Monday, April 12, 2010

Fruitful and Productive

I like to have fun as much as anyone … but my satisfaction comes from productivity.
My joy is full when I am being fruitful and productive.

I just don’t understand how or why a people would come to church in order to just go home and do it again week after week, as some kind of ritualized obligation.

I go to church to assembly myself together with other believers and worship.
I come to both give my supply and to receive.

I come to get information, to allow unbroken ground in my life to be cultivated, to allow broken land to be fertilized and to be inspired to produce. Among other reasons.

How many would like to bring forth (produce) something specific in their lives in the next 9 months?

So what is holding you back?

To give birth … one begins with two things, living sperm (seed) and egg (soil for the seed).

The Word of God is good seed. There is no doubt about it. It is incorruptible.
1Pe 1:23
Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.

We can see from this passage that God’s incorruptible seed (Word) gave new spiritual birth to us.
Therefore, that same seeding method will cause everything else that you could need or desire to come forth. Thus is God creative ingenuity … He created the principles of seed time and harvest. He created the sowing and reaping.

However, to give birth, seed must first have entrance. And then that seed must be allowed to penetrate areas of life that need to broken and fertilized.

What do you want to give birth to in the next 9 months? Realistically speaking?

If you are not realistic when you decide that you want to give birth to something, you will suffer pain and lose.

The women who the media has labeled Octu mom only gave birth to 8 babies in a nine month period, but this was not under normal conditions. This was the first time Octuplets lived. But it was not healthy for the mom or the babies to birth in this quantity.

There have been a few sets of Nonuplets in which a few of the babies were born alive but only lived a few days. There have also been incidents when a mother started out with 10, 12, or even 15 fertilized eggs, but none survived.

So it is unrealistic to consider giving birth to great quantities of new life in a 9 month period. Realistically and under normal conditions … you bring forth one or two things in a 9 month season. And if you are strong and healthy you may bring forth 3 or 4 things healthily.

Any time you birth in large multiples you are putting yourself and what is being birthed at risk. So when you are ready to move forward and birth your desires, you need to be realistic.

Many people conceive and then abort … they stop the birthing process.

Other people conceive many things at one time and break down under
the pressure and miscarry their desire, or bring forth only to have their desires short lived.

Others consider the labor to be more than they can or want to bear, so they don’t even go near the seed. They just walk around barren all their lives.

Others may be sick and need to be healed before they can bring forth.

In the Bible, Israelite women often wept bitterly as a result of their barrenness. Jewish woman took to heart the covenant between God and Abraham concerning the promise to bless and multiply the seed. That is why women like Rachel cried out to be fruitful.

Gen. 30:1
And when Rachel saw that she bare Jacob no children, Rachel envied her sister; and said unto Jacob, Give me children, or else I die.

*take note here Rachel envied. She also was speaking to Jacob, pressuring him to do what only God could do. She was talking to the wrong person. Instead of pressuring Jacob, instead of manipulating him with statements of death and propositions, she should have been dealing with the envy and darkness of her own heart. Clearing out ground for the good seed enter.

All she did was anger Jacob, because he knew this was not his problem, and he could not fix her. His seed was good. Rachel’s womb, was closed. Like many peoples are ... closed because there is so much flesh mess in their lives.

Jacob planted seed in Leah and she gave birth.
Jacob planted seed in Bilhah and she gave birth.
There was no seed problem.

The problem had to do with Rachel’s bitterness, jealousy and manipulative, controlling attitude.

God wanted Rachel to bring forth (to be fruitful). However, she needed to allow him to work in her life in order for her to be able to bring forth.

God wants his church, the bride of Christ to bring forth fruit and multiply.
But in order for this to happen we must allow God’s word to gain entrance into our lives and we must be willing to press toward the mark for the prize …
John 15:5
1 I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. 2 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.

*as we bear fruit, God will purge us that we might bring forth more fruit.

3 Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. 4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. 5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. 6 If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. 8 Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.

As we continue to walk in obedience to the Word of God, we produce much fruit and glorify God.

*God is glorified when we bring forth fruit, but we are also benefited.
John 15:11 says:
These things I have spoken to you that your joy might remain in you and that your joy might be full. (complete all the time).

Take note of John 15:7 ... If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

Who other than our God can make such promises and keep them? He is amazing and well able to open any barren womb.

The first things that God will deal with in our lives, before we are bring forth is the condition of our soul.

III John verses 2-4
2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth. 4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.

When our soul brings forth fruit (love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance …) good health and prosperity will follow. Not to mention that the fruit of righteousness being a tree of life, will make us ready to step out and win other souls.
~ Pro. 11:30

Jesus tells a parable about a man who found no fruit on his fig tree. Grieved at its lack of productivity, the owner wanted to cut it down. But the vinedresser asked to cultivate it one more year. If it didn’t produce fruit, it would be cut down. ~ Luke 13:6-9

Fruit bearing is a serious thing with Jesus. The cry of the Church should be to be fruitful and productive.

There are many dead works that need to be cut down; dead works that are taking up ground that could be cultivated and seeded with seeds of greatness.

The enemy doesn't care how many church orgasms you have on Sunday as long as you fail to allow the Word to penetrate on Monday your life on Monday. He don’t care how many goose pumps you get on Wednesday, as long as you aren’t fruitful on Thursday.

If we are not careful we can become a people who simply walk around having one spiritual orgasm after another and never bring forth anything useful. We go our entire life from one spasm to another and are never productive.

Moses obeying God went away to get a plan that would benefit people and bring God glory. But by the time he got back down the mountain … spiritual orgy was taking place, all that was being produced was sacred cows; nothing good or productive was coming out of the camp.

Even the young protege Joshua, still green enough behind the ears that he thought it was warfare in the camp! Moses knowing God, knew better. He knew it wasn’t God or the enemy that was making all the ruckus.

God was not in all this loose living. God was the one writing a plan for man to follow for good. Plans that would produce fruit in people’s lives if it was allowed to penetrate their hearts.
~ Ex. 24-32

  • When we shout and we should we need to know why we are shouting.
  • When we run and we should we need to know why we are running.
  • When we dance and we should we should know why we are dancing.
  • When we laugh and we should we should know why we are laughing.
  • And when the dust all settles we need to be standing in the midst of a fruitful life.
  • Not with a sacred cow … but with manifestation of our desires.

Solomon says there are four things that are never satisfied.
  • The Grave
  • The Barren Womb
  • The Earth with rainfall
  • Fire with no boundaries
Prov. 30:15-15

The message reads like this:
A leech has twin daughters. Named Gimme and Gimme more. Three things are never satisfied …, There are four that never say, “That is enough, thank you.” Hell A barren womb A parched land And a Forest fire.
We need to:
  • cry out to God to be productive
  • refuse hell to enlarge.
  • seed our souls and become fruitful
  • cry out for refreshing rains from heaven
  • set boundaries that channels our passion for good
If you are not walking in the fruit of the Spirit you need allow the Holy Ghost to help you to. To arrest you when you are acting unfruitful … and then yield to him as he does.


I call it Stop, drop, and roll.

You stop what you are doing that is unfruitful.
You Drop to your knees ask God to forgive you, and help you to change.
You get up put the word into action and roll on down the highway of life with no condemnation.

We need to keep these things in our lives until we master the sin that so easily besets us.

Let me give you an example:
If a person wants to birth a meek and quiet nature, with a soft answer that turns away wrath, and allowing their speech to be with grace and seasoned with salt.

This won’t produce overnight.
The desire has to be there for it … there has to be a vision of how life would be with that nature.
Incorruptible seed must be given entrance concerning this desire.
The Holy Ghost must be allowed to help, and steps must be taken toward the end result.

What do you want?

What do you want to produce in the next 9 months?
Remember be realistic ... Multiple (overload) is usually detrimental …

Maybe it is health, maybe it is a job with good pay and benefits, maybe it is an x amount of souls won through evangelism, maybe it is a mission trip, or something monetary … house, car, new wardrobe.

Maybe it is something that requires discipline … weight loss, a better relationship with someone.

Steps you can take to bring your faith into sight.
  • Get it engraved down on the inside of you.
  • Put that vision before you eyes.
  • Remain focused … watch out for distractions to pull you off course.
  • Find word (that is rightly divided in it’s truth) concerning your desire; get that word down on the inside of you … let it be engraved in your heart right there with the vision.
  • Keep the Vision before you, Keep the Word like frontlets before.
  • Keep them alive in you by musing on them.
  • Talk to God about the vision often … mutter the Word for the vision to yourself regularly.
  • Thank God for what he has already done concerning this matter, calling those things that are not as though they already were.
  • Meditate on the word day and night concerning the promised end … imagine that thing in fruition.
  • Dream about it every day.
  • Obey the leading of the Holy Ghost and take steps that he directs you toward it.
  • Set short term goals toward that 9 month vision goal.
  • Use your faith … give God something to back on your behalf, that will both please and glorify Him, in the process.
  • Keep weeds of doubt and unbelief out of your life.

Once the manifestation of the desire is birthed, be ready to maintain it … to care for it … to be faithful with it. When you do ... God will add more to you life.