Thursday, April 22, 2010


Today my prayers and meditations took me to the winds.

Winds that carry.

My meditations were not of the breeze which blows, which are evidence but never seen.
The winds I was pondering were not mere winds, but of angels. Thus, today's blog!

Seven out of ever ten people polled believe in angels, but few have an understanding of angels. Many believe there are only good angels, that angels can not be evil. Some believe angels to be immortal human spirits with wings which is a misconception. We see peoples images of angels as small fat babies, naked and winged with a small band of material wrapped around their middle ... and of this there is no such biblical (ancient of days) account. Some even believe angles only to be a figment of imaginations.

Angels like natural winds are normally not seen with the natural eye, but their presence very evident. However, Angels unlike the natural winds can at times be seen with a natural eye, depending up their assignment.

Angels do not all look the same, they do not all have the same responsibilities, and they will one day be judged. In saying this I am not building a doctrine of angels, for we are to never build doctrines of angels .... nor are we to allow angels to minister any doctrine other than the Word of God, which has been established as our foundational truths, tried and proven.

We must be aware of the wiles of the devil, understanding that he himself can come to us "as" and angel of light. He is cunning and stealthy working toward the destruction of the souls of men.
Therefore, we can not believe everything we hear concerning the Spirit World, neither can we believe every spirit which may be sent to us.

God's Word is a solid foundation upon which we can build our lives. And the Holy Spirit is the one just like Jesus sent into the earth to be in us, come up on us, and be with us for service. The Holy Spirit will always lead in line with God's foundation Word. Any angelic message or encounter should also be able to be backed by the truths founded in the Word of God.

But unless we know what God has reveled about the angels we don't have much to secure us, or keep us safe from deception. So let me briefly discuss the angels according to the Word.

In our dealing with angels and discussions of angels, let's remember that God has been mindful of us (humans) not angels. Let us also recall, that at no time has an angel been called (son of God), or (sons of God). Jesus was The Son of God, and he the first born of many sons, by the new birth, which we have been offered through Jesus' life, death, burial, decision, resurrection and ascension. Angels long to look into the plan of salvation ... salvation that we haven been offered something that even the angles have a hard time grasping according to I Peter chapter 1.
Have all angels been created by God?
Yes according to Col. 1:16-17 God created all that is heaven and earth ... all that is visible and invisible ... and all things are held together by him.

Angels are God's own creation. Each assigned to their places and positions through and by him.
Even Satan has been assigned his place, along with the 1/3 of fallen angels who rebelled against their own creator; with this knowledge we see that angels do have free will. And they will be judged one for their choices, as men are judged for their choices.

This reveals much to me about our wonderful Heavenly Father. How he is one who offers all free will, not a controlling, manipulating or evil Spirit being, as some may have imagined.

Some would say then why do some people go to hell ... FREE WILL. They are where they are, and will be where they will be simply by choice ... as it is with angels.

Do angels have names?
We know some do, and by this suppose they do have names, we just do not know all their names. In Daniel chapters 8 and 9 we find that Gabriel is mention as a named angel. He is mentioned again in Luke chapter 1.

Another named angel was Michael, who according to Jude 1:9 is an Archangel and in Rev. 12:7 we find he has other (unnamed) angels who were called (his angels) who fought battles in the heavens, against an evil realm (the dragon and his angels).

In Judges Chapter 13, we find an Angel coming to Manoah and yet offering no name. So we find some angels have names that we are aware of and others may well have names that we just do not know.

Another truth we see here according to Jude 1:9 and Rev. 12:7 that angels have ranks (apparently much like military ranks), as we see Michael with his angels fighting a battle.
Ezekiel also expresses ranks of angels to us in some depth.

From Rev. 12:7 we also see that there are not just good angels ... but their are evil angels as well. Today we sometimes call these fallen angels demons, or demonic spirits. Satan himself is an angel of sorts ... yet fallen and evil.

How many angels are there?
Heb 12:22 But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels.

What are angels sent to do, besides wage war in the heavens?
Angels have many assignments according to God's written Word.
They are found ascending and descending from heaven to earth ... so their assignments are in both heavenly and earthly realms.

We find in Isaiah 6:1-3 we find the angels in the heavenly realm worshiping and praising God. This I must perceive not as a set assignment since God does not control (not even the angels), and has given free will to his creation, that this is a chosen activity offered.

Angels can be assigned to carry revelation. We find this at the birth of Jesus and also in the book of Revelation. Angels were also involved in revealing the law to Moses according to Acts 7:52-53. We also know that an angel stood with Paul during his day of shipwreck telling him that not one would be lost in their day of adversity.

At times angels have been known to carry provisions. In the book of Genesis we find an angel aiding Hagar with provision. I Kings 19 we find again provisions and when Jesus came out of the wilderness after being tempted by the devil, it is said that he was hungry and the angels came and ministered to him. We also see them involved in deliverance as angel was assigned to Peter to aid in his release from prison.

Angels also are carriers of God's Word, aiding in them coming to pass at times. Daniel 10:12 Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words. Angels are always there to hasten God's Word to perform it.

That does not mean that they only do what God tells them to do, but it means they obey God's Word. And when you speak God's Word. When You speak words aligned to God's written truths. The angels carry those words, and see to it they are performed. Angels go form heaven to earth, they carry Words and carry out assignments. Every little child has an angel standing before the Father ... Matthew 18:10.

This is just a very, very brief bit of information concerning the angels. God's Word is filled with such knowledge. If I were to pen all the stories that people have to tell, all the encounters that humans have had concerning angels, time would escape me.

I have my own encounters, I have my own story. I am sure you may have one too.
If not, maybe you will.
If not ... you can be assured that you are not alone in this World.
God made a way through Jesus for the Holy Spirit to be here, so we would not be alone, and along with the Holy Spirit is much invisible spiritual activity. John 14-16 Acts 1-4 Psalms 34