Have you ever be around someone and you knew they needed to make changes in their life? But they refuse to take any steps toward that change, and yet they complain daily about their life. Maybe, that person is or has even been you.
Change is not always welcomed and often rejected. If you were change ... you would soon have a complex. And yet change is on going. Things around us are changing regularly, our bodies are changing as you are reading this article. Change happens. It enters whether the door for it is opened or not. It doesn't care how many times it is rejected. It still shows up ready to either hinder or compliment our lives.
Sudden negative change can be devastating. It can take time to repair the damage it brings. But change when it is accepted is much like anything else accepted, a transformation begins for good. Resist it and it seems to continue to cause havoc.
Then there is a time when change needs to be called upon, to aide us in betterment. At this point unless change is embraced and welcomed it seems to stand off and wait for you to open the door.
Any day we wish we can embrace change. Change begins with choice. Our lives revolves around not only change, but choice. People love to blame. They blame others, situations, luck, God or the stars. But Shakespeare said it well when he said, "The fault is not in the stars, but in ourselves."
As long as we blame someone or something, there is no personal responsibility or accountability.
And without taking responsibility and being accountable our lives lie in ruin.
In a world full of resources and knowledge there is no reason for us not to do and be all that we desire. However, we can not despise the days of small beginnings. We begin. And from that beginning we commit to faithfulness, which will carry us to a larger and brighter future.
There is a vastness of knowledge out there, and knowledge is key to building better lives.
Hosea the prophet said:
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
Amazing that even God says through the prophet Hosea that he will reject us if we reject knowledge. God does not want his people to be ignorant. And yet so many use religion as a means to remain dull.
Too many times people who do not want to work, use the excuse that Money is the root of evil (which of course is a misquote and error to begin with), or they use scripture text to justify their laziness or lack of responsibility and accountability. But all that God is cries out for his people to prosper and be healthy; to be wise and responsible. To walk in love and coexist with one another in peace.
John Rohn made a statement that bears repetition.
"We can pretend, rather than perform."
"We can pretend, rather than perform."
"To give a false appearance of being, possessing, or performing"
"To give a false appearance of being, possessing, or performing"
To pretend rather than perform is to live a life of deception, and anyone who is foolish enough to follow such a person ends up in the same dark ditch of being nothing and having nothing, while doing nothing.
Change requires performance; active choices. Change requires you to embrace it and move with it. You can not pretend things are different and get results, you must do something different to get something different!
Change requires performance; active choices. Change requires you to embrace it and move with it. You can not pretend things are different and get results, you must do something different to get something different!