Forerunners are often the abstract in nature, looking as different as a fish surviving out of water. They often recoil to isolated places to spend time alone in the presence of God. They are not social butterflies, but soar like eagles with a power from within, and they can put on pages winds that will set others assail.
Habakkuk 2:2-
And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.
The message translation reads like this:
"Write this.
Write what you see.
Write it out in big block letters
so that it can be read on the run.
This vision-message is a witness
pointing to what's coming.
It aches for the coming—it can hardly wait!
And it doesn't lie.
If it seems slow in coming, wait.
It's on its way. It will come right on time.
Forerunners are planners. They get a hold on a God idea, put it on paper and into the hands of those whom will be inspired enough to run with it.
Throughout history we read of forerunners. Those whom God has used to put his plan into motion in the earth.
Forerunners are not afraid to decrease that others might increase. They understand that they are the very agent that ignites others to get them moving toward greatness.
John the Baptist is the famous forerunner who said to his own followers ... "I must decrease that He might increase" and yet he came ahead of Jesus to baptized him with water. But in doing so, he was sure to express that what he was doing was small potatoes in the light of what Jesus would be doing. Forerunners are not self serving, they serve and benefit others.
Forerunners are the portrait of king of humble. They know how to plant vision in others while being seen and followed, but also know how to do the will of God when they are seemingly invisible.
They are uncompromising and bold. They will speak the truth to their own hurt, they are motivated by values and vision. They know how to take the rap and lay down their headship for God's will to transpire.
They are not moved by delays, hardships, or the voices and opinions of others. They are concrete and difficult to distract. Forerunners are direct, and can often appear arrogant to those who don't know or understand them.
They are the John's, the Joseph's, the Deborah's, the Ruth's, the Mordecai's and Paul's. They are the winds, the flames and the strengths of those who run, they are foundational people whom don't mind being on the bottom to get to the top.
- Do you feel like a square peg trying to be shaped to fit in a round hole?
- Are you mouthy and load ... often confrontational?
- Do you see the need for change nearly everyday in some area of life?
- Do you find yourself dreaming and thinking with paper and pen in hand often?
- Are you often out meditating or praying about the many things that are running through your innermost being?
If so, I am hear to encourage you ... you may be a much needed forerunner. Don't conform, but allow God to transform you to your purpose!