Friday, June 13, 2014

Message from the Garden

Today as I was walking around our block, I took notice that after just a few days of rain, and being unable to work in the flower gardens,  the weeds had crept in.  Some must have been hiding from the last weeding, as they seemed quite huge.

Looking at the house I thought,
"Wow it looks like no one is living there with all those weeds growing around the house." So I headed out to the still wet yard, while the ground was soft to pull the weeds from my beautiful flowers.
As I was working many thoughts passed through.

Things like: 

  • "Wow, when peoples lives are overgrown with weeds such as adultery, fornication, laziness, idolatry, rebellion, hatred, strife, envy, pride, gossip, quarreling, jealousy, temper, anger, divided loyalties, selfishness, gossip, arrogance, disorder and  other carnal attributes... they  look as no one is living there too."   Can people tell if Jesus is at home in you?   Do they look at you and wonder if He is away on vacation? 
  • "Look at how quickly those weeds have came to take over ... just imagine how quickly spiritual weeds come to ruin a persons life,  leaving them void of the beauty that lies just beneath the weeded mass."
  • "Hum, that weed kinda looks like a flower however, it is wrapping itself around the beauty of the other plant and smothering it out, just as sin can come in looking quite lovely only to snuff out the beauty of truth."
  • "Oh my goodness, that thing is deep rooted. it might take a sharpe edged tool to get to the root of that one.  I wonder how long it takes for just a little sin, to become deep rooted and a strong hold in peoples lives.
  • "Why, is it we can go for days, weeks, years and never see such things in our lives?
  • "Why is it no one likes weeding their gardens?"

Yes the thoughts rolled, as I pulled those ugly things out of my garden. Thinking of how many times I had ran to Jesus, riding myself of such spiritual weeds.  Also,  how some things seemed to be dealt with quickly while others more of a challenge, but none to difficult to remove.   No sin attriubute, no flesh desrie, no addiction or ugliness is to hard for him who loves us.

Scriptures them begin to pass through my heart.

Gen 2:8-9
God planted a beautful weed free garden and made a way for it to be watered.
Gen 2:15
Then he left it in the hands of men to tend, guard and keep.
Gen 3:18
But with the fall came thorns and thistles.

Ugliness came in with the fall ... weeds came in to take over the beauty ... and then beauty (Jesus) rose up to take out the weeds!  He came to restore the beauty of light and life to those who sit in darkness and decay.

Then my spirit mind soared to the Song of Songs as the fragrance of the roses filled the air from which I was working...

Draw me! 

I will run after you!

Bring me close to you! 

I will be glad and rejoice in you!

"You favor your people with love and your fragrance is sweet. The upright are not offended, but sincerely love you. You can take what is dark as night, and illuniate it, until it is flowering light show!

"Nothing is to hard or difficult for you, nothing beyond the transfiguration of your love."

"You are a fountain [springing up] in a garden, a well of living waters, and flowing streams. 

You, Jesus are a fountain in our garden.

You are living waters for our souls, and a flowing stream of life to all who find you."

"How amazing that you have called me a garden (your garden)!  Oh, I pray that the [cold] north wind and the [soft] south wind might blow upon this garden which I offer to you,  and that its spices may flow out [in abundance for you in whom my soul delights]!"

"I am my beloved’s [garden] and my beloved is mine!" 

I am the very soil of which you planet your seeds of life. Yes, I am your garden, given to you to tend as the husbandman should, and I am as yielded as the earth beneath my feet unto the germination of the seed. Seed that might grow within me, so that I become your delight, as you are already my echanted satisfaction.

Oh, you are my beloved ... and yes I am yours!

Oh, but some are left as I was one day ... a [deserted] booth in a vineyard, like a lodge in a garden of cucumbers, like a besieged city, until you came to me and restored me. 

Today I pray for those in dry places, among the thorns of the world. 
I pray that you might call them to yourself. 

I remember the day that you called me by name; the day when I became yours.  I have branded in my mind the joy that overflowed my soul in that hour.

My mind was free to be transformed, my emotions were jubilantly restored, and my will was forever yours. 

I pray for such a day to come to those who's minds are jumbled, confused and tormented; for those who's emotions are shattered and wills are amiss.

My desire for them is that they experience your love and life; that light might dispel the curse of their darkness.

Like mighty Oaks that wither and die without wells springs of waters, so is the soul that does not have a water source.

And yet, a promise has been given to those who will turn from the counsel of the ungodly [ following their advice, their plans and purposes].

Yes, a promise has been given to those who do not stand [submissive and inactive] in the path of sinners. For those who will not sit down [to relax and rest] with the scornful [and the mockers].

For those who delight in the law of the Lord, and habitually meditates (ponders and studies) it by day and by night, they shall be like a tree firmly planted [and tended] by the streams of water, ready to bring forth its fruit in its season, with leaves that shall not wither nor fade in beauty, and everything they do shall prosper [and come to maturity].

Today I call on the Lord to call you out;
Out of barren lands to the life of fertility, to a land flowing with the abundance of beauty and supply.


I ask the Lord to comfort you, even in waste places. And make your wilderness like Eden, and your desert like the garden of the Lord.

My desire is for joy and gladness to be found in you, that thanksgiving and songs of praises will ring free and loud from your soul.

I pray that your life, becomes a song unto Him and a testimony among men.

May the God of Love guide you continually, and satisfy you through droughts. And as you walk in dry places, may He cause you to be as a well watered garden, and like a spring whose waters fail not.

I have not doubt of My God's potential to both hear my prayers and call you 
out!  I have no concern that the very one who created the universe, can keep you. 

For as [surely as] the earth brings forth its shoots, and as a garden causes what is sown in it to spring forth, so [surely] the Lord God is able and will cause rightness, justice and praise to spring forth [through the self-fulfilling power of His Word], into your life.

You will never know what is just beneath the mass of weeds in life, until you call on the husbandman (the Christ) to tend your garden; until you allow him to take you lovingly unto himself.

My job is complete. I have prayed, and placed this word before each reader.

Your journey just begins, as you place you life into his hands.  

Will you allow Him to fill you with His incorruptible seed (Word of God), and cause you to bring forth the life that is within the seed? 

I pray that you will!