Monday, April 5, 2010

Free to be Fruitful

What we do in life can be:
  • A fruit of who we are
  • A product of who we think others want us to
  • A product of what others expect us to be
Each person is built to be unique. Everyone has their own personal DNA, their own personal finger prints. Even identical twins, no matter how much they look or act alike, they are still different. God has created them that way.

On the inside of each person is a exclusive individual
that needs to be free "To Be."

Jesus came to set us free, not put us in bondage. Many people have the idea that Jesus came to clone us. But Jesus was a very unique individual.
  • He was one of a kind.
  • He was and is the only True God.
  • He was and is the only first born of many.

Jesus never melted into the mold of the Sadducees or the Pharisees. He was exclusively who he was set in the earth to be.

If we go back to the day of Moses we find a lost man, a man in a foreign land. He was raised by the Pharoah's daughter, where he lived in luxury and was taught in a palace. But He was still empty, walked about with a void.

He was in someone else's mold.

He had a purpose on the inside of him. A purpose that he was not fulfilling.
He was a Hebrew trying to fit into an Egyptian world.

He was not free to fruitful, and this resulted in a murderer on the run, with a murdered man left behind in a shallow sandy grave, no to mention multitudes of people left in bondage.

Moses ran and while on the back side of a desert ... a hot, dry, barren, place, God called out, "Moses, Moses." And at the sound of his name, Moses said, "here am I." He did not say Here I am. He said, "here am I."

Although Moses said, "Here am I" ... God said, "I am" when he responded to Moses.
"I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob."

Just as God knows who He is ... Just as Jesus knew who He was, Moses had to find out who he was too.

Not only did God know who He was, He also knew what His purpose was and Moses was included in His purpose, Jesus was included in His purposes and so are we. But most people do not know who they are ... and they will not know until they come to know God. Moses was no exception.

When God spoke to Moses and revealed who He (God) was and what His purpose was ...Moses also begin to see his purpose in life. However, he still did not know Who he was ... he just understood the purpose of God that he was to be a part of ... but until he knew who he was, he would not be able to fulfill the purpose revealed.

After God had revealed purpose to Moses, his respond was, "Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?"

Here we still see Moses ... saying, "Who AM I?" This is a question that so many people have? "Who Am I?"

People are searching, they are trying to find out who they are, so they watch TV and model after actors and actresses. They listen to the radio and model after musicians. They see a magazine cover and decided they want to look like this person or that person and go to strange extremes to be like that person, thinking that will bring happiness and freedom.

When you ask people "who are you?" They offer you their name, but what is behind the name?

Moses knew his name. When God called to him he called him by name. But he didn't know the man behind the name. It was not until God was with him, that he knew the man behind the name.

The only way for a person to truly know who they are
and fulfill their purpose in planet earth
is to get to know God.

Moses had spent his life trying to be what The Pharaoh and his daughter wanted him to be, he had stuffed his real self down deep and lived a very shallow life of pleasing others, of being who he thought they wanted him to be, of who he thought he was suppose to be, and he was not happy. His whole life was a performance, he was the actor. But reality, destiny, purpose, fulfillment, inner peace ... voids.

Many people do this, they are like Chameleons, they change to fit in. They become who they believe others want them to be in order to fit it. And they are not happy. They may have a few happy times, but when the lights go out at night and they are laying in the quite alone ... what then? You might ask yourself the question, "What might I hear if I were to be out in a quite place, with no distractions?" "What would God be speaking to me?"

I have also seen children grow up with no individuality at all. They are walking step-ford children. They are not able to be who they are called to be, or fulfill their purpose in life because they have been so mishandled. And they become hard and miserable. Stones that need to be raised up. Stones that need life.

Jesus called the religious leaders of his day, white washed tombs and empty sepulers. While knowing that we were to be lively stones. They were the dead among the living as Jesus walked with them. Today, with the life of God inside us through the person of Jesus Christ, we can be living stones. We can be life fruitful and life giving.

We can see from God's word in the book of Jeremiah that there is a time when pottery is marred in hands of the potter and must be broken and remolded. Re-molded not by human hands. But by God who offers destiny.
  • The God of purpose.
  • The God who knows your end from your beginning.
  • The God who has plans for you ... plans of hope and a future!

Moses by listening to God, learning who he was and what his purpose in life, was able to free an innumerable amount of people from bondage (slavery). Some have estimated the amount to be 2.5 million people.

Jesus also, as he listened to his Father God has made a way for an innumerable amount of people to be freed from the satanic bondage that keeps us from being all that God has created us to be, that keeps us from having the life and abundance that He intended for us to have.

When I say innumerable here, I refer to this: Whosoever will ... can have this free life through Jesus Christ. That is an innumerable amount, but I am in that number, and you can be too.

For all the people who have misrepresented Jesus and left people felling like Christianity puts them into bondage. I send my apologizes. Jesus is life giving and wants people to be free.

  • Jesus did not come to condemn
  • He came to seek and save the lost
Moses probably would not have said while walking around the palace ... I think I'm lost. No, he knew where he was geographically, but He had no clue as to where he was suppose to be in life, because he did not know who he was. He knew some things about himself, but he did not know in totality, because he had not encountered God personally.

He had been nursed by his biological mother and played among the Egyptians and most likely his own biological siblings. He had been told by someone (his mother, his adoptive mother, his peers) that he was Hebrew. But this only left him more confused, with questions like this: "Then why am I here?" "Am I Egyptian or Hebrew?" "Who do I love?" "Why are those who are raising me, holding those who were born as me in captivity?" "Will I too be subjected to harsh labor and bondage in my future?" "God, Who is God?"

When Jesus was coming into the coast of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?

And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets.

People were supposing Jesus to be this person, or that person. They would also have to believe in reincarnation if they thought these things. But Jesus knew who he was ... therefore, he did go into bondage of other peoples ideas, or futile religious beliefs.

If that were some people, and they would have heard someone thought them to be John the Baptist, they would have went out and bought a camel hair coat and a bottle of wild honey and bag of locust, even though they did like camel hair or honey and locust.

If they would have heard they were like Jeremias, they would suddenly they had a prophetic weeping ministry. They may have went off into some kind of mantra trying to stir up dead spirits and draw them to themselves. But not Jesus! Jesus was his own man. He was Free. Free from opinions, ideas, and empty religious beliefs. Free to be fruitful. Free to walk with the God of the living and follow his own spirit.

Jesus continues to ask the disciples ... "Who do you say that I am?"

Peter says, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."

At this Jesus commended Peter. Peter was coming to know Jesus.

Jesus commended Peter, and then revealed to Peter who he (Peter) was in the process. As soon as Peter came to know the God who lived in, and was Jesus, he begin to know who he was too. His purpose was made clear. When you spend time in the presence of Jesus, you learn quickly who God is, and who you are. You hang around those who always trying to be this or that ... you soon become confused.

It is not until we know who Christ is that we can know who we are ... and until we know who we are, we can not be the fruitful exclusive individuals that God has created us to be. We can not be successful until we are free to be ourselves.

God did not tell Moses that He was A God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. He said, "The God."
Peter did not say to Jesus, "You are A Christ of A living God." He said, "You are The Christ of The living God."

This is the truth that we must come to in order to really be free. Free from death, hell and the grave. But also free in this life to fulfill our destiny. To do what we are designed to do here on planet earth ... to be fruitful and multiply.

When we come to the place that we are ready to receive Jesus into our lives as The true living God ... not a god, or a teacher ... but God.

The one who was born of a virgin, living as God manifest in the flesh, laid down his life on a cross for us, descended into hell to remove the keys of death, hell and the grave from Satan himself, was raised and walked among the living, then ascended on high to atone for our sins.

It is when we receive Jesus as Lord ... just as Peter said by revelation, "You are the Christ, the son of the living God." That we free.

"If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed."

Some people say they are free ... but to be truly free ... one must be set free by Jesus Christ. It is by His blood and our testimony that we overcome. It is by grace and our confession of faith, that we are saved. Those who believe themselves to be free outside of Christ are deceived. If they only knew the truth, and would receive it, they would take on a whole new definition of freedom.

So if you have not gotten to know him ... if you have not received him in you life as Lord. I am asking that you do so today. He loves you and is waiting to reveal Himself to you. He wants to reveal ... the I am in your life.

All you have to do, is invite him in. Ask him to reveal himself, and to help you to understand your purpose and WHO YOU ARE! Make him Lord if you haven't already.

If you have already received Jesus as Lord. You should know who you are. If not be like the good disciple Peter, and spend time in his presence. Allow him to reveal the I am in You!