one was spent recovering from a great character attack when heart and emotions had been abused and broken.
Yet, another was spent with an acquaintance, one my family did not really even know at the time. A dear man who had a slight mental illness and had no family near him. While others shunned him, God looked well upon Him by asking us to feed Him and show him love and kindness. Though this man's life hopefully and seemly was blessed that Thanksgiving, ours all the more from the opportunity.
I will spare you the details of all of my families none traditional Thanksgiving events. However, I felt the need to express just a few to make a point.
What's the point you might be asking? The point is ... God is good, ALL the time!
In the easy times and the most challenging times, and we should always show forth His praises.
Eph. 5:15-20
See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.
And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;
Life is what you make it. It is filled with Blessings or Curses, but you get to choose.
Thanksgiving is not about what's on the table, or how beautiful your house is decorated. It is about enjoying lives that are surrounding you and remembering the lives of those who have passed. And like our poet Walt said ... speaking to and befriending those who are passing by.
Thanksgiving was built upon ... thank offerings to Our Heavenly Father. It was a day prepared, and a table set with what the earth brought forth.It was a day without discrimination or war.
It was a relationship building day, when people enjoyed people as much as the food they shared. Children laughing, ideas elaborated on, loved ones remember, and plans made for a bright future.
In our modern world many can enjoy these same things, as well as a warm house, parade, football, movie, shopping ... we are blessed with much to be thankful for. But for some ... there may not be a house, food to eat, TV to watch, or money for shopping. Thus ... our light must shine.
As we enjoy this season. Let us remember to be thankful for, and enjoy all of our blessings. But let us choose to also be a blessing.
Maybe you can invite someone to Thanksgiving Dinner, or offer a smile across a restaurant. You could open your purse to the poor, or aide them by serving in some fashion.
You will know from the deep place within you, what you can and should do.
So with this in mind today (the day before the feast). I challenge you opt to pray a day early, being thankful for all your blessings, and then inquire of what you might do to let your light shine this thanksgiving holiday season.
Be a carrier of light, a vessel of hope, a spokesman and representative of truth. This year, Put the Thanks with the Giving and let others know that God is good!
Keeping the Thanks in My Giving and wishing you a very Happy 'Thanksgiving'.